Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Draft SITSA Project Concepts
Technical Memorandum
Statewide ITS Architecture Update
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise
Draft SITSA Project Concepts
September 27, 2005
Version 2
Prepared for:
Florida Department of Transportation
Traffic Engineering and Operations Office
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Section
605 Suwannee Street, M.S. 90
Tallahassee, Florida32399-0450
(850) 410-5600
DOCUMENT CONTROL PANELFile Name: / Florida’s Turnpike EnterpriseDraft SITSTA Project Concepts
File Location: / W:\ITS Program\ITS GC\TWO48-SITSA Update\Regional Project Document\Final Descrip Documents\050927 Turnpike Project Descriptions_v2-final.doc
Deliverable Number:
Version Number: / 2
Name / Date
Created By: / Mohammed Hadi, Catherine Miller, Joe Schuerger / 8/11/05
Reviewed By: / Tahira Faquir / 8/16/05; 9/22/05
Karen England / 8/16/05
Modified By: / Dave Hodges / 8/19/05; 9/27/05
Completed By:
Version 2 – September 27, 20051
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Draft SITSA Project Concepts
Table of Contents
2.Archived Data
2.1FTE Data Warehouse
3.Traveler Information
3.1Service Plaza Traveler Information System
3.2Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Traveler Information Web Site
4.Traffic Management
4.1Freeway Surveillance and Driver Information
4.2Arterial Dynamic Message Signs
4.3Probe Surveillance
4.4Highway Advisory Radio Upgrade
4.5Automated Wet Pavement Warning System
4.6Automated Rollover Protection System
4.7Traffic Management Vehicle
4.8Managed Lanes on Non-Turnpike Facilities
4.9Expansion of Pompano Beach TMC
4.10Center-to-Center Connectivity
4.11Road Weather Information System
5.Electronic Toll Collection
5.1SunPassTM System Monitoring
5.2Expressway Open Road Tolling
5.3SunWatch Development and Tolls Data Warehouse Site
5.4SunPass Web Site Hosting
5.5Deployment of Sticker Tags
6.Commercial Vehicle Operations
6.1Commercial Vehicle Parking Information Systems
7.Emergency Management
7.1Traveler and Emergency Vehicle Information System
7.2Canal Monitoring System
7.3Bridge Security
7.4Road Ranger Upgrade
8.Maintenance and Construction
8.1Smart Work Zone Safety System
8.2Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Upgrade
9.Memorandum of Understanding and Joint Participation Agreements
9.1Existing Agreements
9.2Needed Agreements
List of Tables
Table 4.1.1 – Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Traffic Surveillance and Driver Information Projects 7
Table 5.1.1 – SunPass Lane Improvements...... 18
List of Acronyms
ARPS ...... Automated Rollover Protection System
ATIS ...... Advanced Traveler Information Service
AVC ...... Automatic Vehicle Classification
AVI ...... Automatic Vehicle Identification
AVL ...... Automatic Vehicle Location
CCTV ...... Closed-circuit Television
CEI ...... Construction, Engineering, & Inspection
CST ...... Construction
CVO...... Commercial Vehicle Operations
D/B ...... Design/Build
DMS ...... Dynamic Message Sign
ETC...... Electronic Toll Collection
FDOT...... Florida Department of Transportation
FHP ...... Florida Highway Patrol
FHWA...... Federal Highway Administration
FTE ...... Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise
HAR ...... Highway Advisory Radio
HEFT ...... Homestead Extension to the Florida Turnpike
HOT...... High Occupancy Toll
HOV ...... High Occupancy Vehicle
IP...... Internet Protocol
JPA ...... Joint Participation Agreement
MCCO ...... Motor Carrier Compliance Office
MIB ...... Management Information Base
MOU ...... Memorandum of Understanding
NTCIP ...... National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
O&M...... Operations and Maintenance
ORT ...... Open Road Tolling
PE ...... Preliminary Engineering
RRU ...... Railroad/Utilities
RWIS ...... Road Weather Information System
SEOC ...... StateEmergencyOperationsCenter
TIP...... Transportation Improvement Plan
TMC ...... TransportationManagementCenter
TMV ...... Traffic Management Vehicle
VES ...... Violation Enforcement System
WAN...... Wide Area Network
WIM ...... Weigh-in-Motion
Version 2 – September 27, 20051
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Draft SITSA Project Concepts
This technical memorandum presents intelligent transportation system (ITS) projects that have been identified to supportFlorida’s Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) user needs and ITS architecture. The recommended projects have been categorized based on the functional or application area they fall under.Some of these projects are already identified as funded projects in the 5-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Others are included in the FTEBusiness Plan as needed projects, but without allocated funds.A third category of the listed projects includesthose that were not included in the TIP or the Business Plan, but are identified in this project as needed based on user inputs and the selected market packages in the ITS architecture.
