COMS 3312 Test #4 Review

December 12 at 8:00 am

Chapter 16:

What does excessive lying do to the liar’s (the source) ethos?

Those who use coercion to influence people will be successful only because of the element of what?

The best tenet of Machiavellian ethics is what?

Should speech ghostwriters be viewed as moral, immoral, or amoral and why? And what exactly is ghostwriting?

What is the role of a totalitarian government with respect to what is moral or ethical communication?

How would you describe the McCarthy “Red Scare” era with respect to what should be the US’s democratic ethics principles?

The legal system in the US is based on what system?

Why do many of us fall short of fulfilling the ethical responsibility to speak up when we see a wrong in society?

The amoral perspective of rhetorical communication argues what?

How is Machiavellian behavior typically viewed with respect to ethical behavior?

How do you define intent that is amoral?

How is rhetoric different from coercion?

What does it mean to say that we have an ethical responsibility to listen to another’s point of view?

When is a credibility gap likely to emerge between a speaker and an audience?

Chapter 6:

What ties the claim and evidence together?

What term describes the rhetorical thought process?

The claim of any argument is essentially what?

Exceptions to any argument are what?

An authoritative warrant is dependent on what to be effective?

Warrants that show a logical connection between the claim you’re making and the external world are called what?

The function of the warrant is to do what?

The substantive warrant of sign is based on what?

Generalization as a substantive warrant is another way of saying what?

How does a literal analogy compare to a figurative one when it comes to status? Higher or lower and why?

In order for second-order data to be accepted by the audience, what is key with respect to the speaker or source?

What is third-order data? What is first-order data?

What should the communicator do if he/she cannot concede or refute a reservation to the argument being made?

Being able to acknowledge a reservation to an argument and then effectively refute it allow the communicator to do what to the audience?

The Elaboration Likelihood Model focuses on the general idea of what? Be sure to what central processing and peripheral processing routes are, what it means to be high or low elaboration, and when they apply.

Chapter 8:

What is ethnocentrism? Is it good or bad? How does high or low amounts of it factor into it’s sense of being good or bad? What’s the danger of having too little ethnocentrism?

Know the terms encultured and acculturated

How likely with a rhetorical communicator run into an audience in today’s world that is high in homogeneity?

What is one good way to help reduce the level of xenophobia that may exist within an audience?

Know the terms interethnic, intercultural and intracultural

What is culture shock?

Know DeVito’s Ethnocentric Continuum—know all the levels on it and what they mean!

What does it mean to say as means of improving rhetorical communication across cultures, “never forget that meanings are in people, not in cultures.”

What is it when you “recognize your own ethnocentric feelings?

What is xenophobia?

What three elements make up what our text refers to as negative ethnocentrism.

When is drawing generalizations about groups or people considered to be okay?

The more we hold strong ethnocentric values, the morel likely we will do or be what?

Be sure to study that list of suggestions for improving rhetorical communication across cultures.

Chapter 7:

Are we better liars with words or with our bodies? Why?

Know the following terms/what they mean; how they are used: proxemics, chronemics, haptics, ojbectics, vocalics, and oculesics.

What is true for time as it relates to public communication?

What do we know about one’s use of voice to create a rhetorical effect?

Mehrabian and Birdwhistell placed great emphasis on what?

Objectics as it relates to public address—can it be used both formally and informally and why or why not?

Senses of touch and taste are filled with ethos, pathos, logos?

E-mail is a good medium for conveying what and a bad medium for conveying what else?