
Request for Proposals

Project Title: Statewide Training and Coaching Services: Workforce Collaborative for Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)

Estimated Contract

Performance Period: July 2018 through June 2019. Amendments extending the period of performance up to five years, shall be at the sole discretion of DSHS.

Response Due Date: All Responses must be received in their entirety by 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time on March 28, 2018 unless an Amendment is issued modifying the Solicitation Schedule set forth in Section C.1 of this Solicitation Document.

Submit Response To: Responses must be submitted to:

Sarah Pendleton, Coordinator

Department of Social and Health Services

Operations Support and Services Division

Central Contracts and Legal Services


Solicitation and Amendments

Will Be Posted on:

DSHS Procurement Website:

WEBS Website:

Applicable WEBS Commodity Codes: 924-16, 952-43, 952-59, 952-85, and 952-90


Section A. Contract Requirements 3

Section B. Definitions…………………………………………………………….………….6

Section C. Explanation of Solicitation Process .8

Section D. Instructions Regarding Content, Format and

Submission of Responses ……….…13

Section E. Evaluation of Responses .17

Section F. Debriefing and Protest Procedure ………………………20

Section G. Contracting Procedures ………………………….22


Attachment A: Sample Contract

Attachment B: Sample Bid Submission Letter

Attachment C: Bidder Certifications and Assurances

Attachment D: Bidder Questionnaire

Attachment E: Contractor Intake Form

Attachment F: WISe Workforce Development Training

Attachment G: Coaching and Technical Assistance Report Template

Attachment H: Quarterly Report Template

Section A
contract requirements

1.  Purpose

This competitive solicitation is issued to assist the Behavioral Health Administration, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, a Division of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) in seeking qualified contractor to assist the state and implementation agencies in developing and operationalizing an advanced training and coaching model to increase the understanding and quality of practice of Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe).

2.  Background

Washington State’s Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) is designed to provide comprehensive behavioral health services and supports to Medicaid eligible individuals, up to 21 years of age, with complex behavioral health needs and their families. The goal of WISe is for eligible youth to live and thrive in their homes and communities, as well as to avoid or reduce costly and disruptive out-of-home placements. Washington State began implementation of WISe in July 2014.

The purpose of the WISe Workforce Collaborative is to develop sustainable local and statewide education, training, coaching, mentoring and technical assistance to support agencies in providing WISe with consistency across the state. Provide comprehensive professional development services and supports to behavioral health providers and other stakeholders to build a highly-skilled workforce and support system-wide implementation of evidence and research-based practices to meet the behavioral health needs of youth and families participating in WISe. The WISe Workforce Collaborative is responsible for coordination of WISe training efforts and development of coaching plans to meet the unique needs of each region of the state.

3.  Project Scope

Operate a WISe workforce development collaborative that is inclusive of leadership from youth and families, state systems, and partner universities to develop sustainable local and statewide education, training, coaching, mentoring, and technical assistance to support agencies in providing WISe to fidelity and quality standards. This workforce collaborative will build upon and expand current efforts to support workforce development and infrastructure necessary for adequate education, training, coaching and mentoring of providers on Wraparound with Intensive Services.

The WISe Workforce Collaborative is responsible for:

·  On-going workforce development for WISe.

·  Sustaining local and statewide training, curriculum, technical assistance, coaching and mentoring.

·  Assessing current and future training and technical assistance needs.

·  Supporting agencies in providing WISe to fidelity standards.

·  Developing annual training plans to ensure each WISe provider, managed care entity and system partners have received training based on the WISe Manual.

·  Refine curriculum in an ongoing process to maintain quality and consistency across the state.

The WISe Workforce Collaborative must have the staff and the expertise to coordinate and contract for required statewide trainings and regional coaching for Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe); develop sustainable local and statewide education, training, coaching, and technical assistance for WISe. Promote the System of care values, and most specifically effective family and youth engagement in behavioral health services, policy, planning, and service delivery. Host and/or develop educational offerings for the professional development of children's behavioral health service WISe providers and other child serving systems and stakeholders including DBHR/DSHS personnel.

Bidder shall identify the key personnel it shall utilize in performing this Contract, and their experience and qualifications, as part of its Response. If awarded a Contract, Bidder shall not make changes to such Key Personnel during the term of the Contract except as requested or approved by DSHS prior to making changes.

