September 2005

Selected translations and

linguistic co-ordination

in ordine alfabetico dei clienti

Linguistic co-ordination

Linguistic co-ordination and contacts with Italian and foreign project partners in various projects and studies presented to the EU and other international bodies, such as the DG XII – ENEA – A.F. Forum study, Environmental Impact and Professional Change, AISCRIS, FITA-CONFINDUSTRIA, Q-Quaternaria and ITALSIEL projects. Materials translated include items for COMETT, LEONARDO, FORCE, SOCRATES, and ADAPT. This provided major experience in mounting international projects, co-ordinating researchers and translators from and to many European languages and understanding client needs, particularly with reference to short deadlines for delivery of the work.

Responsible for linguistic co-ordination and contacts with foreign project partners in various projects presented by A.F. Forum, the EU and other international bodies, also on behalf of third parties.


ACCURATE TRANSLATIONS, London-based language agency, a long-standing collaboration in the translations sector

ALLERGAN Spa, translation of insurance and information materials

AEROTECH Italiana srl, translations of technical aeronautic materials

AERIMPIANTI, translations of texts on various gas production installations

AISCRIS, Italian Association of Consulting Companies for Research, Innovation and Development:

-  materials for the transitional period request of the EU programme LEONARDO “Eco-audit: the new professions in industry and services for eco-management and eco-audit”

-  “Eco-audit: the new professions in industry and services for eco-management and eco-audit”, summary of a study as part of the EU FORCE project

-  profile produced for the EU, “Professional profiles and Training programmes for ecoaudit”

-  final report for FORCE, “Eco-entrepreneur, eco-production manager, eco-manager, eco-auditor, eco-trainer”


“Alternatives to Universities in Higher Education”, OCSE document, pp.105, basic research test, translation from English

-  “Transport Training Programme for senior managers and staff of the transport and maritime authorities in Latvia”

-  “R&D programme in the environmental sector”, summary of transnational project presented to the EC.

-  COMETT, course presentation materials for “An update on technologies and regulations on urban and industrial waste”, “Treatment of industrial waste”, “Treatment of solid urban waste” and others in the agricultural and food sector.

ANPA, National Environmental Protection Agency (now APAT):

-  “Cleaner Production in the Mediterranean Region”, translation into English, 1998

-  “Strategies and Measures for Reducing greenhouse-effect gas emissions through efficiency measures in the final uses of electrical energy”, 1999

-  “National study of the application of the European trademark with regards to the environment in the tourism sector, 2001

-  “Environmental declaration of tourism produce, 2001

-  transcriptions of the Agency regional meetings in 2002 and 2003, also in foreign languages


-  Yearbook of environmental data 2003, translation

-  Translation contracts for approximately 10000 euro, 2004

-  Translation contracts for approximately 7000 euro, 2005

AUTORITA' PER LE GARANZIE NELLE COMUNICAZIONI, (The Communications Authority), (tender worth about 10000 euros) translation of the Annual Report to Parliament, 2004

BAXTER Spa, translation of insurance materials


CLEAR CHANNEL srl, contracts and various other topics

COMUNITA DI S. EGIDIO, many texts on health education, with particular refernce to the prevention of AIDS, translation

Consorzio COANAN, translation of teaching and presentation materials

CRAS, Social Affairs Research Centre, Rome, translation of research materials and projects

DATAMAT SPA multilingual materials for client projects

DELOITTE & TOUCHE legal and company documents

EDIGROUP SRL, Web site creator, translation of sites for clients


Energy, Environment and Health Area, Rome Casaccia:

- translation into English of the “AMB-BIO Activities Report, 1989” and “AMB-BIO Activities Report, 1990”, published in 1990 and 1991 by ENEA.

ENEA Casaccia, FIRE:

-  "Workshop on Performance of Large Boilers"

-  "District Heating in Brescia"

-  "Market study on Heat metering in Hungary"

-  "A brief summary of activities carried out in Hungary by OPET ENEA - FIRE during the period Jan. - Oct. 1992"

-  translation of OPET financial report forms


-  “IPREMER – ENEA Protocol”

-  ENERO collaboration agreement


-  “Second National Communication for the Conference on Climatic Change”, September 1998

-  “Quality Assurance in Chemical Laboratories”, September 1998

-  National Report on Implementation Status of the Convention on Biological Diversity”, December 1998

-  “National Action Plan for the fight against desertification”, 1999

-  “National Response to OECD recommendations towards sustainable development: indicators to measure progress”, Italy’s contribution to the OCSE Conference of 15-17 December 1999

-  “Desertification, Climate Change, Biodiversity and Forest Synergies for an Inter-Regional Agenda between Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries, translations of the acts of the February 2000 conference

-  winner of a ITL 40 million tender for translation jobs, 2001


-  “INNOVATION AGRICULTURE”, ENEA magazine, drafting in English of the summaries of the Italian articles in the magazine.

