Confirmation Preparation Program
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Questions and Answers
Q:Are there new policies regarding preparation for Confirmation?
A:Bishop DiLorenzo has established new policies for the Diocese of Richmond
effective the 2010-2011 school year.
Q: At what age should teens prepare for Confirmation?
A: In this diocese, teens may choose to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation in
the 10th, 11th or 12th grades.
Q: What are the requirements for Confirmation preparation?
A: - Weekly attendance at Mass.
-Faithful attendance at Sunday night Christian Formation classes.
-Attendance at a separate, direct Confirmation preparation class (12 hours).
-Participation in at least one parish youth retreat.
-Teens are also invited to attend youth group meetings and participate in all other parish youth activities, such as service projects.
Q: When will the Confirmation preparation sessions be offered?
A: Youth will have a choice of Monday nights or Wednesday nights once a month
throughout the school year or a weeklong session in August 2010.
Q: What curriculum will be used?
A: The curriculum will follow the guidelines outlined in the new Confirmation
policy published by the Diocese of Richmond in January 2010.
Q: What else is involved in the program?
A: A parent/youth orientation session and a Rite of Welcome (at Mass on Sunday) will
kick off the program. Rehearsal will take place before Confirmation Day.
A teaching Mass, celebrated by Fr. Tim, and a potluck dinner will be held after
Confirmation Day.
Q: What is the “intake interview?”
A: The new program includes an interview with parents and teens to assess
readiness to enter Confirmation preparation. This past January, interviews were
held with all 10th graders enrolled in Christian Formation classes. The pastor or
youth minister may request follow up interviews of these rising 11th graders or
any others wishing to begin Confirmation preparation.
Q: How do I register my teen?
A: Since Bishop DiLorenzo requires concurrent participation in regular Christian
Formation classes, any teen who registers for class and who indicates on the form that he/she has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation, will receive a Confirmation information packet. If you, as a family, decide the teen will prepare for Confirmation this year, a separate Confirmation registration form MUST be completed and submitted to the parish office. Enrollment in regular Christian Formation classes WILL NOT automatically register your youth for Confirmation.
Q: How do we decide which year to prepare for Confirmation?
A: Each family and each teen are unique and at different places on their faith journey.
Your teen should express a desire to prepare for and receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation. If your child does not attend Mass, and has not been involved in Christian Formation or youth group, you may want to start attending Mass and get them involved in classes and youth group and wait a year before Confirmation preparation.
Q: Do we need to submit a copy of a Baptismal certificate?
A: A copy of your teen’s Baptismal certificate MUST be submitted with the registration form for the Confirmation program. A person who has not received the Sacrament of Baptism may not receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Q: Who coordinates and teaches the program?
A: Maryann Hakowski, Pastoral Associate/Youth Minister, coordinates the entire youth
ministry program, grades 6-12. Teams of dedicated parishioners coordinate the Confirmation programs. Speakers – both parish staff and parishioners - also teach some of the classes.
Q: Who can be a sponsor?
A: A sponsor must be a baptized, practicing Catholic in good standing, at least 16
years old. Parents are not eligible to be sponsors. The sponsor does not need to be
a member of Holy Spirit, but must submit a letter from their pastor saying they
are eligible to be a sponsor. According to Church law, if possible, it is desirable
that the sponsor be one of the original godparents.
Q: When and where are the teens confirmed?
A: Confirmation is usually held sometime after Easter. The bishop’s office sets the date.
Q: How do you know if a teen is ready to be confirmed?
A: At the end of Confirmation preparation, each teen writes a letter to the pastor
expressing a desire to be confirmed. There is also an interview the month before
Confirmation. Any teen who feels she/he is not ready is welcome to wait a year.
Q: Who can I talk to if I have more questions?
A: Call Maryann at 468-3600, 114 or e-mail