Comparability Study Worksheet and Instructions

Comparability requires that districts be able to document that the services provided with state and local funds in Title I Schools are comparable to those provided in non-Title I-A schools in the district.

In order to receive Title I funds, a district with more than one building at any grade span must assure each year that its buildings are comparable with regard to state and local spending


1)Districts with only one building per grade span are exempt from comparability requirements.

2)Schools within a district that have no comparable group (e.g., one small elementary school among others significantly larger or a single school at a particular grade span) may be exempted from a district’s comparability study.

In Oregon, in order to demonstrate comparability, districts are required to complete a formal comparability study no less often than every two years. This study, along with the salary schedule and policy documents are to be on file at the district office with the other Title I administrative records, available to be examined upon request. Although the study is required only every other year, buildings within a district must be comparable on an on-going basis. Therefore, it is considered best practice to complete a comparability study annually.

A district may also meet the comparability requirement using other measures, such as student/instructional staff ratio or student/instructional staff salary ratios.

A comparability study compares the average district spending, excluding federal funds, for instructional staff in buildings. This is accomplished by examining the pupil-to-instructional staff ratio and the per-pupil instructional staffing expenditures. The district may compare schools by using one or more of the following methods:

 Compare schools of similar grade span

Compare school-by-school across the district without regard to grade span,

Compare schools with similar school enrollment. (This comparison would be made when there is a significant difference in the enrollments of schools. For example, when the largest school has an enrollment that is two times the enrollment of the smallest school.)

A district may also meet the comparability requirement using other measures, such as student/instructional staff ratio or student/instructional staff salary ratios.

The pupil-instructional staff ratio (number of children per FTE of instructional staff) is not to exceed 110 percent of any building (in its span, when compared among similar schools) and not to exceed 110 percent of the average pupil-to-instructional staff ratio of the non-Title I funded buildings. Per-child expenditures in each Title I building for non-federally funded instructional staff may be no less than 90% of any building (in its span, when compared among similar schools) and not to drop below 90% of the average expenditures among non-Title I funded buildings. Staff assigned solely for the purpose of providing services to children with disabilities and additional staff providing bilingual education for students with limited English proficiency may be excluded from non-federal expenditures within the comparability study.

Step-by-Step Instructions

for use of the Comparability Worksheet for Form 581-2306

When the district is comparing schools of similar grade size and/or grade spans, a separate form is to be completed for each grouping of schools. The following instructions apply to the form 581-2306 (Rev. 0798):

In the upper right hand corner of the form:

  • Supply the district name and number.
  • As soon as it can be determined, enter the number of this sheet and the total number of sheets included in the district’s comparability study.
  • If the district is comparing buildings within grade spans, enter the grade span of comparison in this grouping. Use a separate form for each comparable grade span and/or size grouping.

(In some districts buildings may vary from one another and still be compared within a similar comparison group. For instance, one building could be a K-3, one a K-5 and one and 1-8. If they were of similar size, the district could consider the buildings to be within the K-8 grade span comparison group. The district could also compare schools without regard to their grade configuration.)

Column (1) – Names of Schools:

This form is divided into two parts. In Part 1, list each school receiving TitleIA funds. In Part 2, list schools that do not receive Title I funds, if any. When studying the comparability among schools of similar grade spans and/or size, use a separate form for each grouping.

Column (2) – Actual Grade Span:

Enter the span of grades in each school (i.e., K-5).

Column (3) – Pupils Enrolled:

Record the actual number of students enrolled in each school on the date being used for data collection. If enrollment is prorated for any reason, document the reason why the prorate is necessary and attach to the comparability study.

Column (4) – FTE Staff:

Determine the full-time equivalent number of instructional staff members paid with state and/or local funds who are regularly assigned to each school listed. Prorate FTE staff as necessary and express the result to the nearest tenth. Example - Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) is the amount of time normally required for a full-time position (i.e., 8 hours or whatever is called for in the collective bargaining agreement). A less than full-time position is the amount of time worked divided by the amount of time normally required in a corresponding full-time activity (i.e., 4 hours of an 8 hour FTE is calculated as .5 FTE). The instructional staff includes the building administrators, teachers and paraprofessionals. By job, it includes teachers, instructional assistants, librarians, PE teachers and other members of the staff who carry out instructional tasks or provides direct support for instruction. This includes principals or assistant principals who do direct supervision or evaluation of staff. This does not include clerical or other non-instructional support staff at the building or central office.

