COMP PROGRAMMING week 51 / 2“Settling in”

If you were unsure where to start the lifts last week, this will be the week that you cement your starting points so that you can make serious gains through this next focus. Remember that it is better to start a bit light and then make larger jumps next workout than it is to stall mid cycle. Starting with slightly lighter loads/progressions will also allow you to use better form and get through that part of the workout a bit faster (giving you more time for mobility, extra skill work on your weaknesses, etc.).

If you did the “Virtual Comp” on Saturday and Sunday, you should plan on taking Monday and Tuesday off (or at least, a very decreased volume/load). Many times we’ll see athletes do great during a competition, only to tweak or sprain something in the days after because there was not adequate rest. You may feel ‘okay’, but the chance of injury is much higher the days following a competition where you should have pushed yourself to the limits. Don’t risk it! The gamble of getting an extra day or two of training compared to getting an injury and being sidelined for weeks isn’t a gamble you all should be interested in.

Since this email is going out the week before the virtual competition, I have included it below for reference. Don’t forget to keep meticulous notes on your experiences so you can maximize what you learned.

Remember that the goal isn’t just to do well at the competitions you enter. The goal is to improve as a competitor with experience and lessons learned.


Virtual Comp - Taper begins Wednesday, December 14, 2016. Competition Saturday, December 17 2016.

Monday and Tuesday will proceed as normal. Wednesday, skip the metcon and spend the extra time working on mobility and tissue work. Thursday and Friday will be complete taper days with little to no training so you can be more rested for a hard couple days over the weekend. If you want to try and fit your ‘testing’ in on Friday and Saturday, you will want to start your taper on Tuesday. We are looking for a reduced volume day 3 days before, and 2 whole days of little to no training.

Virtual Competition:

Day 1:

Perform the following on day one with at least 1 hour between ‘heats’ (2-3 hours is better)

Plenty of Gas in the Tank - 5 rounds
400m run
20 wall ball (20/10, 14/9)
15 burpees
10 dbpwr snatch (45/30)
5 OHS (135/95)
400/300 row
Rogue One (5 round version)
Spend 7 minutes working up to a max snatch
1 min rest
Then 5 rounds for time
6 squat snatches (135/85)
12 toes to bar
60 double unders
Tommy V
For time:
21 thrusters (115/75)
12 rope climbs
15 thrusters
9 rope climbs
9 thrusters
6 rope climbs

Day 2:

Perform the following on day TWO with at least 1 hour between ‘heats’ (2-3 hours is better)

Max distance Handstand walk in 3 min (10ft increments)
1 min rest
Nasty Girls V2
3 rounds for time of:
50 one-legged squats, alternating
7 muscle-ups
10 hang power cleans, 175 / 115 lb.
Spend 5 min working up to a max deadlift
1 min rest
Holly Jolly Time - For time:
40 kipping HSPU
40 deadlifts (275/175)
40 chest to bar
1500m row

Scale the workouts for safety if needed, but keep in mind that this is the time to challenge your limits. If you were to enter an actual competition, you won’t be able to scale. The primary reason for scaling here would be to make sure that you are still doing a similar volume so that you can feel how your body responds to the volume and to test your metcon ramp up and recovery habits. If you skip a workout entirely (because you can’t do one or more the movements) you will not have the same experience as someone who performs the 5 workouts in 2 days.

Keep a journal of your experiences and video every workout. Log how much rest you got, how you felt during the workouts, what movements were the most challenging, etc. These notes will help you prepare for the next “real” competition you enter into. Did you get enough rest? Did you feel like you needed more weeks of ramp up? How was your nutrition and energy levels?

Use the tool for mental prep shared here:

Post Comp Notes:

After doing any competition, you will want to take 2-3 days off or at a reduced capacity. The days following some serious max effort challenges, you will be at a risk for injury and sickness. Week 2 of this cycle will not be the same as if you didn’t do anything at all. Plan on taking Monday and Tuesday off completely, and be smart about what loads you choose for the next focus (start lighter than you would have if you didn’t just compete). You may not see the same gains as if you had followed the programming without a competition, but the experience and knowledge that you gain from ‘testing’ should help you be better prepared for your next competition!

This is the primary reason why it isn’t a good idea to compete all the time. Entering into competitions too often will disrupt your progression and training, increase your risk of injury, and overall slow your progress. The pre-game taper and the subsequent rest days after are necessary, but they will interrupt your progress by a week or two. Add this up over the course of 52 weeks in a year and you could be a month or two behind someone who did half as many competitions!

The key is to squeeze every drop out of the competitions you do enter in to. Take notes, keep a video log for yourself, video your performances, etc. Throwing yourself into challenges without documenting, in detail, how you are doing throughout the competition will guarantee that you are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over!

