Confirmation Interview Questions

Please prepare for your interview! You should be able to really explain each answer. You may need to do some research, review by listening to the podcast on the topic, or ask other people to help! You will not be asked anything not on this list, and you will not be asked all of these questions, but you may be asked any of these questions.

  1. Why do you want to be confirmed? Why do you want to be Catholic?
  1. What does the Sacrament of Confirmation do in the life of a Christian? What do you hope it will do in your life? OR How do you think the Holy Spirit can help you in your life? (Part of your answer should be that through the Sacrament of Confirmation there is a completion of Baptismal Graces and you receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit)
  1. Tell me about your faith journey, specifically your relationship with Christ? (take some time to really think about how to talk about your relationship with Jesus, how you have come to know Him, how you view Him, how your relationship with Him has grown or changed, have you had times you felt closer to Him or farther away, etc.)
  1. Do you have any difficulties with any teachings of the Catholic Church? Are there any teachings you don't understand or questions you have not had answered, yet?
  1. What do we as Catholics believe about the Eucharist? Is this hard for you to understand?(as Catholics we believe it is not a symbol but actually Jesus, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity)
  1. Are you committed to going to Mass every week? To living as a faithful Catholic to the best of your ability?
  1. How would you explain the Trinity. (One God, three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), each is 100% God, but each Person is distinct from the other in their relationship to each other)
  1. What is the basic Gospel message of salvation?(that God is not a distant God, unconcerned with His people. God created us in love to be in union with Him. Through the fall of Adam and Eve, man’s relationship with God was ruptured. But God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the salvation of the world. This is a free gift to all of us so that we can live in right relationship with God again and be with Him someday in heaven for all eternity.)
  1. What is the definition of a Sacrament? (you should know this word for word: outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace)
  1. What are the seven Sacraments?(Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders[he ordination of a deacon, priest, or bishop], Marriage)
  1. What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit? Which gifts do you need in your life?(wisdom, knowledge, understanding, fortitude, counsel, piety, fear of the Lord)
  1. How would you explain to someone what we as Catholics believe about the Sacrament of Reconciliation?(that it is a gift from God to be reconciled to Him, through Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross we are able to receive His mercy. Jesus gave His Apostles the power to forgive, and not forgive sins, and they have passed on this power to our current priests today. We confess to a priest our serious sin because that is how Jesus set it up, and because God knows we need it. We are physical and spiritual so it is a gift to be able to hear the words “you are forgiven.”)
  1. What happens in the Sacrament of Baptism and why is it important? (In Baptism we are cleansed of Original Sin and any personal sin, welcomed into the family of God as adoptive sons and daughters of the Father, member of the Body of Christ, and a temple of the Holy Spirit. By this we are incorporated into the Church.)
  1. Why do you choose a Saint for Confirmation? (The Saints who have been “canonized” are those people who the Church believes to be in heaven and who have led lives of exceptional holiness as examples for all of us. We can look up to them, learn from them, be encouraged by them, but we can also trust that they are praying for us and want to help us to get to heaven, also.)