Column (5) – Salaries:

In most districts, teachers are paid on a salary scale that goes across by amount of education and down by years of experience. However, for the purpose of establishing comparability, use the entry level (Step 0), as though each teacher were just beginning, but calculate for each teacher the appropriate amount based on education level. Enter the total amount of funds that would be expended for Step 0 salaries plus education for the staff at each school listed in Column 4. Express the total amount for each school to the nearest dollar.


BS/BA +24

/ BS/BA +45 / MS/MA / MS/MA + 24 / MS/MA + 45
Step 0 / $25,000 / $25,500 / $26,000 / $26,500 / $27,000 / $27,500

Repeat the process for each classification of staff, as appropriate (administrative, licensed, paraprofessionals). Total the amount for each school.

Column (6) – Pupil-to-Staff Ratio:

For each school, divide the pupils enrolled (amount in Column 3) by the number for Staff FTE positions (amount in Column 4). Compute to the nearest tenth. In Column 6, enter the quotient which constitutes the number of average number of pupils per instructional staff member for each school.

Column (7) – Per-Pupil Expenditure for Staffing:

For each school, divide the amount of salaries (from Column 5) by the number of pupils enrolled (amount in Column 3). Compute to the nearest dollar. In Column 7, enter the quotient, which constitutes the per-pupil expenditure for instructional staffing at each school.


When a district has more than one school in any comparable grouping that is not funded by TitleIA, an average for those schools may be used as the comparison with TitleIA funded schools as evidence of comparability.

Column (3A) – Average Enrollment:

Total the numbers of pupils enrolled in schools that do not receive Title IA funds and divide that number by the number of non-Title I schools on the list. Enter the results to the nearest child in Column 3.

Column (4A) – Average FTE staff:

Add the full-time equivalent number of instructional staff at each non-Title I school on the list. Divide that sum by the number of non-Title I schools on the list. Enter the result to the nearest tenth in Column 4.

Column (5A) – Average Salaries Excluding Longevity:

Total the amount of base salaries (excluding longevity) of the instructional staff members in non-Title I funded schools. Divide that sum by the number of non-Title I funded schools on the list. Enter the results in Column 5 expressing the results to the nearest dollar.

Column (6) – Average Pupil-to-Staff Ratio:

6A – Determine the average number of instructional staff per-pupil by adding the number of staff per pupil in each non-Title IA funded school. Divide the sum by the number of non-Title IA schools on the list.

6B – For the purpose of comparison within the limits allowed in the comparability requirements of the law, multiply the amount in box 6A by 110 percent.

Column (7) – Average Per-Pupil Expenditure for Staffing

7A – Calculate the average expenditures per child to the nearest dollar for the non-Title IA funded schools.

7B – For the purpose of comparison within the limits allowed in the comparability requirements of the law, multiply the amount in box 7A by 90 percent.


Comparison among TitleIA funded schools:

the Pupil-to-Staff ratio in all TitleIA funded schools must be within 110% of the Title IA funded school with the lowest Pupil-to-Staff ratio, or

the Per-Pupil Expenditure for Staffing in each Title IA funded schools must be no less than 90% of the Title I school with the greatest Per-Pupil Expenditure for Staffing.

Comparison of each Title IA funded school to non-Title I funded schools:

the Pupil-to-Staff ratio in each school must be within 110% of the Title IA funded school with the lowest Pupil-to-Staff ratio, or

the Per-Pupil Expenditure for Staffing in each school must be no less than 90% of the Title I school with the greatest Per-Pupil Expenditure for Staffing, or

the Pupil-to-Staff Ratio for each Title I school must fall within the range between boxes 6A and 6B, or

the Average Per-Pupil Expenditure for Staffing for each Title I school must fall within the range between boxes 7A and 7B. Comparability in either Pupil-to-Staff Ratio or Per-Pupil Expenditure fulfills this requirement.


255 Capitol St. NETitle I, NCLB

Salem, Oregon 97310-0203


When applicable, use a separate worksheet for each comparable grade span/size group of schools

Part 1: for list of schools receiving TitleIA funds / Name of District / Sheet of
Detailed School Data
(Title I Comparability Report) / Do not include any portion of staffing paid from federal funds. / Grade Span (when applicable)
Name(s) of School(s) with
Title I Funding
(1) / Actual
Grade Span
(2) / Pupils
(3) / FTE
(4) / Salaries (Base + Education))
(5) / Staff per-pupil
(6) / Per-pupil expenditures
(7) / If not comparable Mark “X”
$ / $


