PES 672

Computer Exercise #7

Factorial ANOVA

Name ______


So in 2000 a study was published addressing the emotional reactions to infidelity. That study found that in general, that men trend towards becoming homicidal and suicidal, while women trend towards feelings of being insecure and undesirable. Suppose we conducted a somewhat cruel study as a follow-up to this study. Suppose, just suppose, we got 24 males and 24 females to participate in this study. We got their partners to tell them they had just slept with someone else. For therapy, we then took each victim to a shooting range, gave them (under supervision) a gun and 100 bullets. For half of the men and women, they had a target of a human figure with their own face on the target. For the other half of men and women, we had a target of a human figure with a face of their partner on the target. They were left alone with each target for 5 minutes. The number of bullets used was measured. The hypothetical data are listed below.

Partner’s Face / Their Own Face / Partner’s Face / Their Own Face
69 / 33 / 70 / 97
76 / 26 / 74 / 80
70 / 10 / 64 / 88
76 / 51 / 43 / 100
72 / 34 / 51 / 100
65 / 28 / 93 / 58
82 / 27 / 48 / 95
71 / 9 / 51 / 83
71 / 33 / 74 / 97
75 / 11 / 73 / 89
52 / 14 / 41 / 69
34 / 46 / 84 / 82

1. What statistical test should be conducted? Why?

A 2x2 factorial ANOVA would be used because there are two independent variable each with two levels each.

2. What would the main effects be?

The main effects are each independent variable plus the effect of the interactions.

3. Explain what it would mean if there was an interaction effect.

An interaction effect shows that there is statistical significance to show that the independent variables are somehow affected by one another.

Making Predictions: Before examining the data, predict the results you will obtain.

4. Predict if there will be a main effect. If you think there will be, which one(s) and why?

The average bullets used score will be significantly higher for women on their own face than for males. Thus male bullets on their own face will be significantly lower. This is because women tend to blame themselves more and feel undesirable and insecure.

5. Will there be an interaction effect? Explain

I think there will be an interaction effect because females tend to become more insecure of themselves and blame themselves for cheating males. Therefore, resulting in more shots on their own target.

Calculations: (Insert your tables where necessary)

6. What do the mean values tell you?

7. Should the null hypothesis regarding main effects be rejected? Why or why not?

5. If there is a main effect, do you have to run a statistical test to identify which groups are different? If so, which one(s)? Do so if needed.

6. Should the null hypothesis regarding interaction effects be rejected? Why or why not? (Hint: If you plot your data both ways… one graph give you a clearer picture than another.)

7. Do your computations confirm your prediction in question 4?

8. Do your computations confirm your prediction in question 5?

9. Write a brief paragraph that describes your findings from the data.