Student Support Office

School of Arts

Jarman Building

University of Kent



Please note: This form is not to be used as an appeal against a Board of Examiners decision, or for requesting an extension to a coursework deadline.

For full details concerning concessions, please refer to:

The concessions process relating to late submissions does not recognise reading the date of the deadline incorrectly, issues with computers or failing to back up your work as sufficient reasons for submitting work late. All students are reminded by Academic teaching staff, module materials online and in Induction or Welcome Back sessions that they should check their assessment deadlines carefully, and back-up all work on USBs, hard drives or cloud storage.

Legitimate concessionary reasons to request that a piece of work is accepted late include incapacitating medical problems or exceptional misfortune.

On the occasions where there are concessionary factors which have impacted an incomplete submission, students should complete this form and urgently book an appointment with Jacqui Double, the Student Support Officer, to request a concession supported by substantiating evidence, to be allowed to submit completed work within 5 working days of the original submission deadline.

If the work has not been submitted within 5 working days of the original submission deadline, you will be awarded a mark of 0.

Personal Details
Surname / First Name
Kent Email Address / Date
Year of Study
(please select as appropriate) / Stage 1 ☐
Stage 2 ☐
Stage 3 ☐
MA ☐ / Programme of Study
(please select as appropriate) / Drama ☐
Film ☐
History of Art ☐
Media ☐
Other (please state below)
Submission affected by concessionary factors
Module Code
(Please list all modules affected, the box will expand as you type) / Coursework Impacted
(Please list the coursework affected. E.g. Essay 1, Essay 2, Seminar Diary etc.)
Concessionary reasons which impacted your submission
Please outline below the circumstances you wish to be taken into account at the School of Arts Boards of Examiners. i.e. the concessionary matters which have affected your studies.
(Please include as much relevant information as possible; the box will expand as you type)
Evidence to support your concession for a late submission
Please outline below the circumstances you wish to be taken into account at the School of Arts Board of Examiners. i.e. the concessionary matters, how they have affected your studies, and specific action(s) requested under concession.
(Please select the relevant box below)
Evidence is attached with this concessions form / ☐ /
Evidence will be sent separately
(please also complete the box below) / ☐ /
If your evidence is being sent separately, please detail the type of evidence you will be providing. E.g. medical note, supporting email etc.
Important Information
In line with Data Protection, we do not keep hard copies of any concessions forms or evidence. All concessions and evidence will be kept in electronic files, which only Student Support staff and the Concessions Committee have access to.
If hardcopies of the concession form or evidence are received, they will be scanned to keep electronically and the hardcopies will be destroyed. Therefore, if you wish to keep the original hardcopy, please let us know.
The concessions form and evidence will be kept in line with the University’s Retention Policy.
For full details regarding Data Protection and the Retention Policy, please refer to:

Please sign to confirm that the information you provide is truthful, and the evidence you provide is genuine. Your signature will also confirm that you agree to your information being stored in line with the Data Protection and Retention Policies
For office use only
Work submitted within 5 working days? / Yes ☐ Date submitted:
No ☐ Date (if submitted):
Work accepted late for marking? / Yes ☐ Date marker informed:
No ☐ Date marker informed