Part 2: For list of school in this grouping NOT funded by TitleIA / Name of District / Sheet of
Detailed School Data
(Title I Comparability Report) / Do not include any portion of staffing paid from federal funds. / Grade Span (when applicable)
Name(s) of School(s) NOT Receiving TitleIA Funding
(1) / Actual
Grade Span
(2) / Pupils
(3) / FTE
(4) / Salaries (Base + Education)
(5) / Staff per-pupil
(6) / Per Pupil Expenditure
(7) / If not comparable Mark “X”
$ / $
Averages for Schools
NOT funded by Title IA
When applicable, averages for non-Title I schools in this grade span and/or size grouping. / Average
(3A) / Average
(4A) / Average
$ / (6A) / (7A)
Section 10120A of Public Law 103-382
Form 581-2306 (Rev. 0798)DRAFT1 / Enter here
110 % 
of Box 6A / (6B) / (7B) / Enter here  90% of Box 7A


Understanding Comparability

In this example you are given data (see Your Town School District Data Sheet) and the completed comparability worksheets for a fictitious school district, typical of the size of many in Oregon that are required to demonstrate comparability. (See Your Town School District Comparability Worksheet example)

Upper Right Hand Corner

The directions indicate to complete the box in the top right corner of the form first. Note that Your TownSchool District # 1 has four comparability worksheets in all. The district has chosen to compare its schools by grade span. Only two grade spans (K-5 and 6-8) are included in the study because there is only one high school. (The single high school is more than two times the size of any other school, so comparing it with the middle schools would not be necessary.)

In both grade spans being compared there some Title I funded schools and some non-Title I schools. For that reason, page 2 of the worksheet is used for both grade spans. (If all schools in the district, or grade span, receive Title I funds, the district would only need to complete page 1 for each grade span being compared.)

IndividualSchool Information (Refer to School Facts on Your TownSDData Sheet)

On sheet 1 of 4, Title I school names have been entered for the K-5 grade span. Note that Farmland Elementary was excluded. The district has elected to excuse this school from comparison because it is more than two times smaller that any other elementary school in the district. On sheet 2 four elementary schools that do not receive Title I funds were entered.

Actual Grade Span: All of the elementary buildings in Your Town School District happen to have a K-5 configuration. (In some districts buildings may vary from one another and still be compared within a similar comparison group. For instance, one building could be a K-3, one a K-5 and one and 1-8. If they were of similar size, the district could consider the buildings to be within the K-8 grade span comparison group. The district could also compare schools without regard to their grade configuration.)

Pupils Enrolled: Note that even though Nostalgia Elementary is smaller, it is not less than half the size of the others in the comparison group.

FTE: The full-time equivalent count includes principal, teachers and paraprofessionals. Note that Old Mall Elementary has a total of 13 FTE, not 13.5 FTE because the district has not included the .5 FTE paraprofessional whose job is limited to the support of a high needs special education student.

Salaries (Excluding Longevity) for Title I schools listed on sheet 1 of 4

(Refer to Salary Schedule on Your TownSchool District Data Sheet)

Downtown: Total $443,500

8 teachers @ $25,500 = $204,000

(all at BA/BS + 25 without regard to step)

