In the Name of Allah

Concept of the Seminar on “Awaited Savior in Various religions and their outlook about the future of the World”

The belief in a coming Messiah and Savior of the world full of justice will eventually happen to all religions and every religion and school of religious and ethnic minorities in accordance with the latest promised to speak said.

Because the next person to seek spiritual and material welfare and perfection can not connect to a source of the Apocalypse and the emergence of the human person as the savior of the Savior that is not the issue of inter-religious to see clearly in is different.

Messianic belief in Hinduism and Hindu texts

In Hinduism the promised apocalypse called "the tenth Avatara" or the tenth Avatara, is remembered. In the Hindu religion, the book "Purana", a detailed description about the end of the Age of Kali, the last period before the appearance of the tenth Avatara of Vishnu, is shown. The purpose of the Age of Kali is the apocalypse.

Book "visibility" of the Sacred Scriptures of India reads: After the devastation of the world, king of the Apocalypse is found to be the leader of the People called him 'Mansur' and take their religion into all the world and make everyone of believers and unbelievers to recognize what God wants, cope ...

In "Basque" Indians from other holy books has been all around the world, just the end of the leader to be the king of angels, elves, and humans, and right and right is he and what is hidden in the sea, land and mountains , acquired all of the heavens and the earth and what is going to be bigger than he who offends the world.

In "Vshn joke" Another Indian scriptures come late, the world that God loves and who wishes to be his special servants, and blessed, and blessed is his name, and he's alive.

Promised in the Buddhist

Apocalypse in Buddhism as the promised Savior "Five Buddhas" and the good news coming, and Buddhists are waiting for the manifestation.

Promised in Zoroastrianism


Awaiting for a Savior in other Religions

In many religions there is an expectation for a savior to come and help the release from injustice. In Islam it is ‘Mahdawai’ which has a great international philosophy, because Islam is an international religion and Shia in its real meaning is an international factor.

In addition to the Muslims especially the Shia, followers of other religions like Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Hindus expect someone to come and bring peace and justice to the world. In the book “Dead” which is a divine book for Hindus, it is written: “In the end of the world, after corruption of the world, a leader will appear who is called Mansoor. He will master all the world, he will know everyone whether a believer or an unbeliever, and whatever he asks, God will offer him”. (Beshatrat Ahdin, p.245).

In addition, in the book “Yamaseb” by Zoroaster’s student it is written: “From Arabs ground , Hashim’s sons, a man with a big head, big body and big feet comes out, and continues his grandfather’s religion with a large army, goes to Iran and constructs the earth and fills the earth with justice”. (Beshatrat Ahdin, p.258).

And in the Old Testament the book of Genesis 18:20 “And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; Behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and I will multiply him exceedingly, Twelve Princes shall he beget and I will make him a great nation”

And in David’s Mazamir (Zaboor) it is written: “ …and God will approve the pious men who will become owners of the earth and will settle in it for ever” (Mazmour 37, 10-37).

And in the Holy Qur’an it is mentioned:

“And certainly we wrote in the book after the reminder that (as for) the land, My righteous servants shall inherit the earth”. (Chap 21:105),

Expectation and waiting for Imam Mahdi(as) has a longer history than Islam. It does not only relate to a specific race, region, or religion.

Also in the Holy Qur’an it is said:

“Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as he made those before them rulers, and that he will most certainly establish for them their religion which he has chosen for them,

and that he will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange; they shall serve me, not associating aught with me, and whoever is ungrateful after this, these it is who are the transgressors” (24:55)

and also in the Holy Qur’an:

“And we desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed week in the land, and to make them the Imams (Leaders), and to make them the heirs.” (28:5)

The above two verses are examples to prove that at last, persons with great merit will govern the world and lead the people. From the Holy Qur’an two items are derived:

1. The final objective of the prophets is two matters: Monotheism and Justice. The first is about the relationship between man and his lord, and the second is about interrelationship among people.

2. Justice is not a desire, a mere wish or a daydream, but a reality which the world moves towards it. It is God’s tradition that he will govern the world in full justice.

There will come a day in which no cruelty, no injustice, no hostility, no killing, no oppression, no lies, and no corruption will exist in the world. It means that after a period of corruption and ignorance finally the world will be filled with equity and justice. And the reason for not collapsing or destroying the world in future is the expectance of The Mahdi (as) in coming and making man to live a happy life. A period in which only peace, humanity and morality will govern the world.