-  Translation of seismic articles for ENEA AMB-Mon

-  ENEA headquarters, “Bio-climatic Architecture: passive cooling. State of the art”.

-  ENEA Training - A.F. Forum “Pilot Project for evaluation of environmental training needs in Europe in the environmental sector”

-  National Report on the ONU Convention for the fight against desertification, translation, 2002

-  ENEA ENE/DIRE "The situation of Standards for Energy Equipment in OECD Countries and Implications for the EC"

ERNST & YOUNG, translation of legal and financial documents

ESA ESRIN, ENVISAT programme, informative and popular materials

FARMACEUTICI CABER SPA, translation into German and certification of the official description of some of the drugs produced and sold by the Company

GALLAHER ITALIA SPA, advertising materials and contracts

GEFER SPA and GCF SPA, translation of financial statements and legal documents. Translation of technical documents pertaining to the railway system.

GTECH Spa, translation of manuals, projects, accounting and legal materials

H3G SPA, translations of materials on electromagnetic emissions, to be presented to the European Commission

I.B.N. SRL/I.B.N. SAVIO SRL, translation into German and certification of the official description of some of the drugs produced and sold by the Company

ITALSIEL, NETSIEL, O. Group, Presentation brochures for companies, translation into English

ICM International Management translation of scripts into English.

INFORMATION INTERNATIONAL, Collaboration in translation from and into English of scientific texts such as “CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY OF COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS”, English original published by Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore and London

IPS srl, “Practical Gardening”' published by De Agostini, Rome, translation of the encyclopedia sections into English

IRED NORD – materials for the pilot project EURMEDIS, January 2001


-  Translation of teaching and presentation materials, 2004

-  SPINN Project, winner of a tender for transcriptions in many languages, worth 85000 euros

-  SPINN Project, winner of a tender for transcriptions in many languages, worth 18000 euros

JET GENERICI SRL, translation into German and certification of the official description of some of the drugs produced and sold by the Company

KPMG Peat Marwick Consultants, translation of QM materials, contracts, inspection reports, annual report, etc.

LA CASCINA SRL – contracts and legal materials

LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES ITALIA, translation of contacts, tender materials, projects

MASTRO FILM – translations of screenplays

MEDIASET – interpretation services for interviews

Ministry for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research, “First-Level Higher Education in Italy and Europe Conference", February 1992, translation of the acts from English and French.

META RESEARCH SRL, translation from English of product descriptions and other documents on several drugs

OMNI SNC, translation of sites created by this company

PROCTER & GAMBLE ITALIA SPA, translations of CDs used for staff training

PROCTER & GAMBLE SRL/PROCTER & GAMBLE HOLDING SRL, long-standing collaboration for the translation of technical, advertising and legal materials

PROCTER & GAMBLE INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS S.A., translation of Company website materials, 2004

PROCTER & GAMBLE Pharmaceutical srl, translation from and into all European languages of medical texts and texts for internal use on the assessment of skills

PRONTOBOLLO SRL, translation services provided

PROTOS SPA, KPMG Group, translation of due diligence materials and technical reports

REGIONE LAZIO – various jobs including transcriptions of conferences (with topics such as history, administration etc.), also in foreign languages

SALINI COSTRUTTORI SPA, translation of manuals, projects, accounting and legal materials

SIMMONS & SIMMONS, translation of legal and financial materials

SPEA INGEGNERIA EUROPEA SPA, translation of manuals, projects, accounting and legal materials

STIPE SPA, translation of manuals, projects, accounting and legal materials

STUDIO CONFUSIONE, “Chagall” for RCS publishers, translation into English

TRIDENT AGENCY SRL, Milan, translation of contracts

TODINI COSTRUZIONI GENERALI SPA, translation of technical manuals, projects, legal and accounting materials

TYCO / RAYCHEM ELECTRONICS, technical materials for production

UISP LAZIO e UISP TOSCANA, training projects


-  Sociology Department: revision of essays for the teaching staff

-  A. Cesalpino Foundation, Medical Clinic: “International Symposium: Serotonin, from Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics”, 1989, revision of symposium acts in English.

-  A. Cesalpino Foundation, Medical Clinic: '1st Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation' 1990, revision of symposium acts in English.

-  A. Cesalpino Foundation, Medical Clinic: “Instruction at the Medical Clinic at the Dawn 2000” by Prof. S. Bonavita, translation into English

-  A. Cesalpino Foundation, Medical Clinic: “Cerebral ageing”, 120 pp, by Prof. Falaschi, translation into English

-  '23Na NMR-spectroscopy studies on erythrocytes Na/K/Cl cotransport in low renin activity essential hypertensive patients', by Prof. M. Cacciafesta, translation of the essay into English

-  Department of Architectural and Urban Planning: 'Home Environment: Physical space and psychological processes', May 1991, translation of the acts of the International Conference.


