HSCB Risk and Resilience Assessment ToolPage 1 of 22

Agreed: September 13

Risk and ResilienceAssessment Tool

The Risk and Resilience Assessment Modelhas been developed by Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board and Herefordshire Council to supportan agreed multi-agency approach to assessment and intervention at levels 3 and 4 of the Herefordshire Levels of Need and Service Response Guidance.
It has been developed with the support of Effective Training and Consultancy.
Further information on thresholds and alternative responses to need are set out in the Herefordshire Levels of Need and Service Response Guidance.

This tool and the following associated and support documents are available through the Policies and Procedures page of the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board website:

  • Herefordshire Levels of Need and Service Response Guidance
  • West Mercia Child Protection Procedures
  • Herefordshire Multi-Agency Referral Form
  • HSCB Case Escalation Form and Case Escalation Procedure

The tool is organised into the following sections to support you making a full risk assessment:

Child Details

Anchor Principle 1: What is the Assessment for?...... 3

Anchor principle 2: What Is The Story?

Anchor Principle 3: What Does The Story Mean?

Risk And Resilience Matrix

Anchor Principles 3 & 4: What Does The Story Mean? And

What Is The Emerging Picture Of What Needs To Happen?

Anchor Principle 4: What Needs To Happen?

Anchor Principle 5: How Will We Know We Are Making Progress?

effective training and consultancy

building skills to meet professional challenges

Child Details: Risk and Resilience Assessment Tool

Child’s name / DOB
Child’s Unique Identifier: / Gender
Home address:
Parent/Primary caregiver:
Relationship to child:
Parent/Secondary caregiver:
Relationship to child:
Lead Professional completing this tool:
Name: / Designation:
Name: / Designation:
People contributing to the assessment tool:
Name: / Designation:
Name: / Designation:
Name: / Designation:
Name: / Designation:
Name: / Designation:
Name: / Designation:
Date of completion:
Date of visit/s to / meetings with the child and family:
What is the purpose / reason for undertaking the assessment Tool at this time – i.e. what process / assessment is this going to inform?
What are the concerns, risks and dangers for this child? Who has these concerns / how have the concerns arisen? (Brief summary):





Significance of harm / Yes
 / No
 / Don’t know
 / NA
1 / Does the suspected harm meet the definition of abuse in the child protection procedures (physical, emotional, sexual, neglect)? Please state which areas of harm is/are the subject of concern:
2 / Has the child/young person been injured or physically harmed? Have they suffered neglect, impaired development or emotional harm?
3 / Is the pattern of harm continual/ continuing?
4 / Is the pattern of harm escalating?
5 / Are the injuries/incidents a one off event or cumulative or episodic? Please state which:
6 / Has the parent or caregiver made a threat to cause harm to the child? Physical; forced marriage; related to beliefs about spirit possession; cruelty; emotional – bullying; name calling; degrading and demeaning behaviour etc
7 / If sexual abuse is alleged, does the alleged perpetrator continue to have access to the child/young person?
8 / Did the injuries/incidents result from spontaneous actions, neglect or intent? If yes, explain:
9 / Is the parent/s’ explanation inconsistent with the injuries/incidents including any medical assessment of injuries?
10 / Do/es the parent/s acknowledge and accept the expressed concerns?
11 / Is there a previous history of the parent/s maltreating or neglecting a child?
12 / Are the injuries/incidents / harm likely to recur?

Additional notes:

Are there any ‘grey’ areas for example any other known potential risk factors which have not yet impacted the child?

List all areas where further information needs to be gathered and assessed including those areas in Section One where the response was ‘Don’t know’.


The emerging analysis of the impact on the child:

Question / Response
When and how is the child at risk?
What is the severity and duration of the harm?
What does the child mean to the family? What role does the child play e.g. scapegoat, protector, carer?
What are the effects on the child’s current development?
What may be the long-term effects?
What is the child’s reaction to and perception of the harm?
What are the child’s needs, wishes and feelings regarding intervention and likely outcomes?
What are parental thoughts and perceptions at this point in time?
What are the thoughts and perceptions of professionals at this point in time?

EQUALITIES IMPACT: Are there any needs or issues requiring specific consideration in response to the Equality Act and any of the protected characteristics race; age; gender; gender assignment; disability; sexual orientation;faith or belief?


On a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 means everyone knows the child is safe enough for the children’s social care to close the case and zero means things are so bad for the child they can’t live at home, where do we rate this situation? (If different judgments place different people’s number on the continuum).

