Objective - Relate science’s understanding of the Solar System to the technology used to investigate it.


When We Left Earth – A Home in Space

1. Why was NASA in trouble?

a. The shuttle wasn’t working.

b. The space station was behind schedule.

c. Hubble wasn’t working.

d. NASA was running out of money.

2. The future of NASA was riding on the Hubble repair mission.

a. Trueb. False

3. It took ______EVAs to repair Hubble. (Enter a number)

4. When the astronauts were done with the first repair job, the door closed on the first attempt.

a. Trueb. False

5. The astronauts successfully completed the most complicated repair mission in history.

a. Trueb. False

6. The first section of the space station built by NASA was called…

a. Endurancec. Unity

b. Harmonyd. Union

7. The Russian section of the space station was called…

a. Salyutc. Mir

b. Zarayad. Sputnik

8. When complete, there will be ______pressurized modules for living and working. (Enter a number)

9. The space station is the most expensive object ever built by man.

a. Trueb. False

10. What was the mission of STS-107?

a. Building the space station.c. Launch a space probe.

b. Top secret military mission.d. A dedicated science mission.

11. What is a mission specialist’s primary job?

a. Fly the shuttle. c. Run experiments.

b. Land the shuttle.d. Serve as navigator.

12. Some of the cargo bay was outfitted as a laboratory in space.

a. Trueb. False

13. Foam hit the STS-107 shuttle’s wing during the launch.

a. Trueb. False

14. Why did the shuttle flip 360 degrees?

a. The space stationcrew checked the shuttle.

b. To test each of the thrusters.

c. For better radio reception.

d. As a computer check.

15. ______astronauts walked on the surface of the Moon. (Enter a number)

16. What is the most important thing that we have to pass on to our younger people is that….

a. they should avoid risks..

b. the desire to go to Mars.

c. exploration of the unknown is dangerous.

d. the word impossible does not exist.

When We Left Earth – A Home in Space – Key

1. Why was NASA in trouble?

c. Hubble wasn’t working.

2. The future of NASA was riding on the Hubble repair mission.

a. True

3. It took ______EVAs to repair Hubble.

4. When the astronauts were done with the first repair job, the door closed on the first attempt.

b. False

5. The astronauts successfully completed the most complicated repair mission in history.

a. True

6. The first section of the space station built by NASA was called…

c. Unity

7. The Russian section of the space station was called…

b. Zaraya

8. When complete, there will be ______pressurized modules for living and working. (Enter a number)


9. The space station is the most expensive object ever built by man.

a. True

10. What was the mission of STS-107?

d. A dedicated science mission.

11. What is a mission specialist’s primary job?

c. Run experiments.

12. Some of the cargo bay was outfitted as a laboratory in space.

b. False

13. Foam hit the STS-107 Shuttle wing during the launch.

a. True

14. Why did the shuttle flip 360 degrees?

a. The space station crew checked the Shuttle.

15. ______astronauts walked on the surface of the Moon. (Enter a number)


16. What is the most important thing that we have to pass on to our younger people is that….

d. the word impossible does not exist.

When We Left Earth – A Home in Space

Scoring Guide

15-16 – 4
14 – 3.5
13 – 3
12 – 2.5
10-11 – 2
9 – 1.5
8 – 1
1-7 – .5
0 – 0