Community Software Consortium

Board of Directors Meeting

Tue Apr 19th 2016

9:30 AM

Via Conference Call


passcode - 786419#

Present: Tammy Blackwell, Chair

Theo Gabriel, Treasurer

Kathryn Peirce, Secretary

Rebecca Herzog

Chip Davis

Rebecca Krause-Hardie Exec. Dir/CEO

Also Present:

Started 9:35 am

1.  Approve Minutes from 3/15/16 Kathy Motion, Chip 2nd, Passed Unanimously

2.  Board Elections - We will collect candidate statements from each of the 4 people by Thursday, then send out the ballots which will be due ballots due May 20th.

3.  Conference planning - Plan is to have board retreat Friday June 3rd, and part of that will be a presentation by Stonewall for their plans for support. RKH will get quotes on givaways for the MCTA and MAAO conferences.

4.  Meeting with RI Lt. Gov. The Lt. Gov was very concerned about the high costs associated with the revaluation process and looking for potential cost savings. He asked if CSC could put together a proposal for RI to understand the cost benefits of using our CAMA system, and alternatives to their reval process, and if there are benefits to joining the CSC. RKH will contact the RI assessing association, and Kathy will reach out to her contacts for information about current process and issues in RI. RKH looking at finding some information about what the current status is, and ideas about who might be able to do a study.

5.  Cost tables Now Available - Cost tables are now available. We received them from Linda on Friday. RKH will send out email to all the members today with information for the links. RKH also sending out link for all the board members so they have it as well.

6.  Invoices for payment

a.  Insurance Quote for Director & Officer Coverage - Motion to pay $1100 for this Becky H motion, Chip 2nd. Unanimous. (Actual was $1,053)

b.  Envelopes for Theo - Theo needs envelopes, and RKH will deliver to Theo some of the box that she has.

c.  MCTA Conference $400 Chip made motion, Becky H 2nd, Unanimous

d.  MAAO NewsletterAd (Annual) $200 Kathy Motion, Chip 2nd, Unanimous

e.  MAAO - RKH will call Christine for Summer Conference $200 Chip motion up to $200 , Becky H 2nd, Unanimous

7.  Any other matter -

8.  Next Meeting - May 24th 9:30

9.  Adjournment 10:21 am