01 September, 2012
Present: Ted Houghton
Dave Thomson
Rocky Lamontagne
Yves Michaud
Roger Cole
Dawn L. Currie (SSC Liaison)
1. Ted called the Meeting to Order at 12:19PM and formally welcomed Dawn Currie back as SSC ODC liaison and Yves Michaud representing FPVQ.
2. Approval of Agenda. Motion to approve agenda with the addition of 7.e Starting procedures; 7.f Officials Membership; 7.g World Cup Calgary/Montreal; 7.h “W” Referee.
Moved by Roger
Seconded by Yves
3. Approval of Minutes from last meeting – To approve at next conference call
4. Business Arising – to be dealt with as existing agenda items.
5. Correspondence – A brief discussion took place regarding the roof collapse at the Maurice Arena. Ted advised the committee that Yves Hamelin, Stephane Bronsard and Mark Mathies will follow up once further information is made available. Yves Michaud advised the committee that Maryse was not aware of any potential changes to proposed events at the facility at this time.
6. Budget – The final draft budget has been sent to Mark, Pat and Tony, but not yet approved by BOD, we are operating on the Option #2 budget. Roger suggested that we need to add additional dollars to ST Selections/CACST for a second team. Ted and Dawn gave an update regarding jacket situation. The jackets were ordered last year, so removing them from the budget is not an option.
Action: Send revised budget to ODC
7. New Business
a. 2012-2013 Assignments - Completed
b. 2015 CWG – Major Officials/2014 Olympic Selections Tabled to next meeting
c. Level III Clinics – Need to host Level III/ISU Regional Referee Clinic, and Regional Starters Clinic – Yves advised ODC that FPVQ is willing to host. ODC will determine dates and locations at the next meeting subject to budget constraints.
d. Bulletin – Rather than develop a bulletin this year, ODC will utilize the website to communicate the items previously contained within the bulletin. We may need to build new website pages or determine where things can go on the existing site.
e. Officials Membership – Dawn advised ODC that some officials are not registering as SSC members. Dawn will send a reminder to Branches. Dawn will also add the membership requirement to the assignment letters. Dawn will confirm the membership season as the existing information is unclear.
f. ISU Rule 297 (6)…NEW RULE – this rule gives the Chief Referee the option to sanction coaches, team leaders, support staff with yellow or red cards. Ted will talk with HP to see when SSC will implement the rule ,
Rule 298-5: Starting equipment – Beep start must now sound like a gun. ODC suggests this rule applies only to ISU and not SSC. ODC will “play” with it this season and not make it a rule requirement for this year.
Rule 298 – 4 Starting Procedure– ISU will clarify the new starting procedures after discussion took place at the ISU ST seminar in Dresden. Ted is doubtful that we will see the rewrite prior to the fall WC selections, but believes we need to give our skaters a “heads up”. Ted will provide a background summary and examples for general distribution.
ISU is implementing a defined “interval” after the “ready” command and all skaters are still with a target time of 0.8seconds. This will be implemented immediately across SSC events.
Yves advised ODC that the FPVQ Officials symposium is last weekend of September. It will be beneficial to have this “scenario” done for the Symposium,
g. WC Calgary/Montreal – ISU has not completed the assignments yet.. ISU will assign three referees to each competition. ODC needs to assign a 4th to each. Canada has no Level IV ST Referess with a “W” although Ted is in discussions with ISU to have this changed for this season..If this happens we will assign that Referee to one of the upcoming World Cups and accept an American Referee for the other.
Yves asked why we could not get “W” replacements. When we lose “W”’s, how do we get new ones. This is at the discretion of the ISU. SSC has been actively engaged in promoting our qualified Referees with ISU and continues to do so. There is no existing ISU-stated process whereby this happens.
8. Next Meeting – Wednesday September 26th @ 7:00PM EST
9. Motion to adjourn at 3.45pm – Rocky Lamontagne
Action Item Summary
Item # / Who / Task / Status3 / Ted / Send minutes from last meeting to Dawn.
6 / Dawn / Send revised budget to ODC. / Done
7.c / Committee / Determine dates/host for Regional ISU Clinics.
7.e / Dawn / Confirm membership season. Include requirement to be a registered member prior to officials first assignment. / Done
7.f / Ted / Prepare a ‘scenario” of new ISU starting procedures for distribution to Branches.