Critical to the overall success of ITS projects is the need to determine whether a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) may be a necessary component of the draft project. A separate section will provide recommendations that will address the potential to add new agreements or expand existing agreements. For example, a recommendation will be made to use an existing agreement, to expand its current scope, or to expand stakeholder involvement.
Each of the projects described in this section will detail the following information:
- Operational concepts to include agencies involved, roles and responsibilities, existing or needed agreements, andnational and state ITS standards.
- Needs addressed.
- Market packages incorporated (one or more customized market packages).
- Potential impacts (qualitative).
- Magnitude of cost (planning level).
- Availability of funding.
- Timeframe (immediate, near term, future).
2.Archived Data
2.1FTE Data Warehouse
Operational Concepts – The specifics for the implementation ofan ITS data warehouse in Florida are being investigated in a FDOT ITS Section project. One scenario for this implementation is that the FDOT Districts and FTE develop their own data warehouses, and that these warehouses form a “virtual” statewide warehouse allowing users to access and combine data from different sources in their analyses.
Needs Addressed:
Better data for planning of highway improvements, management strategies, performance measures, and construction and maintenance activities.
Market Packages Incorporated:
- AD2 ITS Data Warehouse
- AD3 ITS Virtual Data Warehouse
Potential Impacts: The data warehouse will provide historical data that can be used for planning and research purposes as well as for systems operational improvements.
Magnitude of Cost/Availability of Funds – $300,000 to $600,000.
Timeframe –Immediate (0-5 years) to near term (5 to 10 years).
3.Traveler Information
3.1ServicePlaza Traveler Information System
Operational Concepts – This SunNavSM ITS project will provide service plaza information displays for the dissemination of traffic, incident, and general information throughout the Florida Turnpike facilities. Three screens will be installed at each plaza to provide traveler information. This project will potentially give the FTE’s transportation management center (TMC) the capability to provide data feeds to three national traffic data providers and to three advanced traveler information service (ATIS) providers. The data feeds include traffic, incident, construction, and weather information affecting these counties.
Needs Addressed:
- Providing wider dissemination of information to the general public.
Market Packages Incorporated:
- ATIS1 Broadcast Traveler Information
Potential Impacts – Information provided to motorists will reduce individual motorists travel time during incidents and increase customer satisfaction.
Magnitude of Cost/Availability of Funds – Funds are available for this project as part of other projects listed in Section 4.1.
Timeframe – Immediate (0-5 years).
3.2Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Traveler Information Web Site
Operational Concepts – This project will disseminate traffic, incident, and general information data for the entire length of the Florida Turnpike Mainline.
Needs Addressed:
- Enhancing travel time accuracy.
- Provide accurate incident/event information
- Provide wide dissemination of traveler information to the responding agencies and the general public.
Market Packages Incorporated:
- ATIS1 Broadcast Traveler Information
- ATIS2 Interactive Traveler Information
Potential Impacts – The availability of travel time, incident/event information, and construction-related information will provide travelers with more accurate, timely advisories. This information will reduce travel time during incidents and increase customer satisfaction. Information provided to emergency vehicles will reduce incident response and clearance times.
Magnitude of Cost/Availability of Funds – This Website is being implemented in-house at a low cost to the TPE.
Time Frame – Immediate (0 to 5 years). The site will be operational soon on a limited basis.
4.Traffic Management
4.1Freeway Surveillance and Driver InformationSystem
Operational Concepts – This project concept includes the implementation of additional closed-circuit television (CCTV) freeway surveillance cameras, dynamic message signs (DMS), highway advisory radio (HAR) stations, and traffic detectors to cover all of the limited-access corridors the FTE manages.This coverage will also include the provision of a communications network with connectivity to various ITS system devices.
The facilities that will be covered with this system include:
- The Florida Turnpike Mainline and the Homestead Extension to Florida’s Turnpike (HEFT).
- The Sawgrass Expressway in South Florida.
- Orlandoarea expressways.
- Portion of the Beachline Expressway (SR 528).
- Portion of Seminole Expressway and Southern Connector (SR 417).
- Western Beltway in the Orlandoarea.
