Minutes of the meeting of the Kings Walden Parish Council held in the Village Hall,Breachwood Green on Thursday, 22 November 2012 at 7.30pm


Cllrs Barbara Williamson (Vice Chairman), Joe Beavis,Nic Cooper, Angela Herrmann, Jonni Heath andAmanda King

Officer presentMrs Roma Crosby (Clerk)

In attendance County Councillor Nigel Brook


11.1 Apologies for absenceCllr Jeremy Bretherton TD(on holiday) and Cllr Les Galliers (work commitment)

11.2 Declarations of InterestNone

11.3 Minutes of Previous Meeting

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 25 October2012, a copyof which was sent to all members prior to this meeting,be approvedand the ViceChairman be authorised to sign them as a correct record

11.4 Matters Arising from the MinutesNone

11.5 County Councillor’s Report

Cllr Brook reported that David Lloyd had been electedas the first Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire and Faye Barnard as the North Herts District Councillor to represent Hitchwood, Offa and Hoo following the death of Cllr Miller. The turnout was disappointingly low.

11.6Future Luton; Optimisation Project

Cllr Heath saidshe didn’t yet know whether the planning application had been submitted. Until it was submitted, no decision could be made as to what legal representation would be needed by those in opposition to the project.

11.7 Upgrade of Junction 10A of the M1

Cllr Heath reported that the schemewas still in the preliminary stages and a decision had not yet been made as to how to proceed with the upgrade. There is a display in

the Wigmore library.

11.8Proposed Circular Walk

Cllr Cooper reported that that he and his wife had walked the route which was 7 miles long. The walk had taken 2 ½ hours which he thought might be too far for some people. He produced a map showing the route and indicated where he intended to addoptional short cuts. He explained what was now needed were adhesive waymarkers for the metal posts as the cost of brackets for standard waymarkers asoriginally suggested was prohibitive, leaflets advertising the walk, basic benches consisting of 2 tree trunks and a plank of wood and about 6 new posts. Cllr Cooper confirmed that the clerk was obtaining estimates in order to make an application for a Parish Paths Grant. Cllr Williamson suggested the Rambling Association might be willing to help if assistance was needed and she also knows of a local group who are very keen to do the walk.

11.9 Parking Problems, Orchard Way, Breachwood Green

Cllr Beavis had been unable to obtain from hiscontact the information needed in order for the Neighbourhood Housing Officer to continue with her investigations


The clerk reported on the general correspondence she had received. The Council agreed that no action was needed

11.11 Chairman’s Topics

Regarding the issue raised by the Chairman as to how to respond to emails from the Parish Clerk, it was unanimously agreed that in future, when she wanted a reply,the Clerk would mark the top of the email “RSVP”


(a) After due consideration the Kings Walden Parish Council budget for 2013/14 was unanimously agreed as was a precept of £22500 also for 2013/14.

(b) The following payments were authorised;

(a) Mr W Billington gardener - £118.20

(b) Mrs B Galliers youth club leader - £510.00

(c) Mr R Woolner asst youth club leader - £255.00

(d) Parish Clerk £368.00 1 months’ salary

(e) British Gas gas supplied to Youth Club £14.97

11.13 Parish Matters

There were no items for discussion

11.14Date and Time of Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Thursday, 24 January 2013at 7.30 pm in Breachwood Green Village Hall

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9.45 pm