Is the impact of the harm / likelihood of harm significant? Yes / No / Needs further assessment

Is immediate protective action required? If yes, state what action is to be taken and by whom:


Section two builds the risk and resilience assessment components which are then plotted onto the risk and resilience matrix.

What are the factors relating to and innate to the child/young person that increases his/her vulnerability?

Vulnerability / Yes
 / No
 / Don’t know
 / N/A

1 / Is the child under 12 months / pre-mobile? (Young children are more vulnerable. Any physical harm to a child under 12 months must be considered serious)
2 / Is the child under aged between 12 months and 5 years? (they are unable to protect themselves. The impact of neglect on children, their development and long term outcomes is known to be very serious and significant)
3 / Does the child have a disability, significant or chronic illness? (Children with disabilities, chronic illness or behaviour problems are more vulnerable to abuse or neglect). ? If yes, please specify:
4 / Does the child exhibit significant behaviour problems ( Children with behaviour problems are more vulnerable to abuse or neglect)
5 / Does the child/young person present as / talk about being fearful of the parent or other household member? (A fearful, withdrawn or distressed child may indicate that the family environment is characterised by “low warmth/high criticism” and they are less likely to be protected by their parent.)
6 / Is the child/young person engaging in self harm, substance misuse, and dangerous sexual or other risk taking behaviour? (This maybe an indicator of past or current abuse or harm). If yes, please list each risky behaviour the child is regularly engaging in and *score one point for each:
7 / Does the child have asylum seeking status? (They are vulnerable as a result of their life experiences, and absence of support networks)
8 / Does family or child identify areas of vulnerability that are not included in the list above? for example their position and role played within the family. If so please list: Care must be taken not to add factors which are covered elsewhere and to ensure they have evidence based adverse impact.
9 / Do the professionals who know the child or family identify areas of vulnerability that are not included in the list above? (e.g. child is a young carer) If so please list:
Care must be taken not to add factors which are covered elsewhere and to ensure they have evidence based adverse impact.

Additional notes: (this should include a list all areas where further information needs to be gathered and assessed including those areas in Section Two where the response was ‘Don’t know’.)

Each ‘yes’ scores one point. When have completed these questions, add the total number of yes scores and plot the total score on the Risk/Resilience matrixbelowon the lower section of the vertical axis.
What are the factors relating to the child/young person that increases his/her resilience?

Note: To answer positively you should be confident that the strengths are consistent and of a good enough standard for the child. These evidence based resilience factors are those which are innate to the child and professional understanding of child development and the impact of any disability / impairment, is necessary to judge the relevance of each question having regard for the child’s age and stage of development. For example, a pre-verbal baby cannot be deemed to have good self-esteem. For example, a one year old attending nursery provides a protective environment but cannot be deemed to evidence an innate resilience for the purpose of this assessment.

Resilience / Yes
 / No
 / Don’t know
 / N/A due to age
1 / Does the child/young person have a strong attachment to a main caregiver?
2 / Does the child/young person have good self-esteem?
3 / Is the child/young person sociable and does he/she interact appropriately for his/her age and development?
4 / Does the child/young person have friends and active social contacts?
5 / Has the child/young person experienced any period of positive parenting?
6 / Is the child/young person comfortable with their physical appearance?
7 / Does the child/young person have / pursue talents and/or interests?
8 / Does the child/young person take part in play, leisure and/or sport activities?
9 / Does the child/young person have a positive experience of nursery or school?
10 / Does family or child/young person identify areas of resilience that are not included in the list above? If so please list:
11 / Do the professionals who know the child or family identify areas of resilience that are not included in the list above? If so please list:

Additional notes: (this should include a list all areas where further information needs to be gathered and assessed including those areas in Section Three where the response was ‘Don’t know’.)

Each ‘yes’ scores one point. When have completed these questions, add the total number of yes scores and plot the total score on the Risk/Resilience matrix belowon the upper section of vertical axis.

What are the factors relating to the parent or caregiver, and their environment that increase the risk to the child/young person?

NOTE: In this section, where there are two parents / care givers involved and subject to the assessment, where any factors of adversity apply to both parents, two ticks should be given to give weight to the impact of this. Where the adversity / complicating factor applies to one parent only, just one tick should be given. Where the assessment involves a single carer household, one tick only will be given. The narrative of the analysis and professional judgement should explain the context.

