Complete the Worksheet Titled Population Pyramids Below

Complete the Worksheet Titled Population Pyramids Below

AP Human Geography Fall 2011

Population Pyramids


In this exercise you will assess population pyramids that have been stored by the U.S. government. While these visual representations of the population show the age and sex structure of populations in our world. This information is also helpful in terms of foreign and international policy. For example you may notice that LDC countries have a large number of people under the age of 15? If this is the case what are the types of policies that a LDC country should have? Additionally, you may notice that the countries in certain stages of the DTM have particular shapes. For instance a Stage 2 country in looks more like a triangle, while an aging country is going to look more like an inverted triangle. These patterns are important to notice in reading population pyramids.


Complete the worksheet titled “Population Pyramids” below.

How to do Assignment:

1st: Go to website:

2nd: Print out the worksheet titled “ Population Pyramids”

3rd. Follow the directions given on the worksheet.

4th: Include as 6th entry in Portfolio Notebook.

Population Pyramids

Computer Lab Assignment

October 10, 2011


Refer to the following web address to answer the questions:

1. Define demographics______


1. What two demographic features are included in a population pyramid?



2. Dependency ratio is the number of people too young or too old to work. What age

intervals are considered dependent? ______

3. In which stage if the Demographic Transition Model are there more young people in

the population who are dependents? Explain

4. a. Look at the population pyramids for the country of India in 1995, 2000, 2005, and

2011. (Hold the ctrl key to choose multiple years, you can then play the years in a

slide-show.) Describe what happens to the population over time. Why does this trend


  1. Repeat the above directions for Japan
  2. Repeat the above directions for Botswana

5. Refer to the population pyramids of the U.S., Congo,Brazil, Thailand, Oman, and

Bulgaria). Are there more males or females born in these countries? Explain.

(page 62)

6. In the United States males outnumber women 15 year of age and younger at 105:100,

while at the age of 30 years old women outnumber men. Once women and men have

reached the age of 65, women makeup 60% of the population. Explain these gender

demographics? Look at the population demographics for the UnitedState.

Refer to the tab with demographic indicator and population pyramid to complete the table for the country in 2011.

Country / Population / CBR / CDR / Calculate NIR as % / Doubling Time 70/NIR / Draw Shape of Population Pyramid for 2011 / Stage in the DTM (estimated)
United States