Comparison Essay

Objective: Create a brief essay that compares two things. Use pre-writing strategies to choose and narrow your two topics. You may use alternating or block format for comparison. Remember to be specific and use academic diction. Provide details that help illustrate your point. You must state a preference of one over the other.

General Essay Requirements:

  • MLA format as prescribed in the handbook ch 51 or the MLA section
  • Typed, Times New Roman font, 12pt., double-spaced, 1” margins
  • Final packet must have at least 2 drafts
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and paragraphing (no personal pronouns)
  • Title based on topic (not essay genre)

Specific Essay Requirements:

  • 2 full pages minimum
  • 3 point thesis statement stating a preference of one over the other in introduction
  • Alternating or block format (this may be called something else in the textbook)
  • Compare closely related topics—2 cars, stores, restaurants, etc. that are similar
  • Topic needs to be pop-culture related and easily understood by the class (check for approval)
  • Conclusion must restate thesis

Getting started:

  • Create an outline where you list several similar characteristics of your two topics. Make sure that you can detail each characteristic equally for both topics.
  • Come up with a hook that catches my attention—perhaps a unique trait of a common item or situation.
  • Think in terms of page space. Each topic needs about the same amount of page space.


  • Write your hook so others care about why one is better than the other
  • Make your thesis have 3 points and make it opinionated
  • Check for errors
  • Search for ways to communicate your event more effectively
  • Consider peer review comments

Disclaimer about example essays:

From time to time students ask about example essays to help them along in the creation process. This is dangerous for a few reasons. 1. Some of the sample essays in the textbooks are mistaken for good essays—do not assume this. 2. Essays written by my previous students may help you get started but only provide a crutch. You need to work through the creation process. Attending class should provide you with enough momentum to get you started. Attending the Peer Review sessions will be a good checkpoint for your efforts. 3. Lastly, the potential for plagiarism is high with example essays and this is a risk not worth taking.