Tuesday 11 February, 2014 at 7.45pm – Teleconference




Present: Lee-Anne Carpenter, Gavin Murphy, Peta Murphy, Damien Green, Bryan Bird, Fiona Young (ED)
Apologies: Catherine Swift

Conflict of interest declaration – nil

Confirmation of previous Minutes


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Matters for decision

2.1.1 2014-2016 Strategic Plan
The public comment period on the final document has concluded with positive feedback received. The Board unanimously endorsed the Plan and will determine a suitable ‘launch’ date soon.
2.1.2 Referee Committee
The Board discussed the draft Terms of Reference for a Referee Committee prepared by the ED and adopted these pending any further comment from the Referee representatives. The Board also considered conferring Life Membership of Squash Vic on Life Members of the VSRRA. It was agreed this could be done and that an appropriate forum would be the May 2 AGM and Awards Night. The President suggested thought should be given to both Life Member and Hall of Fame nominations for this year.
Action – possible nominations to be discussed at the next Board meeting.
2.1.3 Board Induction Policy
The Board unanimously adopted the Board Induction policy.
2.1.4 AGM 2014 Board Nominations
Following the Constitutional amendments voted on by members at the January 20 EGM and subsequently approved by the Department of Justice and effective as of January 29, 2014 – 4 Director positions out of the 7 elected positions will become vacant for the 2014 AGM. The remaining 2 positions are appointed and the Board can consider these positions following the AGM.
As one position is already vacant (following Daniel Tanner’s resignation), three other positions must be declared vacant. Current Directors in these positions may, of course, re-nominate.
Discussion ensued around which Director positions to declare vacant. Damien Green advised he would not stand for re-election as he felt he was unable to devote sufficient time to the position. Lee-Anne Carpenter and Gavin Murphy indicated they would stand for re-election.
Board nomination information will be distributed by 6 March with completed documentation to be received by 31 March.


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Matters for discussion

3.1 Executive Director Report –

No report for this month. The Strategic Plan is currently being loaded in to the Plans@Work reporting template along with the operational plans. Staff training on the use of the updated system will be undertaken in the next couple of weeks.

3.2 Finance Report –

No report for this month. The preparation of the end of year financial documents is underway with Morris Whorlow & Co booked to undertake the required financial review in late February. The ED will meet with the Finance Director prior to the review.
The 2014 Squash Vic is in the final stages of preparation and will be discussed with the Finance Director prior to Board consideration at the March meeting.
3.3.1 Squash Australia President’s Council Report – The President outlined the discussion at the President’s Council regarding Squash Australia’s Constitution review process and asked if Board members were happy to continue with Peta handling the decisions on this issue. There will be a further meeting (teleconference) to continue the amendment discussions in the next few weeks. It is likely the Squash Australia AGM will be pushed back to an April date.
The President noted that Members had also considered the Australian Open and felt it was important to have this event. Squash Vic indicated interest in hosting the tournament in the near future on a smaller scale.
3.3.2 Squash Vic Player Registration – The President noted a number of discussions have been taking place with clubs and associations although it would appear some club players have had little information passed on. There was concern that members are not being informed of the changes and therefore not aware they are no longer covered by Squash Vic’s insurance. The Squash Vic office is also following up with clubs on the registration process.
The President and ED attended a positive meeting with the Mornington Peninsula Association and also discussed the option for club fees to be collected online as well as the Squash Vic component.
The ED noted that Masters have not provided any information on their website and will contact their President to assist in this regard.

Matters for Noting

Minutes of Subcommittees
Damien Green will circulate an updated paper from the Competition & Participation Working Group meeting for the next Board meeting.
Action - Damien Green to provide the Working Group paper to the ED for the next meeting’s Agenda documents.



general BUSINESS

Victorian Open Tournament Group
The ED mentioned the possibility of establishing a working group to assist with the running of the Victorian Open. This would then be a good basis for an Australian Open tournament committee in the future.
It was agreed expressions of interest should be sought with the view to establishing a working group in the next month or so.
Action – ED to promote EOI through the website etc. with Board members to consider nominating people to participate.
“Hitting the Future” Conference
The ED reported that the joint conference run on Sunday February 9 between Badminton, Squash, Table Tennis and vicsport was a worthwhile and engaging event. Approximately 52 people attended the sessions although the squash representation was disappointing.
It is anticipated the event will be run again in 2015.



Meeting finalisation

Details of next meetings:

·  Tuesday 11 March, 7.00pm @ MSAC Lakeview Room 2

Meeting closed 8.45pm
Chairperson Date