- Veterans Expressway and Suncoast Parkway (SR 589).
- Polk Parkway (SR 570).
The installation of video and traffic detector monitoring capability on the above facilities will enable the operators at the Pompano Beach and Turkey Lake TMCs to monitor the traffic flows in realtime, identify and verify traffic incidents, and provide a valuable source of on-scene information that can be used to coordinate incident management efforts and support public travel advisories.The collected information will be disseminated to Turnpike customers using DMS, HAR, and ATIStechnologies (ATIS services are provided under separate projects).Additionally, the collected video and data will be shared with other ITS agencies such as regional traffic management systems, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) dispatch center, and the regional and statewide ATIS providers.
CCTV camera coverage will be provided at an average of 1-mile spacing and at critical locations, as needed.Typical traffic detector coverage will be at half-mile spacing in urban areas and 1-mile spacing in rural areas.DMS units will be installed at critical locations on the Turnpike Mainline.
The communications system will consist mainly of fiberoptic infrastructure utilizing the Ethernet wide area network (WAN) architecture.This infrastructure will also provide for future toll operation data communications and monitoring video transmission.
Table 4.1.1 presents a list of existing and planned projects related to this project’s concept.
The FTE will be responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the DMS, traffic detectors, CCTV cameras, and fiber optic communication infrastructure.
The standards applicable to this project include:
- The national center-to-field National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) standards.
- Minimum Specifications for Permanent MountDynamic Message Signs and the FDOT DMS Management Information Base.
Existing DMS on the Turnpike are being upgraded to be NTCIP compliant.
Only FDOT-approved traffic control devices, such as DMS, are allowed to be installed on Florida highways. In addition, the Department has developed ITS specifications ( that should be considered when writing the specifications for the field devices. When the FDOT specifications are finalized in June 2006 and included in the Workbook of Implemented Modifications to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, then these standards should be followed.
Needs Addressed:
- Quicker incident detection and management.
- Faster and more efficient emergency response.
- Better information provided to travelers regarding incidents/delays.
- Better data for planning of highway improvements, management strategies, and construction and maintenance activities.
- Better communications infrastructure to allow toll collection information transmission.
Market Packages Incorporated:
- ATMS01: Network Surveillance
- ATMS06: Driver Information Dissemination
Potential Impacts – Applied within the context of an overall traffic management strategy, the additional CCTV and sensors will allow quicker identification of traffic incidents, resulting in reduced vehicle delay, including associated reductions in fuel consumption and emissions, and reduced numbers of secondary accidents.In addition, information provided using DMS, HAR, and other ATIS devices will reduce the individual motorists’ travel time and increase customer satisfaction.
Magnitude of Cost/Availability of Funding – The available funding will be sufficient to provide the required coverage of CCTV freeway surveillance cameras, DMS, HAR stations, and traffic detectors,plus update the installed devices to NTCIP compliance in the next five years. The cost/funding information is presented in Table 4.1.1. Additional replacement funds will be required at the end of the life-cycles of these devices.
Timeframe – Immediate (0-5 years).
Version 2 – September 27, 20051
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Draft SITSA Project Concepts
Table 4.1.1 – Florida’s Turnpike EnterpriseTraffic Surveillance and Driver Information Projects
FPID / Project / CCTV Cameras / Detectors / DMS/HAR / Fiber-Optic / Comment / Construction (Funding)190750-1 / SunNav ITS: Fiber Optics Pilot Program / 7 cameras from MP 7 to MP 75 / 68 miles of fiber optic cable will be connected at Pompano Beach TMC and integrated with five DMS in the project area / Additional CCTV cameras will be installed to upgrade this section of the Turnpike up to full camera coverage as part of the Phase I Supplemental Camera Project. / Existing
406119-2 / SunNav South Florida Part A / HEFT in Miami-Dade / Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach / 3 DMS and 1 HAR / MP 0-7 and 0X-4X
406120-1 / SunNav ITS Phase IV: Mainline MP 155 to MP 227 / CCTV cameras at 1-mile intervals / 1-mile interval / A 96-fiber cable for communications backbone/distribution and three additional conduits for future uses / This project will provide a communications infrastructure with video monitoring cameras and some vehicle detection. / PE 2005
Construction 2005
406120-2 / SunNav ITS–Central Florida ITS Improvements (Orlando and Tampa area expressways) / 1-mile intervals / One-half mile increments / Three DMS and one HAR with two beacon signs will also be installed on SR 528. Six DMS and one HAR with two beacon signs will be installed along SR 417. Two DMSwill be installed along SR 429. / A conduit along one side of segments of SR 528 and SR 417, a with a 96-fiber cable to be installed as well as three additional conduits for future uses / The covered sections include:
●MP 0 to MP 8.4 along the Beachline Expressway (SR 528).
