Awards, fellowships and competitions available to both STUDENTS and TEACHERS in 2016 through the Science Teachers Association of Tasmania and fellow organisations.
No / Name of CompetitionAnd Contacts / Date of entry / Target Group / Entry Requirements / Prize or Award
1. / Winifred Curtis Award
For details and application form contact awards coordinator:
/ Friday
11th March, 2016 / Tasmanian Science Educators who demonstrate excellence. The target group includes:
(i) teachers
(ii) science program developers
(iii)hands-on learning providers. / Nomination, by main nominator. References by colleagues. Submission to the Council of the Science Teachers’ Association of Tasmania. / Winifred Curtis Medal and $500 cheque, sponsored by UTAS, will be presented during dinner on Fri April 1stat CONSTAT, the annual conference of the Science Teachers’ Association of Tasmania, in New Norfolk. See details for CONSTAT on STAT website:
2. / STAT Scholarship to attend CONASTA 65: Superheroes of Science – Unmask your potential.
CONASTA is the annual Conference of the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA). The event for 2016 will be hosted by Qld. Science Teachers’ Association.CONASTA 65, 3-6 July 2016, at Somerville House, Brisbane.
Event details and registration, see:Nominations for the award to be addressed to:
The Secretary,
PO Box 1112
Sandy Bay
TAS 7003
Questions to....
STAT Awards Coordinator
/ Friday 15th April, 2016 / 1. Membership of STAT either school based or individual.
2. No more than 5 years teaching exp.
3. A commitment to teaching Science in Primary or Secondary areas
4. Prepared to share practice with other STAT members upon return.
5. Show current or future commitment to STAT.
6. Willing to write a report for STATIC – STAT’s newsletter / Entry Requirements
350 word (max) expression of interest addressed to the Secretary of STAT including the name and contact details of a school-based referee. / The scholarship
The scholarship will be valued up to $1200 to support your attendance at CONASTA in Brisbane in July.
STAT will pay the full early-bird member registration costs and will support travel costs andaccommodation, to a total value of $1200, to attend this conference.
Other costs for accommodation and meals will need to be covered personally.
See ASTA website:
Further information coming soon. th any questions about the upcoming conference.
3. / Ruth Dircks AwardInformation about the 2016 CONASTA 65 Ruth Dircks Scholarship will be available soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions about CONASTA or the Scholarship, please
Mail applications to:
Ruth Dircks ASTA Scholarship
c/- ASTA Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 334
Deakin West ACT 2600 / Early May, 2016.
Entry viaCONASTA 65 website
/ Primary Teachers and Secondary Science Teachers from regional areas. / Criteria for Selection Applicant must: 1. Reside outside area in which CONASTA is held. 2. Have not attended more than two CONASTAs. 3. Be a member of a state or territory STA 4. Show how the knowledge gained at CONASTA will be used in their state/territory. 5. Provide evidence of and involvement in their state/territory STA 6. Provide statement on personal benefit from the CONASTA experience. / Travel grants for THREE regional teachers to attend CONASTA, the annual conference of the Science Teachers’ Association of Australia.
CONASTA 2016 will be hosted by Qld. Science Teachers’ Association.CONASTA 65, 3-6 July 2016, at Somerville House, Brisbane.
4. / Eureka Award: StudentsSleek Geeks Award: Primary
See Award website:
/ Entry forms to be submitted online by Friday 6 May 2016.
Completed entries must be received by Friday 13 May 2016. / Primary School Students
Years K - 6 / The University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize encourages students with a passion for science and for communicating ideas to tell a scientific story via a short film.
Entries must tell a real scientific story, which may be a scientific concept, discovery, invention, or the producer's own scientific hypothesis! Anything goes, but keep the science in the story, and keep the science real.
Entries are to take the form of a 1-3 minute film. / First prize: $2,000 plus a $500 book voucher from Abbey's Bookshop, Sydney
Second Prize: $1,000
Prize money is divided equally between the winning students and their school. Book vouchers are shared equally by members of the winning team.
Plus: Representatives from the finalist teams will win a trip to Sydney for the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Award Dinner.
5. / Eureka Award: Students
Sleek Geeks Award: Secondary
See Award website:
/ Entry forms to be submitted online by Friday 6 May 2016.
Completed entries must be received by Friday 13 May 2016. / Secondary School students
Years 7 – 12 / Students with a passion for science and communicating ideas need to tell a scientific story via a short film.
Tell a real scientific story: a scientific concept, discovery, invention, or the producer's own scientific hypothesis! Anything goes, but keep the science in the story, and keep the science real.
Entries are to take the form of a 1-3 minute film.
While good quality production is encouraged, this will not be a major consideration in judging. / First prize: $4,000 plus a $500 book voucher from Abbey's Bookshop, Sydney
Second Prize: $2,000
Third Prize: $1,000
Prize money is divided equally between the winning students and their school. Book vouchers are shared equally by members of the winning team.