Adversity / Complicating factors / Yes
 / No
 / Don’t know

1 / Has either parent/care-giver caused significant harm to any child or young person in the past (once a person has harmed a child there is an increase likelihood that this behaviour will re-occur). If yes, please specify:(evidence in court could be fact find or conviction)
2 / Has the child been the subject of s47 enquiries and a child protection plan as a consequence of harm / risk of harm from the parent / care giver?
3 / Is either parent/ care-giver’s explanation of the harm inconsistent or minimised? (Where a parent fails to accept responsibility for their actions, there is a higher likelihood of future significant harm).
4 / Is either parent/ care-giver unwilling to engage meaningfully? Such might include resistance; passive aggression; disguised compliance etc. If yes, please specify:
5 / Is either parent/care-giver’s behaviour violent or out of control? If yes, please specify:
6 / Is either parent/care-giver’s ability to protect the child impaired due to mental illness, physical or learning disability? If yes, please specify:
7 / Is either parent/care-giver experiencing domestic abuse within the current relationship? If yes, please specify which parent and who is the perpetrator:
8 / Is either parent/care-giver experiencing a high level of stress? Stress factors may include poverty, financial issues, health, racial abuse, isolation; poor housing; bereavement or separation etc. Please list:*
*Note, score one point for each cause of adversity and stress listed. / *
9 / Does either parent/care-giver have unrealistic expectations of the child, or act in a negative way toward them?
10 / Does either parent/caregiver have a poor caring relationship / attachment with the child or young person? If yes, specify who:
11 / Does either parent/care-giver have a substance misuse problem (including alcohol or drug addiction.Substance misuse may lead to poor supervision, neglect, harmful responses through altered consciousness and a risk of harm from others through inability to protect?) If yes, please specify:
12 / Does either parent/care-giver refuse accessby professionals to the child or young person? If yes, please detail:
13 / Is either parent/caregiver under 21 years?If yes, please specify which and age:
14 / Is this a single parent / carer household with no effective support network?
15 / Has either parent/caregiver experienced childhood neglect or abuse? (parenting skills are frequently learned or modelled on the experience of being parented, although later positive experiences can counteract early childhood experiences).
16 / Are there other extended family members / significant adults who compound the risks / adversities? If so, please specify:
17 / Is the physical environment chaotic, hazardous or unsafe?
18 / Is the environment overly sanitised, where child’s needs are not recognised?
19 / Is there a history of resistance / unsuccessful or un-sustained interventions with this family, by statutory children’s services in response to safeguarding concerns?
20 / Does family or child identify areas of adversity or complicating factors that are not included in the list above? If so please list:
21 / Do the professionals who know the child or family identify areas of adversity or complicating factors that are not included in the list above? If so please list:for example history of unsubstantiated allegations against a parent / care giver/ significant other.

Additional notes: (this should include a list all areas where further information needs to be gathered and assessed including those areas in Section Four where the response was ‘Don’t know’.):

Each ‘yes’ scores one point. When have completed these questions, add the total number of yes scores and plot the total score on the Risk/Resilience matrix belowon the left hand section of horizontal axis.

What are the factors relating to the parent/s or main caregiver/s, and their environment that protect the child/young person,and decrease the riskincluding their capacity for change?

Note: To answer positively you should be confident that the protective and supporting factors are consistent and of a good enough standard for the child.

Protective Environment / Supporting factors / Yes
 / No
 / Don’t know
 / N/A
1 / Is the parent/main caregiversupportive of the child/young person?
2 / Does the parent/main caregiver respond appropriately to the child’s physical needs?
3 / Does the parent/main caregiver respond appropriately to the child’s emotional needs?
4 / If child has disclosed abuse, does the parent/main caregiver believe the child?
5 / Is the parent/main caregiver willing to engage meaningfully? NB Use professional judgement to assess indications of disguised compliance.
6 / Does the parent/main caregiver understand the need for change?
7 / Is the parentconfident that the family can make any necessary changes?
8 / Are professionals confident that the family can make any necessary changes?
9 / Is there a history of successful interventions by social care and other agencies?
10 / Does the child / family have good networks and relationships in their extended family and/or community who will help to protect the child/young person?
11 / Does the child have good attendance at school / day care with good oversight which will help to keep them safe?
12 / Does the child (age appropriate) and family identify areas of strength which they can evidence and that are not included in the list above? If so please list:
13 / Do the professionals who know the child or family identify areas of strength that are not included in the list above? If so please list:

Additional notes: (this should include a list all areas where further information needs to be gathered and assessed including those areas in Section Five where the response was ‘Don’t know’.)