Return this form to:


Please complete the following sections in either the space provided or as an attachment (either Word or PDF file).

(1)Which of the following best applies to your organization?

_____Attachments Manufacturer

_____Components Manufacturer


_____Public Interest[2]



_____Testing Lab



(2)To which level of membership are you applying? If you are applying for Public Interest membership, please provide supporting documentation either below or attached.

_____Regular Membership

_____Associate Membership

_____ Public Interest

_____Individual Membership (voting)

_____Individual Membership (non-voting)

(3)If you provide an attachment related product or service, please describe. (no more than 200 words) List the products or services provided by the organization and the target markets for each.

(4)If you do not supply either an attachment related product or service, what is your interest in this organization and how are you involved in building energy efficiency and/or energy ratings? (no more than 200 words)

(5)This organization/individual is a member of the following associations:

Categories of AERC membership

Regular: Regular Membership is open to any firm, partnership, corporation or other organization actually engaged, at the time of application for membership, in the business of manufacturing component and/or finished fenestration attachments products.

Associate: Associate Membership is open to any firm, partnership, corporation or other organization not eligible for Regular Membership that is actually engaged, at the time of application for membership, in business related to fenestration attachments. This includes but is not limited to associations, testing labs, utilities, and distributors/retailers of window attachments.

Public Interest: Public Interest Membership is open to any firm, partnership, corporation or other organization that is actually engaged, at the time of application for membership, in work primarily intended to serve and improve public welfare.

Individual (voting): Individual Membership is available to any individual who displays experience as to the fenestration attachment industry, energy efficiency in buildings, and/or energy ratings. Any individual employed by a firm, partnership, corporation, or other organization meeting the qualifications for membership as a Regular, Associate, or Public Interest Member is not eligible for Individual Membership (voting).

Individual (non-voting):Individual Membership is available to any individual who is employed by an organization eligible for Regular, Associate, or Public Interest Membership, but whose organization is not an AERC member.

Membership Fees

Regular: $15,000 if company sales of attachments exceed $75,000,000

$10,000 if company sales of attachments are between $25,000,001 and $75,000,000

$7,000 if company sales of attachments are between $6,000,001 and $25,000,000

$3,000 if company sales of attachments are between $2,000,001 and $6,000,000

$1,000 if company sales of attachments are between $2,000,000 or below

Associate: $2,000 per year

Public Interest: $500 per year

Individual: $500 per year

Membership fees will be collected on an annual basis. Yearly Membership dates are: 1/1/2018-12/31/2018

After 7/1/2018 fees are pro-rated at half on the annual fees amount. Membership fees are non-refundable.

Placement in membership categories is subject to AERC discretion.

We, the undersigned, hereby apply for membership in the Attachments Energy Rating Council. The official representative will be an executive or individual authorized to commit the organization or individual to a course of action and who will attend the council meetings, and we agree not to solicit under the guise of council business.

Signature ______Date ______

Printed Name______


AERC Members are encouraged to participate on AERC Committees, Sub-Committees, and Working Groups. Please review the following groups and provide contact information for members of your organization who are interested in serving in the space provided below. The specific responsibilities of each group can be found on page 5 of the application.

Volunteer? / Volunteer Name / Email Address
Technical Committee*
Software Tools Sub-Committee*
Attachments Operation Schedule Working Group*
Performance Properties Sub Committee*
Human Factors Sub-Committee
Material Properties Sub-Committee*
Annual Energy Performance Rating Sub-Committee*
Certification Committee*
Certified Products Database Working Group*
Audit/Verification Sub-Committee
Certification Procedures Sub-Committee
Accreditation Sub-Committee
Testing Labs Working Group
Simulation Lab Working Group
Audit/Verification Working Group
Marketing Committee*
Residential ProductLabeling Working Group*
Website-Calculator Working Group*
Outreach Sub-Committee*
Utility Working Group*
Finance Committee*
Audit Sub-Committee
Governance Committee
Membership Sub-Committee
Board Recruitment/Nominating Sub-Committee

*Indicates committees/sub-committees/working groups that are currently active

AERC Committee, Sub-Committee, and Working Group Descriptions

Committee/Sub-Committee/Working Group / Description
Technical Committee* / Responsible for development of the physical testing and simulation procedure development.
Software Tools Sub-Committee* / Coordinate development, feedback and review of software tools (WINDOW, THERM, RESFEN, etc.).
Attachments Operation Schedule Working Group* / Identify operation schedules for manually operated and automated attachments in both residential and commercial settings.
Performance Properties Sub Committee* / Responsible for developing and maintaining technical rating procedures for each product category.
Human Factors Sub-Committee / Responsible for technical rating procedures for each product category related to non-energy factors, such as daylighting and glare.
Material Properties Sub-Committee* / Responsible for developing and maintaining technical procedures to characterize component and fabric properties.
Annual Energy Performance Rating Sub-Committee* / Investigate necessary parameters and develop annual energy performance rating.
Certification Committee* / Oversee development of the certification program and assist, oversee, and provide feedback to ATI.
Certified Products Database Sub-Committee* / Oversee design and development of the Certified Products Database (CPD) and coordinate with LBNL on on-going development of the CGDB Database. Assist with testing/reviewing procedures and updates.
Audit/Verification Sub-Committee / Responsible for developing audit/verification procedures to assess manufacturers and product certifications.
Certification Procedure Sub-Committee / Oversee development of the certification program procedures, guidelines, and documents required for manufacturers to certify their products.
Accreditation Sub-Committee / Responsible for overseeing development of accreditation procedures.
Testing Labs Working Group / Responsible for overseeing development of accreditation procedures for testing labs.
Simulation Lab Working Group / Responsible for overseeing development of accreditation procedures for simulation labs.
Audit/Verification Working Group / Responsible for developing lab audit/verification procedures.
Marketing Committee* / Responsible for overseeing development of organizational marketing materials, education and labeling guidelines and materials.
Residential ProductLabeling Working Group* / Coordinate development of a certification label.
Website-Calculator Working Group* / Oversee design and development of AERC website and energy saving calculation tool. Responsible for ensuring content development and management.
Outreach Sub-Committee* / Responsible for developing educational materials about window coverings, AERC's work and conducting outreach as necessary.
Utility Working Group* / Responsible for coordination AERC’s strategy and outreach to utility partners.
Finance Committee* / Oversees development of the budget, ensures accurate tracking, monitoring, accountability of organization funds; oversees development of and ensures proper financial controls.
Audit Sub-Committee / Plans and supports audit of a major functions, e.g.,finances and organization.
Governance Committee / Oversees membership and Board of Directors recruitment, development of AERC internal policies.
Membership Sub-Committee / Oversees development of membership policies and recruitment.
Board Recruitment/Nominating Sub-Committee / Oversees development of the Board of Directors including orientation and trainings and recruitment and nomination process.


[1]Fenestration attachments as referenced by the AERC are non-integral fenestration attachments, i.e. products attached to an installed fenestration or attached to or near the perimeter of the inner or outer wall surrounding the fenestration.Attachments may be fixed or operable, manual or automated.

[2]Public interest organizations as referenced by the AERC are entities whose purpose is to serve and improve the public welfare, e.g. government and not-for-profit organizations.