Confirmation Faith Celebration!
When:October 23, 2016
Where:Parish Life Center, Prince of Peace
Who:Confirmands, their families, special invited guests, & church faith web
Purpose:To celebrate the life and faith of students who will be confirmed on
October 29 & 30, 2016
Goal:To provide an affirming atmosphere where confirmands can share their faith in a visual and verbal presentation, eitherone-on-one or to a small group of people.
Sunday, October 23 Faith Celebration Evening Schedule:
6:40pmConfirmandsmeet in the Parish Life Centerand set-up their tri-fold. Get table assignment, name tag, last minute instructions, and prayer circle.
Parents, families, and special guestsmeet in the sanctuary for words of instruction about the evening.
7:00pmParents, families, and special guests come to the Parish Life Center where they are greeted, mingle with the confirmands, and hear presentations of faith stories while enjoying refreshments.
7:45pmConfirmation rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Can someone help me with my tri-fold?:
Yes, you can ask an adult to help you think through your tri-fold. This adult can ask you questions to help you think and plan your tri-fold subject areas and presentation. He or she might help you with your research or the gathering of items needed to put on your tri-fold. And this adult can help you with your spelling and grammar (we all need help with that)! Otherwise, you need to put your own faith stories on your tri-fold and your own work should be on the tri-fold.
The tri-fold is a place for you (the confirmand) to express your personal faith story. Adults who do the tri-fold for you ‘steal away’ your faith journey and personal ownership of the faith. And we know scripture tells us “You shall not steal!”
When do I work on my tri-fold?
You may work on your tri-fold throughout the summer! We hope that you do! Here are some dates that we will be talking about specific areas on your tri-fold. Parents are more than welcome to come to any or all of these dates.
Please don’t glue anything on your tri-fold until Mary Ellen has read what you’ve written & given you the approval to glue. : )
Throughout the summer – feel free to make appointments to come and talk over your materials with Mary Ellen or one of the pastors.
August 28(Sunday) OPTIONAL: Work on tri-fold with your class. Noon to 4pm. Lunch provided. Stay as long as you like. RSVP by email to .
August 31 Rough Drafts of material are due on this date!
Sept 189th grade Stepping Stones night – confirmands and parents
Oct 1-15Confirmation One-on-Ones – will be scheduled individually this fall
Oct 2Final Faith Boards are due to the youth room (129)!
Oct 29th grade Stepping Stones night – students only “How to Talk about your Faith”
Oct 23Faith Celebration!
Oct 29 & 30Confirmation at all weekend services
Arrive at least 15 minutes before the service begins
When should my tri-fold be completed?
Rough drafts of all written material are due on Wednesday, August 31
Your tri-fold should be completed and brought to Stepping Stones by Sunday, October 2
What are some steps in planning and doing my tri-fold?
Check off these steps as you go…
I have prayerfully thought about and picked at least 5 subject areas for my tri-fold. Be creative in how you present these ideas – if you want to use multi-media, that is great! Run ideas past Mary Ellen for approval.
Subject areas could include (but are not limited to):
- kairos moments
- favorite bible verse, story, or character
- favorite service project
- baptism questionnaire
- faith webbing
- up-in-out life
- identity questions*
- plans for moving forward as a disciple*
*must choose at least one of these options
______I have a title and subject headlines picked out for my tri-fold.
______I have a general layout planned for my tri-fold (place for tri-fold title,subject headlines, and subject areas)
______I have thought about my theme, colors, media (paint, markers, colored paper, etc.) and other items I could embellish my tri-fold with (photos, clip art, drawings, etc.)
______I have written rough drafts of my paragraphs for each topic area.
______I have checked the rough drafts of my paragraphs with Mary Ellen.
______I have typed up or re-written my approved paragraphs.
_____I have researched and created or gathered images for my tri-fold.
(If you’re using photos on your tri-fold, you may want to make copies of your pictures. These will be glued onto your board and you won’t be able to take them off easily! Pictures you print on your printer or on a colored copier could be blown up for emphasis. The church does have a colored copier and you’re welcome to use it (work this out with Mary Ellen). You can also use images from the internet for your tri-fold.)
_____ The background on my tri-fold is complete --- painted or decorated. (There are posterboard paints, letters, construction paper, etc that will be available for you to use on your board, at church, on dates mentioned above. We will supply you with a white tri-fold. You may purchase your own colored tri-fold from Michael’s or any office supply store.)
_____I am ready to make final touches to my tri-fold now! (When all my tri-fold areas have been approved and I know where I’m going toplace my tri-fold title, subject headlines and subject areas)