Time: 3:00 Hours Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any five questions
Q. 1 Explain the importance and capabilities of Mini and super computers. (10)
Q. 2 Solve.
i. (36D. 9F4)16 = (? ) 2 (03)
ii. . (10110101 .01101)2 = (? )8 (02)
iii. . (0.2628)8 = (? ) 10 (03)
iv. . (110010110)2 = (100110101)2 (02)
Q. 3 Define and describe the following. (10)
i. OR Gate
ii. Half adder
iii. Nested loop
iv. Data structures
v. Arrays
Q. 4 (a) Explain batch and multi processing. (05)
(b) Explain system flow chart with examples. (05)
Q.5 (a) Explain pseudo code with examples. (05)
(b) Explain system planning and development with example (05)
Q.6 Explain with examples. 5+5
i. Testing and debugging
ii. Low and high level language
NOTE: Attempt any five questions.
Q. 7 Explain with the help of examples. Single and double dimension arrays. (10)
Q. 8 Explain “Next” and “while” loop with the help of examples. (10)
Q. 9 Write a basic language program which prints the multiplication table of a
Number which is provided through the keyboard. (10)
Q.10 Write a basic language program which find the multiplication and division of
odd number between 10 & 20.
Q.11 Explain with the help of examples. 5+5
i. ERASE statement
ii. Double dimension array
Q. 12 Explain with the help of examples the purpose of following statements and
i. GO TO Else String $ rights $ Spaces $ (10)
Time: 3:00 Hours Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any five questions including No.1 which is compulsory. All
Questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) Correct any “five” of the following sentences. (10)
i. Can you give me an advice?
ii. He is junior than me.
iii. She said to me that she is late.
iv. He is very weak to walk.
v. Ali is tallest of the two.
vi. The captain, along with his wife and children, were drowned.
vii. He knows how to float.
viii. Sun rises in the East.
ix. The Honesty s the best policy.
x. Distribute these papers between all the boys.
(b) Fill in the blanks from the words given in brackets. (10)
i. Communication is effective if it brings desired ______(Opportunities, results)
ii. Feed back is the response of the ______(Sender, receiver)
iii. Noise of traffic is an example of ______(Physical barrier, Organizational barrier)
iv. In verbal communication ______are used as a medium.(Words, Posture)
v. ______to say something in the fewest possible words. (Correctness, consciousness)
vi. Consideration means to keep your confident and ______in mind while composing a message (Friend, Receiver)
vii. Posture and movement convey self confidence and ______. (Feelings, Status)
viii. Informal communication is ______(Spontaneous, singular)
ix. There is lack of feed-back in ______communication.(Oral, Written)
x. Communication ______is called non-verbal communication.(without using words, using words)
xi. Q. 2 Define communication, what are the benefits of communication. (20)
Q. 3 Define “Business” what is the structure of a business organization. (20)
Q. 4 what is the significance of interview. What are the steps for preparing an
Interview? (20)
Q. 5 What is the purpose of conducting meetings. Explain? (20) Q. 6 Write a complaint letter to “International Computers, Limited” against the wrong Delivery of computers. (20) Q. 7 Define ‘Report’ what is the purpose of writing a business report.
Q. 8 Prepare a report, on opening of cafeteria in the factory area.
Q. 9 Write short note on any two of the following. (20)
i. Non-verbal communication
ii. Order letter
iii. Minutes of the meeting
iv. ‘Correctness’ in the letter
Time: 3:00 Hours Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any five questions including No.1 which is compulsory. All
Questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Write the purpose for the following short keys.
a. Cntrl + shift + k
b. Cntrl + shift + =
c. Cntrl + shift + F
d. Shift + F3
e. Cntrl + =
f. Cntrl + ]
g. Cntrl + U
Cntrl + shift + D
h. Cntrl + A
i. Cntrl + P
Q. 2 Define table and also describe how a table insert, and draw.
Q.3 Differentiate the following;
a. Open & create a document
b. Print & print preview
Q. 4 Discuss the properties of a chart.
Q. 5 write the purpose, syntax and examples of the following function.
a. Average
b. Maximum
c. Product
d. Sum
Q. 6 Short note on the following.
a. Hide column
b. Change the back ground
c. Resize the column
d. Rotating text in a cell
Q. 7 Differentiate Between the following.
a. Wrapping & Shrinking
b. Formula & Function
Q. 8 Describe the Alignment & its types in details.
Q. 9 Discuss the main interfacing elements of power Point window.
Q.10 Differentiate between.
a. Blank Presentation & Design Presentation.
b. Slide Transition & Slide Show View.
Time: 3:00 Hours Marks: 100 NOTE: Attempt any five questions All Questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 Fill in the blanks.
i. RDBMS stands for ______
ii. The basic storage unit in a data base is ______
iii. ______describes or qualifies an entity.
iv. Unique key can have ______value.
v. A set of related fields is called ______
vi. Most commonly used query type is ______
vii. DML stands for ______
viii. In SQL statement SELECT identifies what______
ix. To test values in a list we use ______operator.
x. OLE stands for ______
Q. 2 (a) Encircle all that applies.
i. Which of the following is not a data base?
(a) Oracle (b) FoxPro (c) Ms Excel (d) Ms. Access
ii. Which of the following is not an object of Ms Access?
(a) Table (b) macro (c) data dictionary (d) module
iii. The most commonly used control as
(a) List box (b) combo box (c) control button (d) text box
iv. When you click a query object, you open
(a) Design view (b) print view (c) the result of query
(d) None of the above
v. Insert statement belongs to
(a) DML (b) DCL (c) IDL (d) All of these
(b) What is query? Explain DML queries
Q. 3 (a) Write SQL queries for the following
i. Display the employee name, job and hire date of employee , who hired between 20-jan-2006, and June -01-2006 Order the query in ascending order by date.
ii. Display the names of all employees where the third letter of their name is an A.
(b) Explain the following terms with Examples.
Entry Relationship Attribute
Q.4 Write a note on any two of the following
(a) Referential integrity
(b) Macro
(c) Forms
Q. 5 Write output of the following program.
Dim x, y, z
Z = 0
Y = 0
X = 0
For x = 1 +10
For y = 1 +10
Z = z + x
Next y
Next x
Msg box (Z)
(b) Explain any two of the following
Entity relationship model.