ProTeus V

Computerized Maintenance Management Software

Import Utility Users Manual

Version 9.6.x

November 2005

Rev 051104-01


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Revision 11/05

Import Utility

Overview of Import Utility

Import File Requirements

Task Table Requirements

Available Fields


Saving the Log

Clearing the Log

Import Utility

Overview of Import Utility

The Import Utility allows the import of data from a tab-delimited text file into the most common tables. The following data can be imported: Vendors, Equipment, Tasks, Inventory, Employee, Labor Craft, and Causes.

Import File Requirements

When creating a text (.txt) file to import data, the following specifications apply:

Import file names must have .txt file extensions.

Import files must be in Tab Delimited format.

Date fields must be in YYYYMMDD format.

Time fields must be in HHMMSS format.

All text must be uppercase.

When creating Tab Delimited files using Microsoft programs, i.e. Excel and Access, strings will be enclosed in quotes. Remove these quotes prior to inserting data. DO NOT use any quote characters in data for import.

Task Table Requirements

When importing data into the tasks table, and if labor codes associated with each task are desired, the labor code data must be imported first and contain all labor codes to be used with tasks.

Available Fields

Each table has its own fields available that can be imported. Field names listed in bold are required fields. Field Names with * are fields that must be unique. The available fields with its associated table are listed next:


Field Name / Field Description / Length / Field Name / Field Description / Length
Vencode * / Vendor Code / 16 / Usaphone1 / USA Phone Number / 27
Venname / Vendor Name / 50 / Intlphone1 / Intl. Phone Number / 27
Address0 / Address 1 / 40 / Faxno1 / Fax Number / 27
Address1 / Address 2 / 40 / Email1 / E-mail Address / 80
Address2 / Address 3 / 40 / Pagerno1 / Pager Number / 27
City / City / 20 / Contact1 / Contact / 30
State / State / 20 / Title1 / Title / 30
Zip / Zip Code / 16 / Extension1 / Extension / 10
Country / Country / 20 / Terms / Payment Terms / 16
Webpage / Web Page / 80 / User0 - 7 / User Fields 1- 8 / 30
Field Name / Field Description / Length / Field Name / Field Description / Length
Equipno * / Equipment Number / 24 / Weight / Weight / 16
Equipname / Equipment Name / 30 / Rating / Rating / 16
Serialno / Serial Number / 24 / Capacity / Capacity / 16
Location / Location / 24 / Model / Model / 16
Instdate / Date Installed / 8 / Mfgr / Manufacturer / 32
Wardate / Warranty Date / 8 / Units / Units / 6
Orcost / Original Cost / 15 / User0 - 7 / User Fields 1 - 8 / 30
Pono / P.O. Number / 21
Assetno / Asset Number / 24
Field Name / Field Description / Length / Field Name / Field Description / Length
Taskno * / Task No. / 10 / Laborcode* / Labor Code / 10
Descript / Description / 100 / EstHours / Est. Hours / 9
Descript2 / Description 2 / 100
Field Name / Field Description / Length / Field Name / Field Description / Length
Partno * / Part Number / 32 / Onhndqty / Quantity on Hand / 9
Partname / Part Name / 30 / Minqty / Reorder Point / 9
Location / Location / 30 / Econpoint / Econ. Order Qty. / 9
Stockroom / Stockroom / 16 / Maxqty / Maximum Quantity / 9
Shelfbin / Shelf / Bin / 16 / Avgcost / Unit Cost / 9
Partsize / Size / 30 / Units / Unit of Measure / 8
Category / Category / 16 / Serialno / Shelf Life / 15
Mfgr / Manufacturer / 32 / Stockclass / Stock Class / 16
Mfgrtoolno / Mfgr. Part Number / 20 / User0 - 7 / User Fields 1– 8 / 30
Descript / Description / 80
Field Name / Field Description / Length / Field Name / Field Description / Length
Employee no * / Employee Number / 14 / Fax / Fax Number / 27
Employee name / Employee Name / 30 / Pager / Pager Number / 27
Startdate / Start Date / 8 / Email / E-mail Address / 80
Address0 / Address 1 / 40 / Department / Department / 20
Address1 / Address 2 / 40 / Division / Division / 20
City / City / 20 / SSN / Social Security No. / 11
State / State / 20 / User0 - 7 / User Fields 1– 8 / 30
Zip / Zip Code / 14 / Supervisor / Supervisor
Phone / Phone Number / 27
Note:Supervisor is not added as a separate employee to the Employee Master file; it will only appear as a name in the Supervisor field of the Employee Master file.
Field Name / Field Description / Length / Field Name / Field Description / Length
Causeno * / Cause Number / 10 / Descript / Description / 80
Field Name / Field Description / Length / Field Name / Field Description / Length
Laborcode * / Labor Code / 10 / Descript / Description / 60


The first row in the file must be the header row. The header names used should match the Field Names listed in the each of the Tables.

A pound sign (#) that is placed as the first character in a row will be a comment line and all data for that line will be ignored. An example is shown below. All field names listed on row 1 will not be imported into the ProTeus V database.

Example of Import Spreadsheet

Note: This example is from an Excel spreadsheet. Any method of creating a tab delimited text file can be used.

To install the Import Utility, please refer to the Import Utility installation instructions found on the product CD. Once installed:

  1. The first window of the Import Utility displays a list of the available tables into which data can be inserted.

Choice of Tables for Import

  1. Select the directory that contains the Tab Delimited Text file to import from.
  2. Available fields are associated with the previously selected table. From the Available Fields list, select the field names to import data into. One or more field names may be selected at a time.

Important: The selected field names that appear in the Import Fields Order list must match the exact order of the field names from the text file. The Import field order must match the field listing below top to bottom, left to right.

Available Fields

Note:Field names with blue text are required fields. These must be defined.

  1. Click the “” button to move the selected field names to the Import Fields Order list.

Fields Moved to Import

  1. Verify the path where the information is being imported from and click the Import button.
  2. Each line in the text file is a “Record” for import purposes. For each line (“Record”) in the Text file, the status of that import “Record” is displayed.

Status of Import Window

  1. Any errors encountered during data insertion are also recorded.

Sample Errors

Note:Refer to the ‘File Requirements’ under the Help menu for further information regarding the proper procedure for importing data.

Saving the Log

  1. To save a log file of the Import Record, select the ’Save Log’ option under the File menu.
  2. Name and select the location to save the log to.

Note:The log file can later be viewed in any program capable of displaying a text format document. (Examples: WordPad, Notepad, etc.)

Clearing the Log

To clear the log, select the ’Clear Log’ option under the File menu.

Note:The log file automatically is cleared when the program is closed and reopened.

Import Utility1