NAI Executive Committee Conference Call Minutes
Monday, February 18, 2013

Conference Call began at 9:02am PST

Conference call called to order at 9:02am PST

Present: Amy Lethbridge, Cem Basman, John Luzader, Amy Burnett, John Miller, Tom Mullin, Jessica Moore, Chuck Lennox, Kevin Damstra, and Duane Fast. Staff- Paul Caputo.

Staff Report, Interim Executive Director, Paul Caputo

  • Imis and Websiteupdate. Members can now create their own password and login. Members can also search the member database and update their own information.
  • Paul reported a timeline of hopefully Oakland for iMis.
  • Carrie Miller is working with Matt Fox on the Certification Module and he has done some training for NAI staff.
  • We are now taking reservations online for Regional events. We have already started, successfully,with Region 9 and 10 workshops-they are our guinea pigs.
  • Beth has done end of year—about a $50,000 surplus. Certification program picked up membership, advertising dollars, and sales being down slightly.

Treasurer’s Report, Theresa Coble

  • Theresa Coble reports that NAI saw a$60,000 increase in Certification dollars this year. Kudos to Emily for really going gangbusters.
  • In response to an accounts receivables question—we are seeing life memberships down —new money not coming into this line item because the full amounts have already been paid.
  • Also wanted to highlight that iMis seems to be working, but there is still some manual work to be done by staff at the end of the day.
  • Salary savings of $60,000because of the ED vacancy.
  • Contract services are double because of the ED Search.
  • Regions and sections are still not generating funds as we’d hoped, but we are still in positive numbers.
  • Question about ‘surplus’ funds. Regional workshops are generating income. International workshop is not bringing in money this year, because we are not hosting Sweden, but at the same time, money is not going out.
  • We brought in $50,000 more than we spent this year.

Finances Discussion:Cem Basman, Paul Caputo and John Luzader gave accolades for Staff’s hard work.

Amy Lethbridge asked about NOAA grant—Paul replied that it was $40,000 last year, and $40,000 this year (this is an estimate).

Executive Director Search Process

Chuck Lennox reported on the state of the Executive Director Process:

Mr. Lennox expressed the confidentiality of this process. This is very important.

  • In summary, NAI received 120 applications for the position. The Search Firm, Waldron, forwarded 17 to the Search Committee. Nine were interviewed over the phone. Three candidates were chosen out of the 9. Waldron is doing background checks and references, this week. Search committee members will be calling members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will be forwarded 3 the resumes and may have an opportunity to chat with the candidate, over phone or Skype.
  • The Executive Committee will vote and make recommendations for the board and then pass this back to the Search Committee.

Theresa Coble, Amy Burnett and John Luzader commended Chuck Lennox and the Search Committee in the search process. Cem Basman commended the team’s professionalism. Paul Caputo reported that staff was impressed with the candidates that were chosen. Resumes will be sent out in confidentiality with reply receipt requested from board members.

Board discussed the creation of an Orientation Committee that will include Paul Caputo. It will be kept small—possibly just 3 to 4 people. A separate phone conference call will be made about this decision.


Cem Basman gave a Bylaws update: the Executive Committee and subsequent board vote identified the current NAI regions and sections as the administrative units that make up the Advisory Council.

Committee appointments:The SLC and RLC no longer exist in their previous form. These groups should have a representation. They will probably function in the same way, and Mr. Basman recommends that they continue to do so in some official manner. In the meantime, we will follow the interim process-- policy and procedures. Because some members said that they didn’t realize that they were voting on representation or the Regional group’s selection of a leader. Mr. Basman stated that a Board vote had determined that these members will serve an interim one-year term. An election from the Regional and Sectional leaders will take place soon. In the future, the top two vote-getters—not necessarily one from RLC and one from SLC—will be appointed to represent the AC on the Board. Cem Basman reported that Bob Hinkle does not want to continue as Elections Chair. Mr. Basman will bring a new name in nomination to the April meeting. John Luzader will talk to Awards Chair Howard Aprill to see if he would continue with his role, next year.

April Board Meeting Logistics

The Board will meet Friday and Saturday, April 5th and 6thfor the Spring Board meeting. Sunday conference participation is encouraged, as well as the Friday after conference events. Kevin Damstra spoke about a room block for the conference at the downtown hotel. Friday and Sunday sessions will be held across the street from the hotel. An Interpretive managers meeting will be held concurrently, which may be of interest to the Board and Participants. Mr. Damstra suggested a working board and managers lunch, for networking opportunities. Saturday workshops are off-site full-day trainings to the Alcatraz and San Francisco Zoo.

Kevin Damstra talked about looking into setting up transportation (Van, etc). Board members are asked to pay $30 for registration of workshop for sessions attended. Amy Lethbridge encouraged Mr. Damstra to reach out to Region 8 members who had to cancel their workshop, and encourage them to attend. We hope to have the new Executive Directoron board at the combined conference/board meeting to address Region members.

Committee reports:

  • Personnel Committee- See Search Committee report (above).
  • Finance Committee- will meet soon to talk about 4th quarter finances.
  • Programs committee- will have a full report out before primary meeting. Members are meeting on March 15 with Paul Caputo to talk about what’s happening with conferences and conference attendance. Will report back at April meeting. Please make new board members feel welcome. Cem Basman requested Amy Burnett send meeting minutes to Gail Richard and other board members who were not able to be on this conference call.
  • International conference- Amy Lethbridge reported that preparations are underway and attendance and excitement around the upcoming conference in Sweden is increasing.

President Amy Lethbridge asked that Board Members get Agenda Items to her, ASAP.

Conference call adjourned at 10:03 PST.