4.  Bidder Minimum Qualifications

All Bidders must meet the following minimum qualifications:

a.  Experience Requirements

i.  Must have a minimum of two years’ experience developing curriculum, training; coaching of clinical, supervisory, and peer staff in children’s behavioral health delivery systems; and experience in monitoring fidelity, and measuring and implementing quality improvement.

ii.  Demonstrate a robust understanding of the components of Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe), wraparound and demonstration of the practice elements, from orientation of new staff through refinement and mastery of skills for all roles.

iii.  Demonstrate five years of experience developing and implementing culturally and linguistically competent training curricula for adult learners designed to change behavior.

iv.  Demonstrate knowledge of evidence-based practices for children, youth, and families as demonstrated by experience designing and implementing training and coaching approaches.

v.  Must provide training to diverse staff and provider agencies, including those in rural and historically underserved communities;

vi.  Must facilitate partnerships and subcontracts with existing regional and local training resources, educational institutions (e.g., undergraduate and graduate colleges and universities) as well as credentialing and licensing bodies.

vii.  Demonstrate capacity to support rapid cycle data reporting to inform implementation efforts.

b.  Certification/Licensure Requirements

  1. Have a Washington State Business License or the ability to obtain one within six (6) months.

c.  Staff and Staffing Requirements

Below is an example of staffing infrastructure needed to meet the requirements of the contract.

  1. Director (1.0 FTE): overall leadership and accountability with experience in training and coaching, leading evaluation and quality improvement.
  2. Senior supervisor (.50 FTE): Quality control and oversight specialist.
  3. Four trainers/coaches (4.0 FTE) with 1.0 FTE of these positions designated a peer trainer/coach with lived experience. All trainers must have prior experience with wraparound and preferably with Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe).
  4. Program specialist (1.0 FTE): gathering, preparing, organizing materials for training and coaching.
  5. Research analyst (1.0 FTE): gathering, preparing data to inform training and coaching. Experience with evaluation methodologies.
  6. Technology development support specialist (.35 FTE): responsible for website, online materials, and use of technology to support training and coaching.
  7. Finance and business support specialists (.20 FTE): financial oversight and invoicing.
  8. Planning and logistics specialist (.25 FTE): responsible for scheduling, securing space, material preparation and other logistics as needed.

d.  Service Location Requirements

i)  Demonstrate the ability to convene and facilitate statewide training and regional coaching.

Bidders failing to demonstrate in their Bids that they meet these minimum qualifications will be considered non responsive and will therefore be disqualified from further consideration.

5.  Period of Contract Performance

DSHS intends to award one Contract for the Services described in this Competitive Solicitation. The period of performance under the Contract shall be July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. The term of the contract may be extended by amendment up to five times for up to one year per amendment, in the sole discretion of DSHS. Additional services that are appropriate to the scope of this Solicitation, as determined by DSHS, may be added to the Contract in a mutually agreeable amendment.

6.  Funding

DSHS has budgeted an amount not to exceed $1,018,000 for this Project. DSHS may reject any Response in excess of that amount. Any Contract awarded is contingent upon the availability of funding.


Additional definitions for Contract-specific terms are found in the Sample Contract set forth as Attachment A to this Solicitation and shall apply to those terms as they are used in this Solicitation. The following terms have the meanings set forth below:

Agency or DSHS – The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.

Amendment – A unilateral change to the Solicitation that is issued by DSHS at its sole discretion and posted on WEBS.

Apparent Successful Bidder (ASB) – A Bidder submitting a Response to this Solicitation that is evaluated and is identified and announced by DSHS as providing the best value to the Agency. Upon execution of a Contract, the ASB is referred to as the successful bidder or the Contractor.

Authorized Representative – An individual designated by the Bidder to act on its behalf who has the authority to legally bind the Bidder concerning the terms and conditions set forth in this Solicitation and related documents.

Bid - An offer, proposal or quote for goods or services and all related materials prepared and submitted by a Bidder in response to this Solicitation. The terms Bid, Quotation, Response and Proposal are all intended to mean the same thing.

Bidder – An individual, organization, public or private agency or other entity submitting a bid, quotation, response or proposal in response to this Solicitation.

Contract – A written agreement entered into between a successful Bidder and DSHS as a result of this Solicitation.

Complaint – A process that may be followed by a Bidder prior to the deadline for bid submission to alert DSHS of certain types of asserted deficiencies in the Solicitation.

Coordinator or Solicitation Coordinator – An individual or designee who is employed by DSHS within the DSHS Central Contracts and Legal Services Office and who is responsible for conducting this Solicitation.

Debriefing – a short meeting an Unsuccessful Bidder may request with the Coordinator following the announcement of the Apparent Successful Bidder for the purpose of receiving information regarding the review and evaluation of that Bidder’s Response.

