The Minutes of the

National Association of Mathematicians

2020 – 1 Capital Campaign Committee Meeting

July 12, 2016

The NAM Capital Campaign Committee held its second meeting by WebEx assisted conferencing. Members present were: Robert Bozeman, Sylvia Bozeman, Johnny Houston, Tanya Moore and Candice Price, and ex-officio members Edray Goins; NAM President, and Roselyn Williams; NAM Secretary/Treasurer.

The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Johnny Houston, Committee Co-Chair, with a welcome and roll call. The previous minutes were distributed prior to the meeting. They were approved by the committee with minor corrections, which will be made by Roselyn Williams prior to depositing them in the official files of the Committee. T. Moore and C. Price expressed a desire to revise their short biographies which appeared in the minutes. The agenda for the meeting was approved as presented.

Discussions and Decisions

1.  Topic: What is a Capital/Endowment Campaign? J. Houston sent out two documents prior to the meeting to provide a context for this discussion. One document discussed the essentials of a Campaign, including its characteristics, planning and marketing requirements, and issues related to fund raising. The second document is entitled: Suggested Guidelines for Effective Critical Thinking, Strategic Planning, and Communication by Talib.

Discussion points:

A) Some members expressed a desire for more information on capital campaigns generally as a backdrop for this campaign; and information on possible parameters for a capital campaign as a preface to the current parameters being set for the NAM Capital Campaign.

B) Questions were raised about the timing of the campaign. This led to further discussion on why a campaign is needed at this time and possible marketing advantages that may result from a campaign tied to the 50th anniversary of NAM.

C) A question was raised: What financial goals can we reach? This led to reminders that the NAM Board has approved the scope of the Campaign and that a capital campaign was begun several years ago.

D) Finally, there was a discussion on the urgency of this campaign for the long term survival of NAM. Several committee members in turn pointed out the importance of NAM to the HBCUs, their mathematics departments, and their students; its importance in the mathematics community as a professional society; the importance of its visibility at national mathematical gatherings; and the importance of NAM’s role in promoting the African American presence in mathematics, both now as a platform for addressing future issues.

2.  Topic: The Campaign Vision. J. Houston sent out, prior to the meeting, a document for this discussion entitled: Campaign Vision/Basic Elements: Addendum I. There was not time to hold a discussion on this document.

3.  Decision: Committee members agreed to send their contact information to S. Bozeman for the preparation of a committee directory, specifically for internal use in communication.

4.  Decision: The co-chairs recommended expansion of the current Capital Campaign Committee to seven voting members and four ex-officio members. The additional ex-officio members would be NAM Vice-President and NAM Executive Secretary because of the need to have them interact closely with the work of the Campaign Committee. It was moved, second and passed by unanimous vote that the committee would be so extended, thereby adding two regular members, Talithia Washington, NAM Vice-President, and Leon Woodson, NAM Executive Secretary. It was moved, seconded, and passed by unanimous vote that the co-chairs would create a list of nominees from which the two new voting members of the Campaign Committee will be selected. All committee members were encouraged to send any suggestions for new committee members to both co-chairs.

5.  The next meeting of the Committee was set for Tuesday July 26 at 3:00 p.m. Subsequent meeting are expected to be held on Thursdays, every two weeks, until mid-November and, hopefully, during the January JMM meeting in Atlanta. J. Houston will prepare a revised calendar for the fall meetings.

It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. J. Houston adjourned the meeting at 4 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sylvia Bozeman