COURSE DESCRIPTION:This class is designed to create and understanding of the American Democracy and the importance of civic participation so that students may become active citizens as adults. Students will learn about the history of America’s democratic system, the different levels of government in the United States and how they interact with each other as well as the United State’s role as an internationally. This is a required course for graduation as set by the state of Wisconsin and the local school board. Also in WI 2015 Act 55 any students graduating from a Wisconsin high school (starting with the class of 2017) are required to "take a civics test comprised of 100 questions that are identical to the 100 questions that may be asked of an individual during the process of applying for U.S. citizenship by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and the pupil correctly answers at least 60 of those questions." (Section 3266R, 118.33(1m)(a)1.)


  1. CIVICS TODAY textbook

We also use the Wisconsin State Journal in class to help

relate what we learn in the classroom to everyday life.

  1. A 1 ½ to 2 inch binder to be utilized for dailynewspaper journal writing activities.
  2. A folder (preferably just for this class – you get lots of handouts!)
  3. A writing utensil

GRADING: Your nine weeks grade will be determined by …..

(70%) Tests/Projects/Quizzes

(30%)Learning Activities--Newspaper journal writing assignments, homework, participation in class

GRADING SCALE:A = 94 – 100C = 73 – 76

A- = 90 – 93C- = 70 – 72

B+ = 87 – 89D+ = 67 – 69

B = 83 – 86D = 63 – 66

B- = 80 – 82D- = 60 – 62

C+ = 77 – 79F = 0 – 59

CLASS POLICIES:Two years from now you will not be in high school anymore. These classroom policies are set to prepare you for life after graduation. Believe it or not it is quite different form your life here. Therefore,

the more prepared you are for the future, the more successful you will be!!!

BE RESPONSIBLELate homework is NOTaccepted for any credit and will

receive a grade of “0” in the grade book. You will have

until the end of the day that an assignment is due to turn

it in without getting a “0” – PLEASE take advantage

of this policy.

All assignments due dates as well as scheduled tests and quizzes will be posted at the beginning of each week In both the classroom and on my website. In case of absence it is your responsibility to turn in the work that was assigned before you were gone and pick up

any new assignments and or make accommodations for making up missed tests or quizzes.

A hanging file for each class is located near the entrance of my classroom which will contain any instructions, information and handouts in the event of a student absence.

You will also be allowed to retake ONE test per semester. The test retake has

stipulations and a test retake form must be completed and returned before

the retake is officially scheduled.

NOTE: School related absences are not an excuse for turning work

In late. If you are going to be gone for the school day, or even only

Government class, you should contact me to find out what you

will miss because you will be held accountable for all information

covered in that class period.

BE PREPAREDBring all materials to class with you unless told not to do so.

Be seated and ready to start class when the bell rings; the

sooner I can begin, the sooner we can cover the needed

material for the day and any free time we have at the end of

the hour will be yours! I also have a policy of no homework

over the weekends and no tests on Mondays. I feel that

working towards you high school diploma carries with it

many advantages and rewards, but teenagers need breaks

from the workweek like the rest of us. As long as students

act responsibly in class and we stay on our curriculum

schedule the above policy will stay in place.

*** Mrs. Flynn updates her school website daily. All links to handouts and notes as well as email alerts will be available on Google Classroom by using the code d367y7

BE HONESTYour work should truly be your work, therefore incidents of copying and plagiarism will result in the activation of the Lancaster High School and BoardAcademic Honesty policy. The

policy can be found on pgs. 19 and 20 of the student handbook located on the school website. It should be noted that on occasions assignments are turned in and amazingly two (or more) students’ pieces of work may look exactly alike (spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors or phrasing strangely identical)! If that were to occur, the total points the assignment is worth will be divided amongst all involved. I’m assuming if you are in to sharing the work you will also want to share the points!! :)

BE RESPECTFULEveryone in the classroom should be treated with the proper

respect and consideration – you give respect and you will receive

it in return. I want American Government class to be an enjoyable

learner-friendly environment and the only way that can happen is if we

all work together. This is especially true when class sizes are very large.

Your ability to respect each member of the class will help to make this

an educationally successful school year.


  • With the exception of water, no food or drink allowed in class.
  • Cell phones may be periodically used for in class activities. Students will be told when

phones are to brought to class for an activity, otherwise cells as well as other electronic devices shouldNEVER BE SEEN OR HEARD!!!!!!!!!.

  • If there are any questions concerning class activities or policies, please contact Mrs. Flynn

directly at school. Contact information is provided below.

** I am free 3rd and 5th hours (during 1st semester) and 2nd and 4th hours (during 2nd semester) plus before and after school if help with coursework is needed.


Phone: (608) 723-2173 ext. 377




A link to this syllabus is available on the American Government page of my website

The signatures below indicate that both students and parent(s) have read the policies and procedures for Mrs. Flynn’s American Government class.


Student signatureDate


Parent signatureDate

Please list parent contact information below:


Best parent phone number to contact if needed


Parent E-mail address