●MP 37.7 to MP 55.2 along the Seminole Expressway (SR 417).
●MP 0 to MP 5.1 on the Southern Connector (SR 417).
●MP 0 to MP 10 along the Western Beltway (SR 570). / PE 2005
CST 2007
FPID / Project / CCTV cameras / Detectors / DMS/HAR / Fiber-Optic / Description / Construction
406120-3 / SunNav ITS Phase IV: Mainline MP 227 to MP 309 / 1-mile intervals / A 96-fiber cable for communications backbone/distribution and three additional conduits for future uses. / Turnpike Mainline from MP 227 to MP 309. / D/B 2006
406120-4 / SunNav ITS Phase IV –West FloridaITS Improvements (SR 589 and SR 570) / 1-mile intervals / One-half mile increments / Seven DMS and two HAR with four beacon signs will also be installed on SR 589. Four DMS and two HAR with four beacon signs will be installed along SR 570. / A 96-fiber cable conduit along one side of SR 589 and SR 570 a as well as three additional conduits for future uses. / From MP 1.5 to MP 55.6 along the Veterans Expressway and Suncoast Parkway (SR 589) and from MP 0 to MP 24.4 along the Polk Parkway (SR 570)in the Tampa and Lakeland area. / CST 2007
406122-1 / SunNav ITS Phase II: Turnpike Mainline MP 75 to MP 155 / 85 CCTV cameras will be installed / A single cable with 96 strands of fiber. / Phase II will extend the fiber infrastructure for approximately 79 miles from MP 75 west of the Tolls Data Center, north along the Turnpike mainline (SR 91) to MP 155 north of Fort Pierce at existing DMS #10. / D/B 2005
RRU 2005
RRU 2006
406123-1 / Incident Detection System (MP 118 to 309) / 1 detector station per mile rural. 1 detector station per mile urban. / PE 2005
CST 2007
417121-1 / BrowardCounty Camera Project / 1 camera per mile / D/B 2006
406111-1 / DMS Project / 10 mainline DMS, 18 arterial DMS, and 15 toll plaza DMS. / Not funded.
Version 2 – September 27, 20051
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Draft SITSA Project Concepts
4.2Arterial Dynamic Message Signs
Operational Concepts – This project will include the installation of arterial DMS units at proposed locations near key Turnpike interchanges to inform travelers of incidents.The signs will provide advance information to motorists prior to their entering the interchange access ramp, allowing them to choose an alternate route.Most of these signs will be located in South Florida, although a few will be located in Central Florida.
The signs will be managed through the Pompano Beachand Turkey Lake TMCs with confirmation through Turnpike personnel. FTE will be responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the DMS units.
The standards applicable to this project include:
- The national center-to-field NTCIP DMS standards.
- Minimum Specifications for Permanent MountDynamic Message Signs and the FDOT DMS Management Information Base (MIB).
Market Package Incorporated:
- ATMS06: Driver Information Dissemination
Potential Impacts – Information provided using DMS will reduce the overall system delays and individual motorists’ travel time, and increase customer satisfaction.
Magnitude of Cost/Availability of Funds– Funds are available in the next five years for this project, as part of Project No. 406124-1.
Timeframe – The funds available will cover DMS deployments at critical interchange locations.These will be implanted in the next five years.Additional DMS will be implemented if needed in the 5-10 years time frame.
4.3Probe Surveillance
Operational Concepts – This approach utilizes vehicle equipment that supports toll collection, in-vehicle signing, and other short-range communications. This will enable traffic managers to monitor road conditions, identify incidents, analyze and reduce the collected data, and make it available to users and private information providers. This project will allow the provision of travel time information on DMS and other ATIS dissemination methods. The readers will be installed at all interchanges, DMS structures, and points in between when warranted.
Needs Addressed:
- Quicker incident detection and management.
- Better information provided to travelers regarding incidents/delays.
- Better data for planning of highway improvements, management strategies, and construction and maintenance activities.
Market Package Incorporated:
- ATMS02: Probe Surveillance
Potential Impacts – Due to the large volume of data collected by probes, data reduction techniques are required, such as the ability to identify and filter out-of-bounds or extreme data reports.