The Prophet of Islam (SAW) calls that day, the day of light and human dignity.He said :

“ Hazrat Al Mahdi (as) will come in a situation that diversity and degradation among the people is so high that the world will be ruined. He will come and preserve humanity from damage and corruption. Then God will enrich peoples hearts with faith and love”

So Al Mahdi (as) is not a thought of mere sitting and waiting, not a future telling, but he is a true reality, a special personality who himself expects his appearance. He lives among the people, watches us and we watch for him, he is with our sufferings and desires, and he shares our happiness and our oppressions. His divine life is planned this way, not to make himself appear and wait with other people for the promised time.

Therefore, expectation for the factual savior of the world does not mean to sit silent. Especially in the case of obligations of the religion, i.e, “Jehad” – Holy War in order to set God’s laws we cannot deprive ourselves from the responsibilities , anyway the Muslim’s job is to distinguish the right path from the wrong, especially in calling the people to:

“Enjoining the good deeds and prohibiting the evil”.

Just as the Sun hidden behind the clouds provides us with light and warmth……..,

Imam Mahdi provides us with guidance even though he is in Ghaybat, (hiding)…..

Expectation does not deprive man from any of his responsibilities and does not delay any of his actions , as it is mentioned in the following narration:

“The best action is expectation for relief and appearance which is a very preferable virtue and is resulted from high and good faith”

Like wise it is mentioned in the narration’s that Jesus the Son of Mary (as) will also reappear after the advent of Al Mahdi (as), he will pray behind the Imam and assist him in his task.

Apocalypse or Promised Savior, the worldview and eschatology of Zoroastrianism, is a special place to "Saoshyant" or "Svshyans" means "the supplier profit" and "Savior and religious leader" call. The "Jamasbnamh" which includes questions Goshtasb Jamasb king and his predictions for the Goshtasb quotes Zoroaster, stated: Svshyans religion spread to the world to eradicate poverty. Rescued from the hands of evil deities, like-minded people around the world, both in speech and deed returns.

In "hits" in which also foretold, Shvsyans, racial justice and eradicate evil makes the O Zarathustra Spytaman! As time goes on, the enemies like a cold winter night when the tree reaches a leaf shine at night, are trashed. Mishan involved when it comes to the Gorgan.

Messiah in Judaism

Works of Jewish religious books also frequently referred to the coming Messiah have been promising. Some of the other books of the Pentateuch or Torah, the Prophets of the Children of Israel some promise of great leaders rise to the name "Christ" or Messiah in Hebrew and means "anointed one" is given. Given that the Jews of Jesus Christ, but fails to kill him were closed and not ready to believe this other than Jesus Christ, or Messiah, and await the Christians and Muslims.

Hence, the Jewish Messiah has been born yet. According to Jewish belief, the descendant of David, his son or the son of David is chosen, Drakhralzman will emerge and dominate the world, and will be king of the world community of justice and sovereignty and governance will. All the tyrants and evil to destroy the Vsalhan rescuing the poor, will inherit the earth. Then the Jews will be the extent of the land.

Due to the extreme Jews ethnicism and racism and the right to know the absolute truth about their religion and the Jewish race, it becomes clear that their intention was clear from the righteous inherit the earth in their religious books are Jewish or non-Jewish descent turned to the Jewish religion, not the public, including the righteous righteous Gentiles and other religions.

Promised Msyht religion / Islam and Christianity agree on the return of Prophet Jesus (as) in the End Times

Christianity as the next man has to look optimistic, the same messianic Jesus Christ, the promise is given. Second appearance or return of Jesus Christ to save the world and created a magnificent world of the Christian faith seriously. Hence, if ultimately about Jesus Christ's first advent of the mission of promoting religion among Muslims and Christians is controversial, mainly in the appearance of his opinions are divided.

Accordingly, Jesus will rise again to reiterate the words of the New Testament (or the Christian Gospels and some secondary literature associated with it), and then destroy them with rulers will fight the wicked man to shore salvation brought and his ideal life would cast materialized. For this reason, Christians should be ready and waiting for the manifestation of the Imam to provide context.

In the Gospel of Luke in the background reads: Depending on your waists, his lamps lit for those who love you be like waiting for his kill ... then you're also susceptible because they do not think time "guy man "comes from. Second Advent of Jesus (AS) with the emergence of a series of natural disasters, land, sky, political and social will.

Son of man cometh unto the great sacrifices humanity to grapple with problems ... and will be signs in the sun and stars and fish and astonishment of the people on the ground stenosis will cause sea Amvajsh revolt; and hearts of the people will faint from fear and the expectation that the events will appear on the quarter inhabited since Qvat heavens will be shaken and then they will see the Son of man which is mounted on the cloud comes with great power and glory.

