Getting Started

*Don’t miss out! Join our Facebook Group exclusively for Rock Your Jeans Challengers

*Access all Challenge documents online at

*Add to your contacts so you don’t miss our emails full of helpful tips, motivation, and more! If you’re not receiving them PLEASE let us know. You can get more info on Whitelisting here 

**PICK a teammate. Or let us know and we’ll pick one for you! Your teammate is your accountability buddy & supporter throughout the challenge! Lean on each other. Check in with each other. Push & encourage each other to be your best.

**LOG YOUR POINTS and your TEAM POINTS at the studio each week by Wednesday!

** MOST IMPORTANTLY remember we are here for you! If you are struggling or have questions reach out to Becky, Mariah, Johanne, or Angela. Your goal is progress, not perfection. Change is not easy so lean on us to guide you, support you, and help you when you need it!

Points Guide

20pts / Complete & turn in your Goal Worksheet by Friday, January 27th.
Knowing what your specific goals and the actions that will get you there gives you a roadmap to ensure your success. Knowing WHY you want to achieve your goals is what will fuel your motivation to stay on track.
30pts/week / Log your food daily.
Yes! Everything you eat ;) What you don’t measure you can’t manage. Food logging is proven to increase results. By simply logging what you eat, you will make better choices! It also allows us to give you feedback and hold you accountable to making those better choices.
Use whatever works best for you…the food journal sheet we gave you, a notebook, or an app like myfitnesspal. Whatever makes it easy for YOU to stick to! Turn in your food log each Monday or Tuesday at the studio.We’ll review it and return them to you with any feedback by the end of the week. You must log 6 out of 7 days to receive full points!
Be sure to read the Success Guide and Handouts for more info on how to eat healthy! You’ll also be receiving regular nutrition emails from us (so be sure to whitelist (directions above).
15pts/week / Respond to the Weekly Win post on Facebook!
The post goes up Saturday morning. Respond by Sunday night to receive your points. We want to know how you’re doing, what questions you have, or how we can help you be more successful!
15pts/day / Complete a workout at Fox Fitness.
You gotta show up to be successful! With 21 sessions to pick from each week there’s no excuses why you can’t show up 3-4 times per week. Schedule your workouts in like an appointment. CONSISTENCY = RESULTS
10pts/day / Complete a workout on your own!
Your workout must be at least 20 minutes and may include weight training, walking, biking, Zumba, etc...You must text/call your teammate to let them know you completed your workout! Make it fun by sharing a sweaty selfie with your teammate or in the Facebook Group!*Note: You can only count 1 workout per day! You cannot workout twice to double up on points.
5pts/day / Track a Daily Nutrition Habit
Losing weight and keeping it off starts by creating habits. Most diets fail because they are too hard to stick too. Building habits creates LASTING results and changes that STICK! For the challenge you will pick ONE SPECIFIC Nutrition Habit to focus on.
Watch the Don’t Break the Chain video at for all the details on how to pick & track a habit. Pick a goal to focus on for the entire challenge and share with your coach so we can make sure you’re on the right track!
This focus goal is something you can work on each day, that’s specific, measurable, and that you feel confident you can achieve. You can use the calendars posted on the website, printed at the studio, or download an app such a Strides App to track your habit.
50pts / Final Measurements & Progress Check-In.
Sign-up for your final measurement and progress check-in. If you’ve made progress towards your goals (weight lost, inches lost, visible transformation,reached your goals, etc…) then you’ll receive full points!! We realize everyone’s goals are different and people lose weight at different rates so we want to reward you for making progress specific to your personal goals and see that you put action steps in place. ACTION STEPS = RESULTS