Dear Potential Seattle Kokon Taiko Class Participant:

Thank you for your interest in attending our intermediate class that will be held over one four-week period. Below are some answers to questions you may have about the class. Please also complete the registration form and (e)-mail to AND mail a copy with your payment to

Lika Roberts, 2530 2nd Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119.

When are the classes? / The February 2010 Beginners Class will be held February 1st through 22nd on Monday evenings 8-10 pm.
When is my check and registration due? / We must receive your completed registration form by Friday January 29th 2010. We will confirm your attendance once we have received your completed registration form and payment. Please make your check out to Seattle Kokon Taiko.
The cost is $75 per person for each class series.
Where is the class being held? / Seattle Kokon Taiko Practice Hall in the International District. Details will follow after confirmed registration.
What should I wear? / Expect to be very active throughout the session. Wear clothes that will allow ease of movement (knit tops, sweatshirts, knit pants, etc.) You will be working on a hardwood floor, so tennis shoes or bare feet are recommended. Black soles or street shoes will not be permitted. Hearing protection is recommended. You may find supplies at your local drug store.
What should I bring? / Bring a water bottle since you may find the need to stay hydrated. There will be bathrooms and a water fountain available on site. We will provide the drum surfaces and drum sticks.
What will happen at the class? / We will cover the history of taiko in Japan and America, working on the drums learning form and stance, basic drills and patterns, and learn a song or two. You will be busy and get a great workout in the process.
Who will be there? / Active members of Seattle Kokon Taiko will be there to run the class and provide you with assistance.
Whom may I contact with questions? / You may e-mail Lika at

We look forward to seeing you!

Seattle Kokon Taiko Workshop Registration

February 2010

I am registering for: c 4 classes- February 1, 8, 15, 22

Street address:
City, State, Zip:
E-mail address: Phone number: / E-mail: ______
Phone #: (Day)______(Evening)______
Ethnic background (Optional):
Are you interested in joining Seattle Kokon Taiko? / Yes ____ No ____ Don’t know___ Comments:
Please describe any music/theater experience: (education, training, instruments you play, etc.)
Please describe any taiko experience:
How did you hear about us?

Liability Waiver

I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have been fully informed of the physical nature of taiko, which could potentially cause injury to myself. Knowing this risk, I wish to voluntarily participate in the class sponsored by Seattle Kokon Taiko. I agree to release Seattle Kokon Taiko, its individual members and the Nisei Veterans Committee from any liability for any injury I may sustain during the class.

Signature:______Date: ______