Job Summary:
Your jobis to managea range of marketing and communications functions within the organisation, with a particular emphasis on campaigns and our work with the media.
Initially, the ChiefExecutive.
Responsiblefor: Noneatpresent. Hours
Alcohol ResearchUK’soffices near Kings Crossin London.
Pensioncontributionequating to6%of grosssalary.
33daysannual leave,rising to 36daysafterthree years’ service and 38daysafterfive years’ service, including 8statutoryholidays a year.
Group Life Assurance at 3 x gross salary.
Season ticket loans and childcare vouchers.
Gradeand Salary:
Thesalaryfor thispostwill be in the range £30 - 35,000 per annum..
Campaigns (for example, Dry January, Dry Humour, Alcohol Awareness Week and fundraising activity)
-Work with the Chief Executive and other colleagues to develop and delivercampaign strategies and messages
-Lead the day-to-day delivery of campaigns and special projects
-Act as manager and guardian of campaign brands
-Manage relationships with campaign stakeholders, such as supporters, beneficiariesand the general public
-Manage relationships with third-party agencies involved in campaign delivery
-Manage digital activity, such as campaign websites and social media
-Manage the production of campaign materials and events
-Monitor, evaluate and produce reports on campaign activity and impact
-Work with colleagues to develop and deliver media strategies that help to promote our work
-Develop and implement media policies and guidelines that both promote and protect our reputation
-Establish and maintain a ‘press office’, providingboth a proactive and reactive media function, writing and issuing media releases, responding to media enquiries and maintaining relationships with journalists and other commentators (e.g. on social media)
-Monitor, evaluate and produce reports on media activity
-Contribute to other communications activity within the organisation, including supporting and covering for other members of the communications team as required
Youwill also beexpected to:
-attendtrainingcoursesandeventsasrequiredandsharelearningwithotherstaff,panelmembers and thetrustees, asrelevant
-occasionally workweekendand eveninghours, forwhich time inlieuwill begiven. Because the role involves managing a press office, you need to be willing to take calls from the media, sometimes at unsocial hours. Also, because the role is a key one within the Dry January campaign your ability to take annual leave around Christmas and New Year may be restricted.
-contributetowardsotheraspectsofAlcoholResearchUK’sworkasrequired,commensuratewiththescaleandgeneral natureofthepost.
Core Competencies
In order todotheir job,every Alcohol ResearchUK employeeisexpectedto demonstratethefollowing corecompetencies:
-anunderstandingofandcommitment totheworkofAlcohol Research UK
-excellentcommunicationand interpersonal skills, both verbal andwritten
-aneffective user ofIT inday-to-daywork
-agoodteam player
-anabilityto takeresponsibilityfor their own workload,sometimes withminimal supervision
-anabilityto workunder pressureand dealwithfluctuatingworkloads
-anunderstandingofandcommitment to equalityanddiversityprinciples
-anunderstandingofandcommitment to health and safetyprinciples
-anunderstandingofandcommitment to dataprotection principles
-a willingness toundertake personal andprofessional development
-a customer focusedapproach
-anabilityto embraceand adapt tochange
-motivatedandable tomotivateothers
-able to understand andfollowprocedure
Job SpecificCompetencies
TheCommunications Manager (Campaigns and Media)isalso expectedto demonstratethefollowing jobspecific competencies:
-Experience of providing a communicationsfunction to/ within a third-sector organisation
-Experience of developing and then delivering strategies for multi-channel communicationsand campaigns
-Experience of stakeholder identification and management, including developing and maintaining systems for ‘CRM’
-Experience of developing and managing digitalcommunications, includingwebsites and social media
-Experience of brand management
-Experience of event management
-Experience of writingand costingprojectbriefs and of selecting andmanagingsuppliers
-Experience of working with themedia, includingwritingpressreleases,developingandmanaging relationships with journalists and running a press office
-Experience of monitoring, evaluatingand reporting on communications activity
-Creativity, with an ability to translate concepts into action
-Credibility when building relationships with stakeholders at all levels of seniority
-Knowledge of public or mental health issues
-Financial acumen, including experience of managing budgets
-Membership of a relevant professional body