OTC Markets Annual Non-Display UsageDeclaration

Company Name Click or tap here to enter text.

Declaration Year Click or tap here to enter text.

As noted in Section 6.b of the Market Data Distribution Agreement, market data recipients are required to declareallReal Time Non-Display usage annually.

OTC Markets Non-Display Usage is broken down into three (3) categories:

Category 1—Non-Display Trading Platform Usage (OTC Link Participant). Applies to Non-Display Usage by a Distributor or Recipient who is an OTC Link participant when the Distributor or Recipient uses the Information in an Electronic Trading System, whether the system trades on the Distributor’s or Recipient’s own behalf or on behalf of its customers.An “Electronic Trading System” includes trading platforms such as any SEC Registered Exchange, Alternative Trading System (ATS), Electronic Communication Network (ECN), broker crossing networks, broker crossing networks not filed as ATS’s, dark pools, multilateral trading facilities, and systematic internalization systems.

Category 2—Non-Display Trading Platform Usage (Non-OTC Link Participant). Applies to Non-Display Usage by a Distributor or Recipient who is not an OTC Link participant when the Distributor or Recipient uses the Information in an Electronic Trading System (as defined above), whether the system trades on the Distributor’s or Recipient’s own behalf or on behalf of its customers.

Category 3—All Other Non-Display Usage. Applies to all Non-Display Usage other than as set forth in Categories 1 or 2 above.


Please select all applicable Non-Display Usage categories and describe usage. Fees associated with the categorizations are noted in our Fee Schedule.

OTC Markets Level 1 Non-Display Usage

No Non-Display Usage ☐

Category 1 ☐

Category 2 ☐

Category 3 ☐

Please note application name(s) and use case(s) for usage.

Click or tap here to enter text.

OTC Markets Level 2 Non-Display Usage

No Non-Display Usage ☐

Category 1 ☐

Category 2 ☐

Category 3 ☐

Please note application name(s) and use case(s) for usage.

Click or tap here to enter text.


Customer certifiesto OTC Markets Group that it's Non-Display declaration is complete and accurate as of this filing. CustomeracknowledgesfeesforOTCMarketsNon-Display usage are applicable from January 1, of the upcoming year ("Declaration EffectiveDate"), and will be directly billed to the customer by OTC Markets Group.

Customer is required to promptly inform OTC Markets Group of any changes to this declaration, including revised reporting.

Amended declarations resulting in a decrease to customer’s billing must be made within 60 calendar days of the filing date noted below.

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