( VES )

Duration of VET course

One Year

Address of Host School or Non School Provider

School VCAA code: 01175

VASS Provider code:BSB20112

Name of VET Coordinator:

Ms Sandra Vaina

Email Address of VET Coordinator

Phone Number of VET Coordinator 9546 9066

Auspiced by

RTO Code: Australian Institute of Education and Training

Course details derived from Training Package _____


Attendance Day/Times

Wednesday 11am-4.00pm

Classes1st year: Cert II in Business

2nd year: Cert III in Business

No. of places per class

25 including internal students

Total Cost of VET Course $

Tuition Cost- as a component of Total Cost TBA

Materials Cost-as a component of Total Cost TBA

Course Aims:

The aims of the VCE VET Business program are toprovide students with a broad range of knowledge and skills to pursue a career or further training in the business industry. The Certificate II and III in Business provide a pathway for students who wish to continue with their business studies into higher education.


Unit 1 & 2 *

*UOC are subject to change

BSBWHS201A / Contribute to health and safety of self and others
BSBCMM201A / Communicate in the workplace
BSBWOR203B / Work effectively with others
BSBITU2101A / Produce simple word processed documents
BSBWOR202A / Organise and complete daily work activities
BSBCUS201B / Deliver a service to customers
BSBIND201A / Work effectively in a business environment
BSBINM201A / Process and maintain workplace information
BSBINM202A / Handle Mail
BSBITU202A / Create and use spreadsheets
SBSUS201A / Participate in environmentally sustainable work practice
BSBWOR204A / Use business technology 2nd Year


Unit 3 & 4

BSBWOR301B / Organise personal work priorities and development
BSBINM301A / Organise workplace information
BSBITU306A / Design and produce business
BSBPRO301A / Recommend products and services BSBCUS301B Deliver and monitor a service to customers

Workplace Assessment Modules:

Code / Unit of Competency/Module Name / Host School/RTO / Industry

Materials: Supplied

Selection guidelines:


Certificate III in Business

Structured Workplace Learning On-the Job Training:

80 hours

VCE Unit Status:

  • Students who complete BSB20112Certificate II in Business will be eligible for up to four units ofcredittowards their VCEat Units 1 and 2 level.
  • Program 2:Students who completeBSB20112Certificate II in Business with additional units of competency from BSB30112Certificate III in Business will be eligible for five units ofcredit towards their VCE: three units at Units 1 and 2 leveland a Units 3 and 4 sequence.

Note:The Units 3 and 4 sequence of VCE VET Business is not designed as a stand-alone study. Students are strongly advised against undertaking the Units 3 and 4 sequence without first completing Units 1 and 2.

VCAL Unit Status:

ATAR Contribution: Students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution for the Units 3 and 4 sequence of VCE VET Business must undertake scored assessment for the purpose of achieving a study score. This study score can contribute directly to the ATAR, either as one of the student's best four studies (the primary four) or as a fifth or sixth study.

Note:Where a student elects not to receive a study score for VCE VET Business, no contribution to the ATAR will be available.

Duplication: (if any)

Subject to change – correct as of Page 1 of 5

Assessment Plan for Certificate II in

Student Number:

UoC Code / Assigned to:
UoC/Module Name / Work Perf.
(1st) / Work Perf.
(2nd) / Work Project
(1st) / Work Project
(2nd) / Product
(1st) / Product
(2nd) / Portfolio
(1st) / Portfolio
VASS Data / Entry No: / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08
Allocation of nominal hours

Subject to change – correct as of Page 1 of 5