Sparwood Secondary School


MAY 2014

Principals Message:

It seems like we were just starting the year and here we are celebrating Sparwood Secondary School’s Class of 2014, as they plan the next step of their future. The grad parent committee with Jennifer Steen as the Chairperson have been working very hard to prepare for this year’s Commencement Activities, which will be held on May 30th and May 31th. The Grad Banquet will take place in the SSS “Tucker” Gymnasium on May 30th at 6:00 p.m., and The Class of 2014 Commencement Ceremony will take place May 31st at 6:00 p.m., also in the SSS “Tucker” Gymnasium.

Congratulations to Ashley Steen, who will represent SSS Class of 2104 as Valedictorian!

The Class of 2014 is small but versatile group of students. They are athletically inclined, they are academically inclined, and they are artistically inclined. At Sparwood Secondary we believe in lifelong learning, and every year our graduation class leaves with the knowledge that they have not only graduated but they are prepared to deal with change in this ever changing world. Class of 2014 you have made us proud.

Your future experiences will be filled with new choices, but I ask you to remember your roots. Be proud of where you came from. Keep the memory of your graduation ceremony with you always.

GRADS!! On behalf of the administration and staff of Sparwood Secondary School, as well as, all the other teachers who have contributed to your education, I would like to offer the Sparwood Secondary Class of 2014 our congratulations.



Important Dates:

May 9 / Red Day – No School for Students
May 19 / Blue Day – Victoria Day – Stat Holiday
May 30 / Grad Banquet – 6:00 p.m.
May 31 / Commencement Ceremony – 6:00 p.m.
June 6 / Green Day – Pro D Day – No School for Students
June 26 / Final Report Cards


East/West Kootenay Track and Field Championships will be held Thurs., May 15th at the College of the Rockies for Grades 8-12.

Track practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, and Monday and Wednesdays at lunch.

There will also be a Track Meet for Grade 7’s in Fernie at the end of June(date to be announced).


Any students interested in participating in the talent show on June 17th, need to sign up in the MPR by May 16th! Prizes available for both Junior and Senior categories! Come sing, play an instrument, tell a joke ... whatever!


If you would still like to order School Clothing, please have your order in by Wed., May 14th. This will be the last order of the year. Thanks for your support!!


Parents as Writing Partners

To get better at writing it’s important that children write a lot. The more children write, the more fluent they are.

Children should practice writing narratives. Every job interview, every scholarship application, college essays, and business advertisement will be an opportunity for your child to tell their own stories. Children should be writing argumentative pieces, your children need to be able to advocate for themselves and others; to defend positions with logic and evidence; to become more persuasive, compelling, and ethical.

Tips for parents:

  1. Help writers rehearse their structure – begin your help at the start of the writing process, not the end, children struggle with organization.
  2. Help writers elaborate – kids talk more than they write - jot down key ideas, they may need them later. Be a transcriber, let your child talk while you record their ideas.
  3. Work with checklist and exemplars – ask the teacher for these.
  4. Show children how to work with study partners – when students go off to college or to the work environment they will study/work with friends, start the practice now!

(Ehrenworth, M. (2014). Parents as writing partners. Educational Leadership, 71 (7), 22-27.)


GLP program was created in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and students who complete receive two grade 11 credits.


We would like to thank everybody for the generosity in helping us get back up on our feet. From the donations, the hugs and the kind words our community is the reason we are able to smile and know everything is going to be okay!

Thank you!!

Nadine, Becca and Brittany

Me To We Trip

Spring Break 2015 to Ecuador Amazon for Grades 10 to 12. Meeting will be on Wed., May 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sparwood Secondary SchoolMPR Room. For further information, please contact Kerrie Purdy (250) 425-5485 or