Concern Worldwide, Bangladesh

Terms of Reference

Study on Identifying Feasible and Appropriate Water and Sanitation Solutions for the Pavements, Squatters and Undeveloped Slums in Dhaka City

I Standard Terms
  1. Duration and Location:The duration of the consultancy is total of 15 days and it will spread over from the date of signing the contract up to 14 November 2017.
  1. Remuneration/Fee:
  • Bidders are requested to submit their price quotations for the assignment of the consultancy, inclusive tax & vat and as per the policy of Bangladesh Govt. which shall be deducted at source in consideration for the Consultant carrying out the tasks outlined herein.
  • Concern Worldwide, Bangladesh will not bear any additional cost; however bear the cost to organize the workshop with expert.
  • Expenses not specified in this or any section of this agreement are the responsibility of the Consultant.
  1. Payment:

The consultant will be paid an agreed amount including tax & vat for the total assigned service. Full payment will be made upon completion of the assignment. The payment mode would be in three (03) instalments for the entire assignmentagainst invoices issued by the Consultant:

First instalment is 20% after signing of the agreement;

The rest of 30% of the payment will be made after submission of the draft report.

And remaining 50% will be paid upon satisfactory submission and acceptance of the final Baseline report along with all raw data of the baseline survey as specified in the agreement.

Concern will not be liable for any bank charges arising from incorrect bank details being provided to Concern.

IIProject Specifications

  1. Background:

Bangladesh is one of the rapid developing countries in South Asia with 167 million inhabitants – where the capital city, Dhaka, has 16.98 million inhabitants– one thirds of them are living in informal settlements. In Bangladesh, national water and sanitation coverage has improved significantly over the last few years. According to the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS-2012-2013), nationally 97.9 % households’ member using improved sources of drinking water and 55.90 % of households using improved sanitation facilities. In urban areas the water and sanitation coverage are 99% and 59% respectively. But there are pockets of areas including urban informal settlements that have received very little attention due to geophysical, socio-cultural and economic situation. With very little development in particular, water and sanitation coverage in these areas still remain much below the basic minimum level. Government of Bangladesh also has acknowledged water and sanitation is a basic right for people; however it is not sufficiently instrumental in practices. Still it remains a key challenge to realize the water and sanitation rights for the people at the end of the urban poverty continuum. Despite the presence of the Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA), pavements and squatters dwellers do not have entitlement to get access to services due to their living conditions, eviction related risks and other reasons. They collect water from intermediary groups at a higher rate than actual price. Poor sanitation condition creates disease burden for them. Additionally, with the growing inequality, rapid economic progress and unplanned urbanization make the situation worsen and intend to ‘left behind’ them from getting the basic water services. Present pro-poor model is not appropriate to serve all the target communities and alternative approaches are required to ensure their access. The findings of the study will explore some alternative feasible solutions and approaches for negotiating utility agencies to create some service provisions.

  1. Purpose/Objective of the Consultancy:

The main purpose of the Study are i) examine the context and health, hygiene and sanitation situationswithin the project locations , ii) identifying feasible and appropriate water and sanitation solutions for the pavements, squatters and undeveloped slums in Dhaka City

Specific Tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant:

  • Introductory meeting with Concern Worldwide for understanding the study requirements and finalize study plan
  • Conduct FGD (total 04 FGDs) with pavement dwellers, squatter dwellers and developing slum using guided questioners.
  • Conduct Key Informant Interview (KII) with relevant sectoral experts regarding policy gaps and technological solutions.
  • Field visit to observe the existing situation, challenges and practices of targeted communities
  • Conduct FGD with the targeted locations with assistance from partner staff to collect primary data.
  • Review secondary documents for identifying possible replicable best practices available in country and abroad suitable for any of the project locations
  • Facilitate a daylong Workshop for documenting the learnings and recommendations from sectoral experts for incorporating in the report
  • Finalize the draft final report after incorporating feedback/ comments/inputs from Concern Worldwide.
  1. Outputs:

The final report will be in English with maximum 20 pages excluding annexes and use standard font (e.g. Times New Roman 11 or 12, Arial 10 or 11) The consultant will submit three (03) sets of the final hard copy report and soft copy in CD to CWW as final delivery of this assignment.

The indicative outline of report format of the strategy is as follows:

  • Stand-alone executive summary
  • Introduction ( Bangladesh urbanisation trend, scope and opportunities and challenges of WASH, SDGs targets and action needed for access to safe water and sanitation for all, policy environment and national commitment related WASH etc. )
  • Study objectives & deliverable
  • Methodology(location,sampling, tools etc.)
  • Description of existing facilities available in target locations
  • Summary of External and Internal Analysis (Brief of feasible water and sanitation solutions
  • Recommendations and Conclusion
  • Annexes to the report.
  1. Required Qualifications:
  • BSc. in Civil or Environmental Engineering or Masters in Urban and Rural Planning, Development Studies, Social Science or any other relevant subject
  • Considerable long working experience in in the urban WASH sector
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding on urban water and sanitation solutions
  • Good understanding about urbanisation, its challenges, national and urban policy and institutional context, and government agencies of Bangladesh
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills in English
  1. Lines of Communication:

The consultant will work closely with Mr. Babul Bala, Technical Expert- WASH of ConcernWorldwide, Bangladesh with support from the Program Manager of ILUEP and Head of Urban Program who will provide oversight support and guidance.

  1. Timeframe:

The duration of the consultancy is total of15 days and it will spread over from the date of signing the contract up to 14 November 2017. The technical proposal must include detail activity plan.