Promised the Muslim faith

Islam as the final and most complete religion and religions, to issue the promised Mahdi over other religions and explain the importance of the issues it has taken special effort. Based on the important role Mahdi promised in Islam that all Muslims and sectarian groups that it happened at the end of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will exit and also agree on the fact that the Prophet Generation of Hazrat Ali (AS) and Fatima Zahra (sa) and his name is called The Prophet (PBUH).

Besides the many verses in the messianic Islam and Hazrat Mahdi (as) implies, Shia and Sunni traditions in this area, very high frequency limit is reached, so that no one can doubt about the integrity of their that way. Here's the promised Mahdi of Islam in both the religion and its pivotal importance Sunni and Shia Islam follow two views on this issue intensely stipulate.

Mahdi Maoud awaited in Sunni (sect )

Sunni congregation in books such traditions about the promised Mahdi Maoud (pbuh) is his belief that the religious needs of their states. For example, on the issue of global reformers and the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as), 657 of them in the books of hadith including Sahih Bukhari, Sunan Ibn Majh, Sunan Ibn Daud, Sunan Termez, Cairns elected Labour, Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ynaby Almvdh, Alsvaq Almhrqh and it is quoted.

Sunni books about Imam Mahdi (aj) have written or collected narratives about them, not so much. Selected books, acting, over 60 authentic Sunni books, which have been the subject of names, some famous and renowned scholars and Sunni Akaberi, including Ahmad ibn Dawud, Ibn Majh, Termez, steam, Clearly, gynecology unit, Bayhaqi, Mavrdy, al-Tabarani, Smany, Ibn Sakr, Kasai, Ibn al-Athir, ruler, Ibn Josie and commentator Mtzly have spoken on this issue.

Although the principle of Imamate as Shia Sunni do not believe, but because many authentic hadiths regarding the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and the frequency of their belief in the Mahdi name generation Fatimah Sunni beliefs necessary Therefore, the denial of the promised Mahdi (pbuh) led to the departure of Dean knows.

"Sfaryny" great Sunni scholars in the book "believes" writes: belief in Mahdi is obligatory to leave it to the theologians appointed and has written books, ideas and Sunni communities. The "judge Shvkany" author "Neil Alavtar" also says fifty hadith and hadith about the Mahdi is considerable doubt Mtvatrnd.

Mahdi Maoud Awaited in Shi( sect)

Messianic ideology and issue the promised Mahdi (aj) on the top spot for two reasons Shiism and sensitivity and is more attractive: the question of the authenticity of the Imamate and its ideological position, that the Shiite culture, religion, and the second is the continuing mission Messianism in the Shiite question of openness, transparency and integrity are far more dimensions and angles so that all the personality of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and how the rise and establishment of the rule of the Muslim world by his well-lit and any ambiguity It does not exist.

Prophet (PBUH) told Ali (AS) stated: twelve will come after me, they're the first and last O Ali his "successor" He who thanks to the Almighty God will prevail over all the world, East and West .

Imam Jawad (AS), Hazrat Abdul Azim Hasani told the story about Imam Mahdi (AS) said: O Abu! We are acting in the absence of the Mahdi that is necessary to kill him, waiting for the manifestation of their obedience. She is my third child.

To be certain about manifestation, the Prophet (PBUH) stated: If the life of this world is but a day left, man of God, that day so long to Bytm name is my name come from the earth after the was filled with oppression and injustice of the justice and fills.

Vice-speaking Al-Mohammad (pbuh) during the rise

Hadiths about Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is very similar in both Sunni and Shia sources, but they are better than the countless traditions of Allameh Tabatabai promise them more than 3 thousand versions of the Prophet (pbuh) Imams ( AS) is quoted.

The story is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS), Hazrat Mahdi (as) comes to the Sacred Mosque and the Kaaba and the Maqam Ibrahim to stand up and leave the two rak'at Salat and then cried out: O my people! I remember Adam, Noah memorial, a memorial to Abraham, Ishmael remembered ... I remembered Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (PBUH) ... I remember the prophets, I am the heir of Adam, Noah excerpts, summaries and extracts Ibrahim Muhammad, I am owner Living Quran and the Sunnah ... Cry me answer, I will tell you everything I know and what they know not what they do ... Everyone knows the scriptures we read books, listen ... Adam, Seth, Noah and the sky looks and Scriptures Abraham, when called to the Torah and the Gospel and the Psalms ... and Then the Holy Quran.

Of all available resources and traditions of different religions, we find that the problem does not come lose over time not only color, but over time as a necessary and inescapable thoughts and beliefs and their place will flashed.