Confidentiality Statement

Information in the Advance system is the exclusive property of the BSR University Foundation and may be used only within the parameters outlined below. As a Foundation employee, if you view, enter, request or retrieve information from the Advance system, you agree to abide by this policy. In addition, if you share any information obtained from the Advance system with a University employee, volunteer, or any other person who is not an employee of the Foundation, you accept responsibility for ensuring that the non-Foundation user abides by this policy.

Plus more text…

Welcome Statement

Welcome to the BSRUniversity help project. Please contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX if you have questions/suggestions or email us at . You may also view additional information on our website at

Home Page Overview

The Home Page will appear after you have successfully logged into Advance. Think of the Home Page as your dashboard because it allows you to access the key areas of the system that are either job-critical or referenced more frequently than others.

The goal of the Home Page is to allow you to be one click away from key information, which you access frequently.

Messages: I am text that defines what the message form shows.

Tasks: I am text that defines what the task form shows.

MyContactReports: I am text that defines what my contact reports form shows.

More text…

Looking up an Entity

Use the Entity Lookup to search for a specific entity or a group of related entities.

To look up an entity:

  1. From the Home page, click Lookups on the Home Page Tree. The Quick Lookups default displays.
  2. Enter a Last or Organization name, or partial name, at least. Enter additional information, if desired.
  3. Click Search to perform the search.
  4. If any records match the criteria, a list will display.

Looking up a Prospect

  1. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Understanding the Entity Profile

  1. Perform an Entity Lookup by name or entity id.
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  3. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Understanding the Prospect Overview

  1. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Viewing an Address

The Addresses Form displays information about an entity’s addresses. Individuals or organizations may have multiple current and former addresses, but may only have one current address marked as ‘preferred.’

  1. To display Addresses for an entity:
  2. Perform an Entity Lookup, using either the Entity’s name or Entity ID to display the Entity Profile.
  3. Expand ‘Biographic’ on the Entity Profile Page Tree.
  4. Click ‘Addresses’ and the Addresses Form displays.
  5. Click the appropriate row on the list and the detail displays.

Viewing a Degree

Sample Text

Viewing Marital Information

Sample Text

Adding an Address

  1. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Adding a Degree

  1. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Adding Marital Information

  1. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Updating an Address

Sample Text

Updating a Degree

Sample Text

Updating Marital Information

Sample Text

Viewing the Giving Summary

Sample Text

Viewing Transaction Reports

Sample Text

Viewing Gift Clubs

Sample Text

Entering a Simple Gift

  1. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Entering a Credit Card Gift

  1. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  2. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text

Entering a Phonathon Pledge

Sample Text

Entering a Payroll Pledge

Sample Text

Viewing Your Assigned Prospects

Sample Text

Understanding the Prospect Model

Sample Text

Viewing an Assignment

Sample Text

Viewing a Contact Report

Sample Text

Adding an Assignment

Sample Text

Adding a Contact Report

A contact report records events, meetings and conversations between development personnel and a prospect, potential prospect, or a person or group associated with a prospect.

The party “contacted” does not need to be a prospect or even exist as an entity in the Advance database. If the party "contacted" is not in the Advance database, when you enter the contact report, you will simply provide the name of the party contacted, the name of the person who authored the report, and any other applicable information. Additionally, two individuals may be recorded together for one contact report (such as two spouses).

To create a new Contact Report:

  1. Click the Go To link on the Main Menu.
  2. When the Go To appears, select the Contact Report (New) application (application ID 80797) and do not enter a value in the "Open with ID Lookup" field.
  3. When the Contact Report application appears, maintenance assistance text will appear at the top of the page. This text will not contain any hyperlinks until the new Contact Report has been saved. After the Contact Report has been saved, the text in the maintenance assistance will contain hyperlinks, which allow you to enter additional attributes for the Contact Report.
  4. Make sure you are in maintenance mode.
  5. Enter information in all applicable fields on the Form. At the minimum, you must enter a value in each required field. Required fields are indicated by a special character (such as a red asterisk) that appears directly to the right of the field label.
  6. Click the Save button in the Form Header when data entry is completed.
  7. After the Save button has been clicked, the maintenance assistance text at the top of the page will become enabled, thereby allowing you to quickly add attribute information to the Contact Report, including Distribution List, Rep Information, and/or Staff Credit information.

Adding a Prospect

Sample Text

Generating an Entity Profile Report

Sample Text

Generating the XYZ Report

Sample Text

Activity Lookup

Sample Text

Gift Transaction Lookup

Sample Text