Data transmission to Eurostat 1 / 1

Local Co-ordinators


BE / Belgique/België / Institut National de Statistique / Mr. Claude DELANNOY /
CZ / Ceskárepublika / Czech Statistical Office / Mr. Pavel KUBIN /
DK / Danmark / Danmarks Statistik / Mrs. Annegrete WULFF /
DE / Deutschland / Statistisches Bundesamt / Mr. Walter BRÜCKMANN /
EE / Eesti / Statistical Office of Estonia / Mrs. Eva TAMM /
EL / Elláda / National Statistical Service of Greece / Mr. Andreas VELLAS /
ES / España / Instituto Nacional de Estadística / Mr. Rafael MENDEZ CRUZ /
FR / France / Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques / Mr. Bertrand MICHEL DE PREVIA /
IE / Ireland / Central Statistics Office / Mr. Paschal HAYES /
IT / Italia / Istituto Nazionale di Statistica / Mrs. Rossana BALESTRINO /
CY / Kypros / Statistical Service of Cyprus / Mr. Costas DIAMANTIDES /
LV / Latvija / Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia / Mr. Pavels ONUFRIJEVS /
LT / Lietuva / Statistics Lithuania / Mr. Michail SOLOVJOV /
LU / Luxembourg / Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques / Mr. Mike BISSENER /
HU / Magyarország / Hungarian Central Statistical Office / Mr. Gergely BAKSAY /
MT / Malta / National Statistics Office / Mr. Jeffrey BEZZINA /
NL / Nederland / Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek / Mr. Roelof LINDEMAN /
AT / Österreich / Statistik Österreich / Mr. Rudolf THOMA /
PL / Polska / Central Statistical Office / Mr. Slawomir KOWALCZYK /
PT / Portugal / Instituto Nacional de Estatìstica / Mr. Antonio PORTUGAL /
SI / Slovenija / Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia / Mrs. Katja ŠNUDERL /
SK / Slovensko / Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic / Mr. Marian ŠVONDRK /
FI / Suomi/Finland / Statistics Finland / Mrs. Eija REINERT /
SE / Sverige / Statistiska Centralbyran/Statistics Sweden / Mrs. Agneta SVERKEL-ÖSTERBERG /
UK / United Kingdom / Office for National Statistics / Mrs. Kathryn TALBUT /
BG / Bulgaria / National Statistical Institute / Mr. Plamen MINKOV /
HR / Croatia / Central Bureau of Statistics / Mr. Dejan BOŽIC /
RO / Romania / National Institute of Statistics / Mrs. Mioara RADOI /
TR / Turkey / Turkish Statistical Institute / Mr. Ali Abbas CIFTCI /
IS / Island / Statistics Iceland / Mr. David DAVIDSSON /
NO / Norway / Statistics Norway / Mrs. Marianne VIK DYSTERUD /
CH / Switzerland / Office fédéral de la statistique / Mr. Claude MACCHI /