Supplement #2

Action Items

DC Meeting – September 18, 2017

Concordia College

[Items highlighted in green require action before the January DC meeting. Items highlighted in blue shall be included on the agenda at a future CACC meeting. Items highlighted in yellow are those which were voted on during the meeting].

  • Sandy Michael made a motion to accept the June 1-2, 2017 Directors Council minutes. Kathy Laoutaris seconded. Motion passed: 12-0.
  • Clarification regarding the conference membership process and solicitation process needs to be provided by the Presidents Council. This will be discussed at their meeting in November.
  • Dues have not increased since 2013. At the November Presidents Council meeting, Dan will review the invoice which lists each item.
  • Tom Shirley made a motion to approve the 2018-19 CACC Championship dates. Sandy Michael seconded. Motion passed: 13-0.
  • Felician’s status as a south division team in baseball needs to be reviewed.
  • Laura Liesman requested the conference scheduling process be laid out and sent to ADs.
  • Tom Shirley made a motion for the CACC to continue to hold a men’s tennis championship for one year. Chestnut Hill and Concordia will likely qualify for regionals based on their rankings. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  • The conference office will develop a detailed proposal for potential implementation in 2018-19 that identifies what expenses would need to be covered by the schools for a quality championship.
  • Ben DiNallo made a motion to approve the men’s lacrosse operating codes. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  • Marc Caserio volunteered to chair the spring festival committee. He will work with Laura Liesman to arrange a committee meeting at Georgian Court.
  • Ben DiNallo made a motion to adopt the use of metal bats in baseball, effective beginning in 2018-19. Linda Andrzjewski seconded. Motion failed: 7-6-1.
  • Sandy Michael made a motion to approve the recommended changes. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  • Sandy Michael made a motion for the CACC to award medals to the top three finishers in each event at the conference championship (effective immediately). Sheila Wooten seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  • Sandy Michael made a motion to adopt the proposed CACC Spectator Code of Conduct (with minor changes made during meeting). Tom Shirly seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  • Each standing committee will select a Chair. And, each committee will have at least one conference call each year.
  • Tom Shirley motioned to select Mark for the UA AD of the year award. Sandy Michael seconded. Motion passed: 14-