2 teachers @ $27,500 = $55,000

2 teachers @ $25,000 = $50,000

1 teacher @ $26,500

1 teacher @ $27,000Sub total for teachers $362,500

2 Inst’l. Assists. L1 @ $ 10,000 = $20,000

1 Inst’l. Assist. L2 @ $11,000

Principal @ $50,000

Central City: Total $302,000

3 teachers @ $26,500 = $79,500

4 teachers @ $25,000 = $100,000

1 teacher @ $27,000

1 teacher @ $27,500Sub total for teachers$234,000

2 Inst’l. Assist. L1 @ $10,000 = $20,000

Principal @ $48,000

Old Mall: Total $344,500

5 teachers @ $25,500 = $127,500

3 teachers @ $25,000 = $75,000

1 teacher @ $27,500

1 teacher @ $26,500

1 teacher @ $27,000Sub total for teachers $283,500

1 Inst’l. Assist. L1 @ $10.000

Principal @ $51,000

Nostalgia:Total $183,250

2 teachers @ $25,000 = $50,000

2 teachers @ $25,500 = $51,000

1 teacher @ $27,500Sub total for teachers $128,500

1 Inst’l Assist. L1 @ $10,000

.25 Inst’l. Assist L2 @ 11,000 = $2,750

.75 Principal @ $56,000 = $42,000

Salaries (Excluding Longevity) for non-Title I schools listed on sheet 2 of 4

Happy Heights:Total $372,000

3 teachers @ $27,500 = $82,500

3 teachers @ $26,500 = $79,500

2 teachers @ $25,500 = $51,000

2 teachers @ $25,000 = $50.000

1 teacher @ $26,000Sub total for teachers $289,000

2 Inst’l. Assists. L1 @ $10,000 = $20,000

1 Inst’l. Assist. L2 @ $11,000

Principal @ $52,000

New Trails:Total $500,500

4 teachers @ $27,000 = $108,000

3 teachers @ $27,500 = $82,500

3 teachers @ $26,500 = $79,500

2 teachers @ $25,000 = $50,000

2 teachers @ $25,500 = $51,000

1 teacher @ $26,000 Sub total for teachers $397,000

4 Inst’l. Assist. L1 @ $10,000 = $40,000

1 Inst’l. Assist. L2 @ 11,000

Principal @ $52,500

Salaries (Excluding Longevity) for Title I schools listed on sheet 3 of 4

StoneBlockMiddle School: $436,000

5 teachers @ $26,000 = $130,000

5 teachers @ $26,500 = $132,500

3 teachers @ $27,500 = $82,500

1 teacher @ $25,000 Sub total for teachers $370,000

1 Instl. Assist. L2 @ $11,000

Principal @ $55,000

Salaries (Excluding Longevity) for non-Title I schools listed on sheet 4 of 4

WestHeightsMiddle School: $444,500

4 teachers @ $27,500 = $110,000

3 teachers @ $27,000 = $81,000

3 teachers @ $26,500 = $79,500

2 teachers @ $26,000 = $52,000

2 teachers @ $25,000 = $50,000Sub total for teachers $372,500

1 Inst’l. Assist. L2 @ $11,000

.5 Inst’l. Assist. L1 @ $10,000 = $5,000

Principal @ $56,000

Staff per-pupil

One instructional staff member per number of students was calculated to the nearest tenth. The number of students was entered for each school in both comparison groups.

Per-pupil expenditures

Average dollars per student was calculated and entered for each school in both comparison groups.

Determining Comparability

Notice that Nostalgia Elementary is the only school that does not compare within allowable ranges in either staff per-pupil ratio or per-pupil expenditures. This places the district out of compliance with comparability requirements for Title I.


OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONOffice of Educational Improvement and Innovation

255 Capitol St. NETitle I-A, NCLB

Salem, Oregon 97310-0203


When applicable, use a separate worksheet for each comparable grade span/size group of schools

Part 1: for list of schools receiving TitleIA funds / Name of District / Sheet 1 of 4
Detailed School Data
(Title I Comparability Report) / Do not include any portion of staffing paid from federal funds. / Your TownSchool District #1 / Grade Span (when applicable) K-5
Name(s) of School(s) with
Title I Funding
(1) / Actual
Grade Span
(2) / Pupils
(3) / FTE
(4) / Salaries (Base + Education))
(5) / Staff per-pupil
(6) / Per-pupil expenditures
(7) / If not comparable Mark “X”
Downtown Elementary / K-5 / 320 / 18 / $443,500 / 1 : 17.7 / $1386.
Central City Elementary / K-5 / 240 / 12 / $302,000 / 1 : 20.0 / $1258.
Old Mall Elementary / K-5 / 272 / 13 / $344,500 / 1 : 20.9 / $1267.
Nostalgia Elementary / K-5 / 176 / 7 / $183,250 / 1 : 25.1 / $1041. / X


Part 2: for list of school in this grouping NOT funded by TitleIA / Name of District

Your TownSD #1

/ Sheet 2 of 4
Detailed School Data
(Title I Comparability Report) / Do not include any portion of staffing paid from federal funds. / Grade Span (when applicable) K-5
Name(s) of School(s) NOT Receiving TitleIA Funding
(1) / Actual
Grade Span
(2) / Pupils
(3) / FTE
(4) / Salaries (Base + Education)
(5) / Staff per-pupil
(6) / Per Pupil Expenditure
(7) / If not comparable Mark “X”
Happy Heights Elementary / K-5 / 298 / 15 / $372,000 / 1 : 19.9 / $1248.
New Trails Elementary / K-5 / 440 / 21 / $500,500 / 1 : 21.0 / $1138.
Averages for Schools
NOT funded by Title IA
When applicable, averages for non-Title I schools in this grade span and/or size grouping. / Average
369 / Average
18 / Average
$436,250 / (6A)
1 : 20.5 / (7A)
Section 10120A of Public Law 103-382
Form 581-2306 (Rev. 0798)DRAFT1 / Enter here
110 % 
of Box 6A / (6B)
22.6 / (7B)
$1074. / Enter here  90% of Box 7A