Procurement - The broad process of identifying goods and services for purchase or acquisition, of effectuating the purchase or acquisition, and of managing the purchase or acquisition. This Solicitation is a part of an overall Procurement process. Despite the broader meaning attributed to “procurement”, for purposes of this Solicitation, the terms Solicitation, RF* and Procurement are interchangeable.

Project - The undertaking or work for which contracted Services are being requested pursuant to this Solicitation.

Protest – A process that may be followed by a Bidder after the announcement of the apparent Successful Bidder to alert DSHS to certain types of alleged errors in the evaluation of the Solicitation.

RCW – The Revised Code of Washington. All references to RCW chapters or sections shall include any successor, amended, or replacement statute.

Responsible Bidder – An individual, organization, public or private agency, or other entity that has demonstrated the capability to meet all the requirements of the Solicitation and to meet the elements of responsibility. (See RCW 39.26.160 (2))

Responsive Bidder – An individual, organization, public or private agency, or other entity who has submitted a Bid that fully conforms in all material respects to the Solicitation and all its requirements, in both form and substance.

RF* – The request for proposals, qualifications, quotations, or qualifications and quotations set forth in this Solicitation document.

Scope of Work – The Project or work scope set forth in this Solicitation Document that identifies DSHS’ contractual needs and requirements.

Services – Labor, work, analysis, or similar activities provided by a contractor to accomplish a specific scope of work.

Small Business - An in-state business, including a sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity, that: (a) certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it is owned and operated independently from all other businesses and has either:(i) fifty or fewer employees; or (ii) a gross revenue of less than seven million dollars annually as reported on its federal income tax return or its return filed with the department of revenue over the previous three consecutive years; or (b) Is certified with the office of women and minority business enterprises under chapter 39.19 RCW.

Solicitation or Competitive Solicitation – A formal process providing and equal and open opportunity for bidders culminating in a selection based upon predetermined criteria. A Competitive Solicitation requests the submission of bids, quotations or proposals for the consideration of DSHS in contracting to meet its needs. This RF* is a Solicitation.

Solicitation Document – This RF* document, including all attachments and all amendments that are issued by the Coordinator.

Statement of Work – The detailed description services to be performed by the Contractor and set forth in the Contract.

Subcontractor – An individual or other entity contracted by Bidder to perform part of the services or to provide goods under the Contract resulting from this Solicitation. Subcontractors, if allowed, are subject to the advance approval of DSHS.

WEBS – Washington’s Electronic Business Solution, the Bidder notification system found at and maintained by the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services.


1.  Solicitation Schedule

The Solicitation Schedule set forth below outlines the tentative schedule for important events relating to this Solicitation. Except as modified in an Amendment issued by the Coordinator, the dates and times listed through the date of Response Submission are mandatory deadlines. The remaining dates are estimates and may change without the posting of an Amendment. Failure to meet the Response deadline will result in Bidder disqualification.

Item / Action / Date /
1. / DSHS posts Competitive Solicitation / 2/14/2018
2. / Prospective Bidders should register as a Vendor on WEBS using one of the commodities code on the cover page of this Solicitation as soon as possible to receive notifications. / 2/14/2018
3. / Bidder may submit written questions or requests for change in Contract Requirements until 3 p.m. Pacific Time. / 2/23/2018
4. / DSHS will post responses to written questions. / 3/1/2018
5. / Bidders may submit written Complaints by 3 p.m. Pacific Time (five business days before Response is Due). / 3/21/2018
6. / Bidder must submit Response by 3 p.m. Pacific Time / 3/28/2018
7. / DSHS evaluation of written Responses / 4/3/2018-4/5/2018
8. / Oral presentations, if requested by DSHS / 4/9/2018-4/13/2018
9. / Announcement of Apparent Successful Bidder(s) on WEBS and beginning of contract negotiations / 4/18/2018
10. / DSHS notifies unsuccessful Bidder(s) / 4/18/2018
11. / Unsuccessful Bidders may request a debriefing conference until 3 p.m. Pacific Time / 4/23/2018
12. / DSHS holds debriefing conferences, if requested / 4/26/2018
13. / Deadline for submission of Protests by unsuccessful Bidders who participated in a debriefing conference / Five business days after date of debriefing
14. / DSHS considers Protests, if any, and issues determination / 5/17/2018
15 / Contract Execution/Start Date / 7/1/2018

2.  Posting of Solicitation Documents