Summary of Actions - DRAFT

September 18, 2017

Concordia College

Meeting commenced at 9:01AM

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  1. Review of minutes from June 1-2, 2017 (Supplement #1) – Mark Corino
  2. Sandy Michael made a motion to accept the June 1-2, 2017 Directors Council minutes. Kathy Laoutaris seconded. Motion passed: 12-0.
  1. Review of DC Officers Call(Supplement #2) – Mark Corino
  2. Mark Corino reviewed the notes from the August DC Officers conference call.
  1. Hall of Fame Update – Doug DeBiase
  2. The 2017 CACC Hall of Fame class has been announced. Doug DeBiase is working with the respective schools to confirm dates for induction ceremonies. Nominations for the 2018 class may be submitted as early as January. There are several worthy candidates who have not yet been nominated by their institutions.
  1. DII ADA Report – Mark Corino
  2. Mark Corino encouraged all of the ADs to renew NACDA and D2ADA memberships. Former Georgian Court student, Peter Collins, was hired as a NACDA intern which is a paid position and great opportunity.
  1. Management Council – Laura Liesman (Supplement #3)
  2. Injury Surveillance
  3. A task force has been formed to explore how medical record tracking can be improved. As the Sports Science Institute continues to make recommendations, access to valid and comprehensive data will be beneficial. Laura plans to discuss sexual harassment training with Management Council at their next meeting.
  4. The Compliance Think Tank is going through the Division II manual and compiling a report of recommended changes.
  5. Championships Committee
  6. In 2020, the NCAA will be looking for outside venues that serve alcohol for championship sites.
  1. NCAA Legislation (Supplements#4A and 4B)
  2. 1-1: Allows institutions in Mexico to join Division II.
  3. 1-2: Allow staff members to “like” comments of a PSA before they sign with the school. “Click, don’t type.” We cosponsored this proposal with the RMAC, but have since withdrawn since the D2 Administrative Committee adopted it as noncontroversial legislation.
  4. 1-3: In years when there is a fall festival, to allow women’s volleyball to have outside competition as early as the Thursday preceding August 30th. Presidents Council did not endorse this proposal.
  5. The other noncontroversial legislation which was adopted increases the size of the DII Membership Committee from 11 to 12 members; requiring one of those members be a president or chancellor of an active member school.
  6. The secondary publication will be available by September 23rd.
  1. CACC Strategic Plan Update (Sent Separately)
  2. The conference office and Mark Corino met at Holy Family with our Strategic Planning expert, Karen Galardi. The updated version of the 15-18 plan was sent out via email on Friday. Objectives in the current plan were updated and several priorities were identified to guide us in the development of the 18-21 pan. The Presidents Council plans to meet in June to review a draft of the new plan.
  3. A strategic planning subcommittee, led by Ben DiNallo and overseen by the officers was put in place. Volunteers will be solicited. The Directors Council will recommend membership be a priority in the new plan. Clarification regarding the conference membership process and solicitation process needs to be provided by the Presidents Council. This will be discussed at their meeting in November.
  1. Championships Committee Report – Tom Shirley (Distributed at Meeting)
  2. NCAA: The Division II Championships Committee approved the budget ($1.5 million over the next three years).
  3. CACC: Tom Shirley provided a review of the championships committee discussions.
  1. 2018-19 CACC Championship Dates (Supplement #5)
  2. Tom Shirley made a motion to approve the 2018-19 CACC Championship dates. Sandy Michael seconded. Motion passed: 13-0.
  1. 2018-19 CACC Schedules (Distributed in July for review)
  2. Doug DeBiase reviewed the schedules which were distributed over the summer. Caldwell should know by December whether or not they will be adding men’s lacrosse. Felician’s status as a south division team in baseball needs to be reviewed.
  3. Laura Liesman requested the conference scheduling process be laid out and sent to ADs.
  1. Men’s Tennis Update
  2. The conference only has five schools sponsoring men’s tennis this year, which means the NCAA sponsorship minimum will not be met. Concordia and Chestnut Hill may opt to join the ECC as associate members in tennis if the CACC does not hold a championship. Tom Shirley made a motion for the CACC to continue to hold a men’s tennis championship for one year. Chestnut Hill and Concordia will likely qualify for regionals based on their rankings. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  3. Tom Brennan suggested the sponsoring schools fund the men’s tennis championship. The conference office will develop a detailed proposal for potential implementation in 2018-19 that identifies what expenses would need to be covered by the schools for a quality championship.

The group took a break from 10:45AM until 10:53AM

  1. Men’s Lacrosse Operating Codes (Supplement #6)
  2. The operating codes were developed based on other CACC sport codes as well as the ECC men’s lacrosse codes. Lynn Tubman suggested crossover film exchange be added to the proposed codes. Women’s lacrosse did not get approval for their request to implement film exchange this past year. A review of both men’s and women’s lacrosse will be conducted at the end of the year, and film exchange will be discussed. Ben DiNallo made a motion to approve the men’s lacrosse operating codes. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  1. Spring Festival
  2. Marc Caserio volunteered to chair the spring festival committee. He will work with Laura Liesman to arrange a committee meeting at Georgian Court.
  1. CACC Sport Supervisors/Sport Chairs (Supplement #7)
  2. The group agreed that our coaching ADs should not be serving as the coach rep/sport chair. Joe Clinton will serve as the men’s lacrosse AD Sport Supervisor, Keith Davie will serve for men’s soccer, and Kathy Laoutaris for softball. A request for coach rep nominations for men’s soccer, lacrosse, and basketball will be emailed to the ADs. The AD Chairs are expected to be on site at the championship and on the conference calls. Doug and Ellen will be sharing sport supervision this year.
  1. Wood Bats
  2. The CACC coaches voted in favor (8-2) of using metal bats if the NE-10 opts to as well. The NE-10 has not yet taken action on the matter. Ben DiNallo made a motion to adopt the use of metal bats in baseball, effective beginning in 2018-19. Linda Andrzjewski seconded. Motion failed: 7-6-1. If needed, this will be revisited in January.
  1. Non-Championship Segment (Supplement #8)
  2. CACC Policy Review
  3. In June, the Directors Council adopted a 25 in 45-day non-championship segment policy. Once 25 days have been used, teams may begin their out of the playing season activities. The policy will be reviewed at the end of the academic year.
  4. The men’s soccer coaches requested that with the addition of an AQ, they be exempt from the conference non-championship policy. The ADs did not take action on this item.
  1. Intra-conference Transfer Policy Appeals Committee – Process Update
  2. The appeals committee process will now include an opportunity for both ADs to share their thoughts regarding the case during the appeals conference call.
  1. Track and Field Games Committee (Supplement #9)
  2. The games committee met via conference call over the summer to review the championship structure. This year, coaches must prove that their field athletes have competed in the respective field event during the previous collegiate season. Sandy Michael made a motion to approve the recommended changes. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  3. Sandy Michael noted that many regular season track and field events award medals to the top three finishers in each event, but the CACC only awards medals to the top two. Sandy Michael made a motion for the CACC to award medals to the top three finishers in each event at the conference championship (effective immediately). Sheila Wooten seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  1. CACC Sport Sponsorship (Supplement #10)
  2. Other than needing to remove men’s golf from Nyack’s sponsorship list, the updated sport sheet was accurate.
  1. NCAA Triathlon– Laura Liesman (Supplements #11A, 11B, and 11C)
  2. Laura Liesman and Dan Mara met with NCAA Triathlon administrators at NACDA this past year. Schools may receive $70K over three years to assist with the implementation of the sport.
  1. Vaping – Laura Liesman
  2. Students who “vape” have caused smoke alarm issues at Georgian Court. They will be updating their institutional smoking policy as a result.
  1. CACC Brand Status Update (Supplement #12)
  2. The brand status update was reviewed by the group. Baron Rings reupped their sponsorship for this year. We are in the last year of the Henry Schein contract, but that can be reupped as well. The conference is looking at Hotels Unlimited for a potential sponsorship in conjunction with the Spring Festival. Mark Corino suggest the Festival Committee discuss sponsorship opportunities.

