Cardiovascular MR Training Course

A series of one week hands-on mini-fellowships

May 4-7, 2004

UT Southwestern Medical Center

CME Category 2 credit COURSE

Course Organizer

André J. Duerinckx, MD-PhD

Educational Course Coordinator

Dolly Christensen, UTSW Radiology, CME

214-648 8013


This course is designed for radiologists, cardiologists, technologists, nurses, and any other healthcare professional interested in obtaining knowledge of the principles of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and its implementation in a clinical environment.

At the completion of this lecture course including hands-on training, the attendee should be able to:

· Have basic knowledge of Cardiovascular MR imaging techniques

· Utilize cardiac MRI techniques to evaluate cardiac anatomy and function

· Utilize cardiac MRI to evaluate coronary artery disease and myocardial viability

· Assess basic imaging protocols for most referrals.


CME Category 2 is provided by UTSW.


Faculty participating in this activity are expected to disclose to the audience any significant financial interest or other relationship he/she has with the manufacture(s) of any commercial product(s) discussed in an educational presentation.

Location of Course:

Every Day (except Wednesday at lunch and afternoon):

Radiology Service , VA North Texas Healthcare System, Dallas, TX

Local Contact: Jan Green at 214-857 0185

OPTIONS: Second or third day of course, from NOON to afternoon:

Choice #1 : Lunch at Faculty Club at UT Southwestern;

With an afternoon visit to Roger MRI Center at UT Southwestern.

Choice #2: BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, 3500 Gaston Avenue, Dallas TX 75246

Where? Radiology resident’s classroom (1 st floor Roberts,)

(Will only be offered during4 or 5-day programs)

(Specific directions will be provided)

Faculty for Sept 2003 and May 2004 Courses

André Duerinckx, MD-PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Narinder KUMAR, PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Gary McNeil, Siemens Medical Systems

Farhani KAZI, MD, Cardiologist, VA North Texas Healthcare System

William (Dee)Dockery, MD, Baylor Medical Center of Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Mathew Shibu, MRI Tech, Dallas VA


(see separate hand-out)

Every day: two to three lectures (starting at 9:00 AM)

Most days will include NOON time conference and lecture

Every afternoon: two to three case studies (at 1:15 PM and 3:15 PM).

Optional: (TBA)

(Will only be offered during 4 or 5-day programs)

Second or Third Day in Afternoon at 1:30 PM :


1) Visit to the Rogers MR Imaging Center
(Bus transportation and/or map will be provided)

Preceded by LUNCH in UT Southwestern Faculty Club);

2) May 2004 Course -- Visit on Wed in PM to the Radiology Department of

BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, 3500 Gaston Avenue, Dallas TX 75246

Where? Radiology resident’s classroom (1 st floor Roberts,)
Contact: call 214-820 3219 – Call Judy Knight

GENERAL INFORMATION – How to get to Location of Course

Most of the course will take place in the radiology auditorium and new MRI center of the radiology service of the Dallas VA. The radiology department of the VA North Texas Healthcare System is located on the 3 rd floor of the new structure (clinical addition) added to the Dallas VA. A map can be provided upon request (Please call Jan or Jason at : 214-857- 0185; or send in a FAX request to 214-858-0173). The street address is: 4500 South Lancaster Road, Dallas, Tx 75215 (see also for direction).


We provide coffee, Breakfast, Lunch and an afternoon snack with drinks on most days.


We try to make a display and purchase of all new cardiovascular MR & CT books available for one day during the course (optional).

Optional: Each participants will get a copy of the basic Cardiac MRI textbook ”Magnetic resonance of the Heart and Great Vessels” by Drs Bogaert, Duerinck et al. (soft copy) (about $80.00).

PARKING: Parking is available in the patient and visitor parking sections only .


There are several hotels in downtown Dallas, or near the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Please consult your own travel agent. Most hotels close to the UT Southwestern Campus are about 25 minutes by car from the Dallas VA. Please contact the organizers for a list of suggested hotels.


Please note: The Dallas VA is not responsible for airline or hotel reservations. Please confirm registration acceptance prior to purchase of non-refundable or penalty airline tickets.

CANCELLATIONS: No penalty for now. See web site for information on our cancellation policy (course will be postponed if fewer than 5 people register).


Can be done by downloading the registration forms (2 printed pages) from or You can then FAX this form to Dolly Christensen at 214-648 2678.

For further Seminar Information:

Please call Dolly Christensen at UTSW Radiology, CME , Radiology Service at 214-648 8013

Or FAX to 214-648 2678

Updated: April 29, 2004

Historical Information:

Tentative Additional Guest Faculty for future courses

Cynthia Sherry, MD, Southwestern Diagnostics Medical Center & Presbyterian Hosptial

Michelle Walters, MD, Methodist Hospital Dallas

Todd Frederick, MRI Technologist, Southwestern Diagnostics Medical Center

Lydia Szczepaniak, Ph.D , Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Faculty for first course in January 2002

Andre Duerinckx, MD-PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Narinder Kumar, PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Paul Grayburn, MD, Chief of Cardiology, VA North Texas Health Care System

Gary McNeil, Siemens Medical Systems

MRI Technologists at the Dallas VA

Faculty for second course April 2002

André Duerinckx, MD-PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Narinder Kumar, PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Susan Mayer, MD, Cardiologist, VA North Texas Healthcare System

William (Dee)Dockery, MD, Baylor Medical Center of Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Ronald M Peshock, MD, Professor of Medicine and Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas

Gary McNeil, Siemens Medical Systems

Brian FOX, MRI tech, Roger Center

Tommy TILLERY, MRI Tech, Roger Center

Mathew Shibu, MRI Tech, Dallas VA

Faculty for Sept 2002 , Jan 2003 & April 2003 Courses

André Duerinckx, MD-PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Narinder KUMAR, PhD, VA North Texas Health Care System

Farhani KAZI, MD, Cardiologist, VA North Texas Healthcare System

William (Dee)Dockery, MD, Baylor Medical Center of Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Mathew Shibu, MRI Tech, Dallas VA

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