Effingham County High School
Course Title: GSE Geometry Room: 208, 217
Teacher: Mrs. R Pattesron-Driggers Office: 217
Email: Phone: 754-6404
Textbook and Materials
The textbook used for this course is Georgia Analytic Geometry, published by Holt McDougal (replacement cost: $84.70).
You are responsible for the following materials:
· Pencils
· Paper
· 3-ring binder
· Graph paper
· Compass & protractor
· Color Pencils (12 count)
· Calculator of your choice:
o Texas Instruments TI-30XS multiview calculator (required)
o Texas Instruments TI-84 calculator (recommended)
Units Covered:
Unit 1: Transformations in the Coordinate Plane
Unit 2: Similarity, Congruence, and Proofs
Unit 3: Right Triangle Trigonometry
Unit 4: Circles and Volume
Unit 5: Geometric and Algebraic Connections
Unit 6: Applications of Probability
Grading Policy
System wide unit tests will be given at the end of each unit. A Georgia Milestone End-of-Course Assessment will be given at the end of the course. Homework will be given and graded daily. Daily grades can include quizzes, projects, group work, warm-up problems, and other activities.
Nine-week grades will be calculated as follows:
Tests 60%
Daily grades 30%
Homework 10%
The final grade for the course will be calculated as follows:
Each 9-weeks 20%
Georgia Milestone End-of-Course Test 20%
Classroom Guidelines
1. Bring pencils, paper, book, calculator and notebook to class every day.
2. No food or drinks (other than water) will be permitted in Mrs. Patterson- Driggers’ classroom.
3. Label your notes, homework, and assignments with first and last name, date, and assignment.
4. Pay attention at all times. Take notes when appropriate. Participate in class discussions and in group-work. Begin your homework and classwork immediately when it is assigned.
5. Do not talk while I am talking.
6. Do not get out of your desk while I am teaching.
7. Common courtesy is expected at all times. Show proper respect to me and to your classmates, and I will do the same for you.
8. Do not ask to leave the room. Get water and use the restroom before class.
9. Come to school daily. Math is a difficult subject to learn on your own. You will get behind very quickly when you are absent.
10. Completing assignments will be a necessity in order to do well in this class. Assignments will be evaluated in many different ways, so always have these completed each day. Do not get behind on your assignments and feel free to seek help on those you have difficulty with. Incomplete assignments will decrease understanding, which will affect your average.
11. Make-up work is your responsibility. On the day that you return to class, copy the notes, warm-up, and assignment from one of your classmates and put in your notebook. Ask for any missing assignments. Complete these assignments and turn them in to me within 3 days. If you miss a review day, you must still take the test on the day that it is given to everyone. This applies to 10-day absences.
12. Cheating of any form will result in a zero. This includes homework, daily work, quizzes, extra-credit, projects, and tests.
13. All rules in the student handbook apply in this classroom.
Tutoring is available before school from 7:40 to 8:00
You should be in your seat, pencil sharpened, book, notebook, and calculator out when the bell rings. You will report to the tardy table for a pass if the bell rings before you enter class.
Electronic devices:
The unauthorized use of cell phones, iPods, iPads, tablets, headphones, etc. in Mrs. Patterson-Driggers’ classroom is NOT permitted. If a student’s electronic device is audible and/or visible, it will be confiscated and turned in to the front office.
Parent Signature Student Signature