The group took a lunch break from 12:02PM until 12:20PM

Carly Mertens (Graduate Student – Cross Country) joined the group for lunch and provided a Concordia SAAC Update

  1. Coaches Education Session
  2. Coaches education is an initiative in the CACC strategic plan. The NCAA is focusing on offering additional opportunities for coaches, as they seem to have the least amount of general knowledge about the division. Six CACC coaches have attended the D2 Identity Workshop to date. The NCAA is discussing the possibility of removing coaches recruiting test and using webinars and modules for rules education instead. The conference office will continue to look for opportunities for CACC coaches.
  1. CACC Spectator Code of Conduct – Sandy Michael (Supplement #13)
  2. A draft of the code was reviewed in June and the Directors Council charged the Infractions and Ethics committee to further develop the document. Sandy Michael made a motion to adopt the proposed CACC Spectator Code of Conduct (with minor changes made during meeting). Tom Shirly seconded. Motion passed: 14-0. The conference office will design a banner with the new code and send two to each school. Schools will be charged for each additional banner they request beyond two.
  1. Campus Sexual Violence Policy (Supplements #14A and 14B)
  2. The NCAA policy allows for flexibility in terms of the type of sexual violence training that is conducted on campus. Each president must sign a form at the end of the year confirming the school met the requirements of the policy. Each of the approved schools will be listed in an NCAA publication.
  1. 2018-19 Dues Increase (possibility) – Tom Shirley
  2. Dues have not increased since 2013. At the November Presidents Council meeting, Dan will review the invoice which lists each item.
  1. CACC Committees (Supplement #15)
  2. Each standing committee will select a Chair. And, each committee will have at least one conference call each year.
  1. Peer Reviews 2017-18 (Supplements #16A and 16B)
  2. Wilmington is the final school to be visited in the first review cycle. Concordia will be the first school to be reviewed in the second cycle.
  1. CACC Website Redesign & Social Network – Doug DeBiase
  2. The CACC website is being redesigned. The SAAC students will be provided a chance to offer feedback during the conference meeting.
  1. SAAC Retreat – February 9-10 – Nyack College
  2. Nyack College will be hosting the CACC/ECC SAAC weekend this year. The event will be held on February 9th and 10th.
  1. Compliance Seminar – March 19-20 – Trumbull Marriott
  1. Under Armour Athletic Director of the Year Candidate Selection
  2. Mark Corino was the only nominee for the UA AD of the Year award. Tom Shirley motioned to select Mark for the award. Sandy Michael seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.
  1. Restaino Cup Presentations
  2. Tom Shirley and Linda Andrzjewski each received a plaque for winning the women’s and men’s 2016-17 Restaino Cups, respectively.
  1. Next Meeting: Friday, January 19th, 2017 – 1PM in Indianapolis, IN
  2. March 26th, 2018 at USciences
  3. May 31-June 1, 2018 at the Sands

Meeting adjourned at 1:24PM

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