Portfolio Piece #2 Options
Remember, you’re doing the OPPOSITE style from what you did for Portfolio Piece #1. Whatever you choose, you need to be able to make SIGNIFICANT AND MEANINGFUL improvements to it in order to get the highest possible credit. It’s all about growth!
Personal Essay Options** / Literary/Rhetorical Analysis Essay Options*- Journal Write #1 (Hill/Mill or Gender)
- Journal Write #2 (Identity/Legacy)
- College Admissions/Scholarship Essay (should be at least 1 ½-2 pages)
- “On Rainy River” Writing Prompt
- Compare yourself or someone you know to one of the characters from Death of a Salesman or A Yellow Raft in Blue Water
- Write the full essay from your outline on your Death of a Salesman test
- Marxist or Feminist Literary Criticism Analysis of Death of a Salesman or A Yellow Raft in Blue Water (focus on author’s THEMES here)
- Rhetorical Analysis of Death of a Salesman or A Yellow Raft in Blue Water(focus on author’s STYLE CHOICES here)
- Compare and/or contrast two characters from Death of a Salesman and A Yellow Raft in Blue Water
- Rhetorical Analysis from The Things They Carried
*These are very open ended-the intention is for you to decide what is important to focus on: What about characters, theme, or style stands out to you? What significant claims can you make about author’s style or plot choices, what overall messages are the authors trying to make with their characters’ actions?
** Add details; apply all the lessons from our “fun activity” editing days! Again, make sure you can GROW with one of these pieces!
Timeline and Due Dates
Fri., 12/13 / Lab 100 work time for creating or updating Portfolio Piece #2 (bring any older drafts if you’ve already created it, or starting with a new idea today!)Mon., 12/16 / Bring a cleancopy of your essay for peer review day (on time credit is printed out at beg. of class!)
Tues. 12/17-Thurs. 12/19 / In Lab 100 Tuesday, In Lab 200 Wednesday-Thursday for work time on Portfolio Piece #2 and “extras” (Google Doc Sharing, Portfolio Piece Reflection Questions)
Fri., 12/20 / Portfolio Party! Bring your printed out final along with printed out reflection questions and any previous drafts. Bring a mug, too.
Reflection Questions
Please type these up on a separate Word Document and submit them with your final on 12/20!
- Explain why you chose to work on the piece that you did.
- Explain how you’ve responded to feedback from peers and the teacher, or how you’ve used other sources to help improve this piece of writing.
- Detail the revisions you’ve made and the improvements and changes you want your readers to notice between drafts. (This could be a chart, or other copy and paste format)
- Assess yourself according to the rubric and explain what grade your paper should receive (DPA). Use language from the rubric!