ANSI Virtual Workshop on Opportunities for Consumers to Participate in ANSI Policy-Setting
September 16 and 22, 2004, 2-3 pm EDT
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) currently is seeking qualified candidate consumer representatives to serve on its Board of Directors and as voting members of the Institute’s Policy Committees for three-year terms beginning January 1, 2005. To promote understanding of the role of ANSI, with a view to increasing consumer involvement in ANSI policy-setting, the Institute is holding an ANSI Virtual Workshop on Opportunities for Consumers to Participate in ANSI Policy-Setting.
The workshop will explore why consumers should care about standards and conformity assessment; what is ANSI; what are the roles and issues of key ANSI Policy Committees, ANSI’s Consumer Interest Forum, and the Consumer Policy Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (COPOLCO); and how to seek nomination to the ANSI Board and the Policy Committees.
Who Should Attend:
Individuals committed to representing the consumer interestand who have no conflict of interest in doing so. Primarily individuals from consumer and non-governmental organizations, academia (particularly in the consumer field) and organized labor. There is no fee for this workshop.
James McCabe
ANSI Director, Consumer Relations and Public Policy
Please register me for the ANSI Virtual Workshop on Opportunities for Consumers to Participate in ANSI Policy-Setting (Select one of two sessions offered.)
Thurs., September 16, 2004, 2-3 pm EDTWeds., September 22, 2004, 2-3 pm EDT
Address:______Tel: ______E-mail: ______
(Note: Your contact information is collected for our internal use only; not for any other use.)
Return registration by September 9th.
E-mail registration to or Fax to 212-840-2298.
For More Information, telephone Jim McCabe @ 212-642-8921.
Virtual Workshop Format:
The virtual workshop format combines the benefit of involving a live presenter with the cost savings of delivering content via a phone and Internet connection. You get to participate right from your office. All you need is a telephone and a computer with Internet access. Audio is delivered over the telephone (toll free) and a slide show is delivered simultaneously via your web browser. You save on travel time and expenses and, by using a speakerphone, your colleagues can also listen in for free. Specific questions submitted in advance will be addressed during the workshop.
The content of the ANSI Virtual Workshop on Opportunities for Consumers to Participate in ANSI Policy-Setting assumes a basic understanding of standards. To prepare for the virtual workshop, it is recommended that you take our free, online course Why Standards Matter. This introductory course teaches users to identify what a standard is, to recognize how different organizations are involved in standards development, and to recognize the importance of standards in everyday life. It also explains how standards protect health, safety and the environment, identifies the difference between voluntary standards and regulations, and addresses the role of standards in U.S. business and the global marketplace.
A second free online course, U.S. Standards – Today and Tomorrow, uses current examples to demonstrate the changing nature of standards development in response to an expanding global economy. It highlights the activities and roles of the various organizations involved in U.S. standards development. The last lesson provides specific guidance and examples of how consumers can get involved. We invite you to take this course as well.
Interactive and fun, ANSI’s e-learning courses include built-in assessment tools such as quizzes and exams to accelerate learning, as well as a section on frequently asked questions and a glossary of terms that can be used as a reference at any time. Significantly, users are given the tools to learn “at your own pace” as the courses can be started and stopped at any time. The portal for ANSI’s e-learning courses is
For a very brief overview of the benefits that standards bring to consumers and vice versa, visit the consumer affairs section of ANSI’s website at
A good introductory resource to the world of international standards is The ISO Café. Go to ISO’s website and follow the link under “Communications Centre.”
About ANSI:
Since 1918, ANSI has served as administrator and coordinator of the U.S. private sector, voluntary standards and conformity assessment system. ANSI is a non-profit 501c3 membership organization whose mission is to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and, via the U.S. National Committee, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).ANSI’s strength comes from its diverse constituents from the private and public sector working cooperatively to develop voluntary standards to benefit the nation and to promote a strong U.S. voice in the global marketplace. Members of the ANSI Federation include manufacturing and service organizations, government agencies, standards developers, professional societies, trade associations, consumer and labor interests, and academia.Thousands of American National Standards dealing with the safety and performance of consumer products have been developed and approved in accordance with ANSI’s Procedures for due process, openness and consensus among affected parties. Consumer participation is critical to the integrity and success of this process.