Community Wellness Council

Agenda for June 13, 2011

11:30 am- Peggy’s House

Call Meeting to Order/Welcome Guests

Present: Hilary Maez, Peggy Gutjahr, Carol Claus, and guests: Michelle Skrupskis and Jerry Montoya, DOH.

Absent: Rina LeMaster

Review and Approval of Agenda-1 min

Community Wellness Cooperative changed to Community Wellness Council.

Carol moved and Peggy seconded to accept amended agenda. Motion passed unanimously.

Review and Approval May 17th Minutes-1 min.

Minutes tabled as unavailable.

Treasurer’s Report

Check for $25 cleared to PRC registering name and address change. Jerry suggested looking into an interest bearing checking account. Council will investigate alternatives.


- Update Michelle and Jerry on our status, goals

Council audited books and records going back over 10 years. Put paperwork in order, made electronic and paper copies of pertinent records needed and left originals with YDI. Took a few months off to center new approach as planning is part of our mission. We seek to identify gaps in services as well as duplication of services to reduce fiscal waste and coordinate efforts. Jerry & Michelle reported that DOH is assessing every dollar spent, looking at program’s effectiveness.

- Coalition/groups attendance reports

The Youth Risk and Resiliency Corps. (YRRC) wants to look at all the coalitions in the county and will report their findings. This group is also attempting to get a half-time coordinator available to assist at the UNM-Valencia campus. Angelica produced the YRRC survey on survey monkey. Ginny Adame surveyed school teachers and received only 12 responses. Only Belen schools participated with Los Lunas opting out. This could change if the newspaper prints the results showing this omission.

-Update on community survey questions when meeting with other groups

Michelle recommended a small word change which the council agreed would clarify the question and changed. Both Jerry and Michelle indicated the survey should produce some worthwhile results.

-Review and finalize goals, plans, & timeline with survey results

Talking points will include: what we offer; how to present the survey; the need to assess all coalitions to complete a community profile and determine how to address social indicators such as: poverty, homelessness, access to healthcare and food insecurity. Peggy will work with Hilary on talking points and administer our survey to YRRC first.

-Update on PRC status

We are official with PRC as 501c3, CommunityWellness Council, effective 5/13/2011. We will need to update bank the account and IRS records.

-Website Update

Hilary has our bios and is working with Dom Capello of YRRC on web design.

Additional Items of Discussion:

Michelle suggested some useful websites: IBIS, which has a small area analysis in the works, Fact Finder, and Community Health. Jerry informed the council regarding social science analysis software that is available to assist in interpreting the results of our coalition surveys. The UNM-Valencia nursing program may have this software available and they also have interns with community service requirements to fulfill for the School of Medicine. They suggested we, as a council, need to develop our goals, objectives and tasks. We may be able to get assistance from DOH as they may be hiring in July or August. Michelle will email the website links to the group and Jerry will follow up by emailing article(s) to assist with our planning and survey.

Adjourn: Next meeting to be determined

Following the decision to meet the second Monday of the month at 11:30am at our May meeting; next meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 11th pending confirmation with Rina.