Complete College Georgia
2014 Progress Report Format
[updated: 09/04/14]
In 2012, TCSG obtained permission from Complete College America to include the Certificates of less than one year of Economic Value when tracking the progress of the 60% Degree Production Goal.TCSG re-calculated their 60% goal to include Certificates of less than one year of Economic Value in October 2013.
Georgia’s goal is now to produce 239,250 graduates by 2020. TCSG’s portion of this goal is to produce 26% of Georgia’s goal – this is an additional 79,531 graduates by 2020.This translates to a 4.7% increase in students each year from each college above the benchmark. Refer to the 60% Goal Chart provided by the TCSG Data Center.
Instructions:In 3-6pages, provide a summary of the college’s strategic approach to student success and completion. Present information regarding the major strategies/interventions that the institution has adopted to increase completion toward meeting the college’s Complete College Georgia goal by the year 2020. The report should include the following:
- Progress-A synopsis of the progress made toward implementing student completion strategies as identified in the college’s 2013 and 2014 CCG Improvement Plans. This must include information on how the college will track student success in the programs that have been identified as offering courses in a block scheduling format.
- Next Steps- A description of ‘Next Steps’ the college will employ/adopt to increase student completion. This may include additional strategies or interventions beyond what the college has already implemented.
- Tracking and Evaluation-A description of how the college is evaluating data to monitor student completion goals. Provide the metrics/measures the college employs as indicators of success.
- Implementation Team- A list of the college’s CCG implementation team members, by name and title. Identify the point of contact on this team.
Complete College America research has identified common practices (Game Changers) that have significantly impacted student completion rates. Detailed information on these game changers can be found at the CCA website-
Additional Information Regarding Template/Format:
- Be reminded that the 2014 Progress Report is not to exceed six pages in length.
- A Template is being provided which will hopefully allow for uniform and consistent formatting throughout our System. Formatting preferences are as follows:
- portrait-style document
- preferred ‘Normal’ font style is ‘Arial’, 10 points
- Single Line Spacing for body; double line spacing following paragraphs
- Please note that, with the exception of the last two (2) pages, the document/template is PROTECTED. You will, therefore, only be able to ‘enter’ your input within the designated ‘fields.’
- The last two (2) pages of this document/template are NOT PROTECTED. This enables you to copy/paste/use-as-is, should you find a need to add a graph and/or a table, yet being uniform.
- Please opt to save this document as a TEMPLATE (dotx filetype). You will be able to retrieve it as you would any other template. A ‘template’ opens up a fresh copy of itself, a new document, and you do not have to worry about overwriting/corrupting.
Technical College System of Georgia
Complete College Georgia2014 Progress Report
Date Report Submitted
Enter Official Name of College. Please do not abbreviate.
Current Statewide Target Graduates: / 239,250Technical College System of Georgia’s Allocation – (26%): / 79,531
TimeLine: / 2009 - 2020
(enter here)
Next Steps:
(enter here)
Tracking and Evaluation:
(enter here)
Implementation Team:
Full Name / Title/Position / Role
(Point of Contact
or Member) / Email Address
(enter here) / (enter here) / (enter here) / (enter here)
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Sample Charts/Table with recommended formatting, for your consideration, if needed.
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