For reference, accountability, and my own data purposes, please document your scores in the form attached. Depending on how many people enter scores, and what those scores look like, I may be publishing some of the top performers so you all can compare notes!


wk 51 / 2 / Monday, December 19, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / Deficit Deadlift (2") 9x2 / 50%-60%
Skilled Lift: / 2 position Power Snatch 5x2 / 60% of power snatch
Pull Strength: / Pause clean or pull from blocks 5x3 / 60%
Squat: / Front Squat 7x2 / 70%
Overhead Strength: / Jerk 7x1 / 70%
Accessory: / Lateral plate slide 3x10 steps each side /
Superset with Band Pull Aparts 3x12 /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / St Basil's
5 rounds for time
4 'heavy' jerks (185/115)
8 goblet squat (70/53)
20 'heavy' russian kb swing (70/53)
200m run or 10 reps of a 20' out and back shuttle (no line touch)
1 min rest
Scaling Guide: 11 - 17 min
Metcon Notes: / Scaled up Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: /
wk 51 / 2 / Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 4 sets of 5-10 strict toes to bar / Finish the last set with a big set of kipping t2b
Gymnastics Skill: / Chest to bar PU 6x 8-12 reps
Gymnastics Strength: / Weighed ring dip 5x5 / As deep as possible, 2 sec pause at the bottom, increase load each around if necessary
Loaded Carry: / None
Accessory: / Ring out, 7x3, 3 sec pause at extension /
Superset with 5x5 Jefferson Curls: /
Efficiency: / Every other minute on the minute for 8 minutes: 30s toes to bar, 30s db thruster
Metcon: / Max ring muscle ups in 2 min
Then immediately after:
Sweet Breeze - AMRAP in 7 min
12 burpees
6 KB clusters (aka squat clean thrusters) -must hit full hip extension- (53/35)
Scaling Guide: 3 - 5 rounds, Scale Up: 53/35lb kb
Metcon Notes: / Scaled up Gym Metcon with buy in
Monostructural: / 100 double unders, .5 mile airdyne/assault bike (75%), 1 min rest, 80 double unders,.5 mile airdyne/assault bike, 1 min rest, 60 double unders, .5 mile airdyne/assault bike, 1 min rest, 1 mile airdyne/assault bike (50%) / Percents are 'effort', but you can use pace if you know it for those distances
Mental Game: / None.
wk 51 / 2 / Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / Back Rack Sots Press 5x3
Skilled Lift: / Good Morning 5x5 / 20-30% of back squat
Pull Strength: / clean pull 7x2 / 90%
Squat: / Overhead squat 5x3 / 70%
Overhead Strength: / Jerk 5x2 / 70%
Accessory: / 5x5 glute ham raises
Superset with Seated Reverse Pass Throughs /
Efficiency: / Each minute on the minute for 4 minutes, Perfom 30s of OHS. Rest with the bar on your back or overhead (avoid dropping it). Use a relatively light weight!
Metcon: / Apache (Jump On It)
4 rounds for time
12 chest to bar pull up
16 box jump (24/20)
Scaling Guide: 4 - 9 minutes, about 1:45 per round.
1 min rest then 8 deadlifts (275/175), 8 ring dips, 18 wall ball (20/10, 14/9), 3 rounds for time
Metcon Notes: / Scaled up Gym Metcon plus bonus
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: /
wk 51 / 2 / Friday, December 23, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / Single arm db/kb press 3 reps, 3 single arm OHS, 5 sets each arm
Skilled lift: / Pause Thruster (pause 3s at bottom) 5x3 / 50% of push press
Pull Strength: / Squat clean 9x2 / 70%
Squat: / Front Squat 5x3 / 65%
Overhead Strength: / Jerk 7x2 / 65%
Accessory: / 5x8 hip thrusts /
Superset with 5x5 single arm ring row
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Open 16.3
AMRAP in 7 min
10 power snatches (75/55)
3 bar muscle ups
Metcon Notes: / Same as gym Metcon
Top 200 in world for men: 128 reps (9rnds, 10sn, 1bmu), Top 1000: 9 rnds. / Top 200 in world for women: 120 reps (9rnds, 3sn). Top 1000: 7rnds, 10sn, 1bmu
Monostructural: / 400m run (80%), 1 min rest, 800m run (70%), 1 min rest, 2 rounds / Percents are 'effort', but you can use pace if you know it for those distances
Mental Game: / None.
wk 51 / 2 / Saturday, December 24, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 30 burpee bar pull overs not for time /
Gymnastics Skill: / None
Gymnastics Strength: / 5 sets of 2-4 strict muscle ups / If you cannot do strict mu, do assisted strict MU with an extra round at the end of controlled negatives, add load if you can do them for an extra challenge
Loaded Carry: / sled push 20' out and back, 5 sets / +10% from last session, same on all sets
Accessory: / X band walks 3x10steps each side /
Between sets Pick at least 2 wrist exercises from this video: /
Efficiency: / Every other minute on the minute for 8 min, 20s of power cleans (5-10 reps), 30s toes to bar
Metcon: / Rolling on Dubs DOUBLED - For time
With a partner, one person at a time
44 OHS (155/95)
Row 2000m M&M teams, 1800 M&F teams, 1600 F&F teams)
44 back squats (same)
Row 1000m M&M teams, 900 M&F teams, 800 F&F teams)
44 air squats
500m row, ALL TEAMS
Scaling Guide: 16 - 28 min
Indy Version: "Rolling on Dubs" - 22 reps of everything, 1000, 500, 250m rows
Metcon Notes: / Same as gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.

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