Plus: Representatives from the finalist teams will win a trip to Sydney for the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Award Dinner.
6. / The Google Science Fair
/ students submit their science projects online up until
May, 2016 / Students:
13 to 18 years of age / Research investigations posted on-line.
See website for details. / Amazing prizes and opportunities such as a $50,000 scholarship, a National Geographic Expedition to the Galapagos and experiences at Google or the LEGO Group and CERN centres.
8. / Tasmanian Science Talent Search
Theme 2016:
Drones, Droids and Robots
Information booklet, with entry details and dates:
Exact entry dates will be available on the STAT website prior to each award round. / Dates for 2016
Deadline dates for entries TSTS 2016:
Theme-based entries:
June 2016.
Technology and Engineering: Aug, 2016
(in National Science Week)
Research Investigations and Science Games:
Late Sept, 2016 / For:
Primary and Secondary Students.
From early childhood to
Year 12 / TSTS Time Line for 2016. Due dates for sections:
17thJune: All theme-based sections. i.e. Posters, Creative Writing, Digital Interactives and Photographic
14thAugust: List of entrants due to Director for
Technology and Engineering sections
Late AugustIn or close to National Science Week -
Technology and Engineering Judging in Launceston and Hobart. Venue to be confirmed
Science Research Investigations.
Late November 2016
Presentation Day for Prize Winners in TSTS 2016in Hobart – venue to be confirmed. / Students can gain CATEGORY AWARDS (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Merit & Highly commended in each division)
SPECIAL Awards are linked to sponsors
Students are notified about the win some weeks after judging is complete
The Presentation Day/display for Winners in TSTS 2016 will be held in late November 2016.
Awards of certificates and cash prizes will be presented.
(see the STAT website for further details and updates)
See item 13 for details of the UTAS Science Investigation Awards which can also be entered in the TSTS
9. / The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Prize for Science/Maths Teaching in Secondary Schools 2016
For details contact the Faculty Office on: 6226 2125 or email . / June-July 2016 / Year 9 - 12 teachersin Tasmanian government and non-government schools and colleges / Outline how the applicant meets selection criteria as indicated on the application form.
(see the website to download the application form) / The Prize is $1000 plus a plaque that will be presented at the SET Research and Teaching Awards Evening in early 2016, and sponsored by the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology at the University of Tasmania.
In addition, the winning teacher and his/her class (or 20 students of the teacher's choice) will be invited to visit the research facilities at the UTAS, with all expenses met (including travel and lunch).
10. / Eureka Award: Students and Teachers
People’s Choice Award 2016
See website for updates soon:
Also, you can read about the 2015 winners. / Voting in
The 2016 Peoples' Choice Award
July 2016.
It runs until the Award Winners are announced in August. / Students and Teachers vote between late-July and mid-August. Winners will be notified by email / Vote on-line.
You will choose between six science superstars nominated for a Eureka in 2016 - read their profile, watch their video, you can even askthem a question - then vote for your favourite / • Your DNA sequenced by Australian Museum scientists with the results mounted and framed ready to hang on your wall;
•Microsoft computer software;
• New Scientist magazine subscriptions;
• Abbey's book vouchers.
In addition, one teacher will win $500 worth of science books and DVDs from ABC Science.
11. / NATA Young Scientists Award, 2016
2016 is the 10th year of the NATA Young Scientists of the Year Award.
For details visit:
For any enquiries about the NATA Young Scientists of the Year Award, please contact Diane Lyons, Marketing & Communications Coordinator on (02) 9736 8255 or email:is email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . / Entries close Aug/Sept 2016 / Primary students:
Aged 7 - 12. / Conduct a scientific investigation of your choice.
Submissions MUST include a written project summary of no more than one A4 page.
This should include the project’s aims, execution and results.
For the visual element, entrants could submit their projects in any form, such as:
- Pictures and words in a scrapbook
- A video or DVD presentation (maximum five minutes)
- Computer graphics or other digital media
- Poster 841mm x 591mm in landscape or portrait
(Note: this report, written up in more detail, could also be entered in the Tasmanian Science Talent Search in Sept 2016) / Prizes:
Students from primary schools have a chance to win $3,000 for their school and $500 for the winning student or group.
2016 topic not yet released
For updates on competition, see:
This year's theme will be announced soon via the website. / Late August 2016 / Students in Grades 9-10 / Students need to research a topic of scientific interest within Tasmania and answer, by way of essay, some questions, such as:
- If you could travel to this place, what would you like to investigate?
- Explain why you consider this topic to be so important.
- Essay/other written text (1000 words max)
- Film (MPEG-4 or AVI format; 5 min max)
- Photo essay: approximately 5 photos as JPEGs + 500 words text. May be as PowerPoint).