EC International Conference - A.F. Forum “Projects and Trends” as part of Positive Actions for Comett, Caprarola, (Viterbo)-14/6/1991, organisational secretarial services including management of interpreting services.

CNR - A.F. Forum “Human resources for research management”, Rome, 19/1/1994, management of hall staff and interpreting services

AIDP Meeting - A.F. Forum “The human resource scenario in Italian companies: policies and tools”, Rome, 16/11/1994, hall staff

International conference, La Sapienza University, Department of Sociology, Polity, A.F. Forum “Innovation and reorganisation processes in Scientific Research Policies”, Rome, 19/12/1994, organisational secretarial services, management of interpreting, hall staff and technical services

CNR - A.F. Forum “Emerging skills and learning”, Rome, 20/1/1995, organisational secretarial services, hall staff management and interpreting services

DG XII EU - A.F. Forum International Workshop “Learning and development of innovative skills in the organisation of scientific research”, Rome, 21/1/1995, organisational secretarial services, hall staff management and interpreting services

National CNR seminar - A.F. Forum, IRI Management “Teaching processes in use in organisations: resources and strategies for companies, Rome, 30/3/1995, organisational secretarial services including recall service

DG XII EU - A.F. Forum International Conference, with the support of ISVOR -FIAT and FIAT Research Centre, “Learning and Competencies: Innovative Paths in R & D Organisations”, Rome, 15-16-17/6/1995, organisational secretarial services, hall staff management and interpreting and technical services

A.F. Forum, La Sapienza University of Rome International Conference “Evaluating Universities”, Rome, 25-26-27/9/1995, organisational secretarial services, hall staff management and interpreting services

A.F. Forum and CHER (International Consortium of Higher Education Researchers) Annual Convention 'CHER - Consortium of Higher Education Researchers', Rome, 28-29-30/9/1995, organisational secretarial services, hall staff management

Ministry of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research, Ministry of Public Administration National SOCRATES Launch Day, Rome, 26/9/95, hall staff management and interpreting services

EU Commission DG XXII - Ministry of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research, National Socrates/Erasmus Agency, “National Higher Education Seminar on the SOCRATES Institutional Contract”, Rome, 22-23/4/1996, organisational secretarial services, hall staff

A.F. Forum – European Commission DG XXII, Conference “New Competences: the linkage between universities and enterprises”, Rome, 25-26 /11/1996, interpreting and technical services, hall staff

Ministry of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research –Tor Vergata University of Rome, Conference “The challenge of equity”, Rome, 16/12/1996, graphics project (posters, envelopes, brochures), special stationery, catering services, hall staff

Victoria Eugenie International “European Debut of Laila Fill”, Rome, Palazzo Brancaccio, 17/2/1997, organisational secretarial services

Ministry of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research – Monitoring office for evaluation of the university system, Conference “Evaluation of the university system”, Rome, 19/9/1997, graphics project (posters, envelopes, brochures), special stationery, catering services, hall staff

A.F. Forum –Leonardo da Vinci Programme of the European Community, Conference “The competencies approach: a bridge between university and enterprise”, Rome 23/1/1998, interpreting and technical services

FITA – CONFINDUSTRIA – European Community - Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Crafts, “Customer Satisfaction & Benchmarking”, Rome, 26/2/1998, interpreting services

COBASE, European Commission DG XXII, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, City of Rome, International Conference “The Diversity Resource”, Rome, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/3/1998 interpreting and technical services

FITA – CONFINDUSTRIA – European Commission – Ministry of Labour “Adapt Programme – The MALISTA Project”, Rome, 25/5/1998, interpreting services

Promoviaggi – Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union “Symposium and General Assembly”, Rome, 8, 9/6/1998, interpreting and technical services

Ministry of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research –Monitoring office of MURST and Evaluation Nuclei of Universities, “Seminar”, Rome, 11/6/1998, organisational and catering services

Fund for the Formation of Peasant Ownership, “European Funds Meeting”, Rome, 24/9/1998, interpreting and technical services, hall staff, posters

A.F. Forum – European Commission, “Adapt Programme, Proserpina Project”, Rome, 28/9/1998, interpreting services, technical services

France Telecom – Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie en Italie “A Gala Evening in honour of Michel Bon, President of France Telecom’, Rome, 14 /5/1999, hall staff

Regione Lazio , Meeting A Map of environmental and cultural risk”, Rome, 26/7/1999, interpreting services