Confirmation Name Report

Annunciation Parish

*Due Sunday, January 29, 2017

Please Type

You are asked to choose a saint’s name or the name of a Christian virtue for Confirmation. You are free to reaffirm your Baptismal name as your Confirmation name, or you can choose a new name. The name that you choose for your Confirmation name is the name by which the Bishop will address you as he confirms you. You are encouraged to talk over your choice with your parents and with your sponsor.

1.  Your full name as you want it to appear on your Confirmation Certificate

2.  What saint’s name or virtue name do you wish to be called by when the Bishop confirms you?


3.  Why are you choosing this name? (If you have chosen the name of a virtue for your Confirmation name, please also choose a particular saint to be a model to you of how to practice this virtue in your life.




4.  When did this saint live? ______

5.  What is this saint’s feast day? ______

6.  When and how did this saint die?


7.  What is it that this saint is the patron saint of?


Please complete both sides of this report

8.  Why is this person a saint? What did he/she do in his/her life? ______






9.  We are united with all the saints (those with a capital ‘S’ and those with a small ‘s’) who have gone to God before us. We call our union with all the saints who have gone to God, with all of us on earth today who live in God’s grace and goodness, and all those who will come after us, the Communion of Saints. This is a wonderful thing. We can turn to these saints in prayer and conversation and ask them to care for us, love us, and support us with their prayer. Please take some time and pray/talk to your special saint and ask him/her to help you in whatever you need. You are asked to type your prayer in the lines provided.