One prize of $200 for winner. Certificates of merit. All entries will receive a certificate of participation.
13. / 2016 N, NW & S Science Investigation Awards
Students will need to register online for the Science Investigation Awards, as only registered projects will be eligible for judging and prizes. Registrations will open in June and close in August, 2016. There is no cost to enter.
North: Thursday 25 Augustfrom9.30 am - 1.00pm at Newnham campus, Launceston
Northwest: Thursday 1 September, from9.30 am - 1.00pm at the Cradle Coast campus, Burnie
South: Thursday 15 September, from 9.30 am - 1.00pm at the Activities Centre, Sandy Bay campus, Hobart / Venues:
Launceston and Cradle Coast Campuses.
North: Thursday 25 August
Northwest: Thursday 1 September
South: Thursday 15 September / The Science Investigation Awards are open to any students in Years 5 – 12, as individuals or groups (not more than 3 students).
Exhibition and evaluation of the independent science investigations of NW Tasmanian students in Years 5-12 / Students will need to complete their investigation in their own time or at school. Teachers are encouraged to provide support and direction and students may also enlist other people as scientific mentors.
Report and Poster Display
A final written report and poster display needs to be completed before Presentation Day and both need to be brought along on the day. Many schools have already obtained pre-cut corflute or card display boards with header boards or they can be purchased from local suppliers. Posters and reports will be judged on the Presentation Days, and students will need to be present on the day to interact with judges to be eligible.
(Note: this report could also be entered in the Tasmanian Science Talent Search in Sept 2016) / Prizes:
Presentation of Prizes
Prizes and awards will be presented after judging is complete, at the Awards Presentation Evening held on the same day as judging. Winning students, their teachers and families, as well as industry and community supporters and special guests, are invited to attend. All students receive a Certificate of Participation.
Student presentations are evaluated by a team of judges throughout the morning.First, Second, Third and Commended in each age category (Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior).
There will be generous industry sponsored cash prizes accompanied by a certificate for the winners.
14. / ANZAAS Teacher Awards 2016
See:ANZAAS Teacher Awards
For details on ANZAAS mission and updates on teacher awards. / Teachers who promote science through the Tasmanian Science Talent Search throughout 2016. / Teachers of students entering Tasmanian Science Talent Search (TSTS).
Junior, Intermediate and Senior Awards / Teacher needs to evidence the promotion science through the TSTS at his/her school. This is done by encouraging entries in the Tasmanian Science Talent Search. / Framed certificate form ANZAAS Tasmania
Membership to ANZAAS for
1 year.
Subscription to Australasian Science for 1 year.
15. / BHP Billiton Student Science and Engineering Awards, 2017 (entry October 2016)
Download the brochure with details for the 2016 Awards. / Nov. 2016 / Students undertaking undertake an engineering task or complete an open-ended research investigationfor the Tasmanian Science Talent Search
(Note: reports will enter the BHP-Billiton selection pool by being entered in the Tasmanian Science Talent Search in September 2016 / Research Dossier presenting findings from student’s project.
Research first entered for Tasmanian Science Talent Search and best entries forwarded to BHP Billiton National Awards.
National Semi Finalists (50) and Finalists (26) selected in November. / First prize: A$ 4000
Major Prize: all expenses paid trip to the Intel Science and Engineering Fair in USA in May 2017 for 6 top quality projects.
Non-placed finalists will receive A$250.
Finalists will be treated to an all-expense paid, four-day educational science camp and presentation event in Melbourne in February 2017. Part of this camp includes the final judging for major prizes.
16. / BHP Billiton Teacher Awards
Download the brochure with details for the 2017 Awards. / Oct 2016 / Teachers who promote research as part of school curriculum / The BHP Billiton Science Teacher Awards recognise outstanding contributions made by classroom teachers to science education. Each Science Teachers Association will nominate one teacher, chosen for excellence in teaching, support of open-ended student investigation and suitability to represent the state/territory. CREST projects may also nominate a teacher, selected on the same criteria. / State Finalists:
All expenses paid trip to Melbourne to attend teacher workshop and Awards presentation in February 2017.
National Winner: all expenses paid trip to the Intel Science and Engineering Fair in USA in May 2017.
17. / CREST - CREativity in Science and Technology Award
CSIRO Education:
/ Oct-Nov 2016 / Teachers: Inspire creativity in your science and technology teaching with the help of CREST – it provides support for teachers and students to undertake open-ended science and technology investigations. / CREST enables students to experience the exciting world of scientific research and technological development. Learn about the Bronze, Silver and Gold Advanced CREST Awards.
CREST projects may be suitable for Tasmanian Talent Search can be used as a platform for entry in BHP Billiton BUT they must be entered in TSTS in order to be accepted. /
- Blue Crest Projects
- Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards