Community Service Course Questionnaire
Name, Surname:
ID Number:
PART I: Answer the following questions:
A) Pre-Service Activity:
- Have you ever participated in community service? If so, what kind of activities did you do? How did you feel about your efforts in this activity?
- What issues in the community concern you? How do you imagine yourself contributing to solving these issues while in college? In ten years?
- In what ways do you think community service can enhance your education? (For example, how can it broaden your knowledge of diversity, career choices, or social awareness?)
- Ideally, what do you think is the most important aspect of doing a community service project?
B) Post-Service Activity:
- Describe your community service experience. On a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest), what would you rate the experience? Why? What did you like best and what would you do differently?
- How would you rate your involvement? Why?
- What new information did you learn about your service topic? In what way did the new information change your opinions of the issue or change your desire to be involved?
- What impact did the service project have on you, both individually and as part of the group?
- Now that you have been involved in the community, would you participate in volunteer work in the future? Why or why not?
PART II: Please indicate whether you agree, disagree, or neutral on each of the following statements: (Type an X on your selection)
Strongly Disagree / 2Somewhat Disagree / 3
Neutral / 4
Somewhat Agree /
Strongly Agree1. The community-based learning I did in this course helped me to develop my critical thinking skills.
2. Community-based learning takes too much time away from my other responsibilities.
3. As a result of community-based learning, I feel more connected to this community.
4. I want to take another course with a community-based learning component.
5. The community-based learning component of this course helped me clarify my professional goals.
6. The community-based learning I completed in this course has made me more marketable in my chosen field.
7. The community-based learning in this course made me more likely to consider pursing a career in public service (a career in the public interest or for the public good; or a career in the non-profit sector).
8. The community-based learning involved in this course made me aware of some of my own biases and prejudices.
9. Community-based learning helped me better understand people of a race, ethnicity, or socio-economic class different from my own.
10. Community-based learning helped me learn to work better with people of different backgrounds and interests.
11. I believe individuals or groups working collectively can solve social problems.
12. This community-based learning course helped me more than other courses I have taken to better understand what civic engagement means.
Part III: Please indicate the degree to which your participation to the community service activities increased or strengthened each of the following: (Type an X on your selection)
Not applicable
/ 2Not at all / 3
Only a little / 4
A fair amount / 5
A great deal
1. Your managerial abilities (needs analysis, decision-making)
2. Your relational skills (Communication, collaboration, conflict resolution)
3. Your managerial values (beliefs about what is important, social awareness in making business decisions)
4. Your personality (Flexibility, openness to change)
5. Social and economic issues and problems
6. Cultural differences
7. Connections between management decisions and community welfare
8. Concepts for thinking about social and economic issues in management practices
Part IV:
After your community service activities, identify the extent to which you are currently experiencing each mood that is listed below: (Type an X on your selection)
1Not applicable / 2
Not at all / 3
Only a little / 4
A fair amount / 5
A great deal
High Energy
Pleasant Mood
Part V: Please type an X on the choice that you have selected:
1Very Little / 2
Quite Little / 3
Moderate / 4
Quite Much / 5
Very Much
1. To what extent did the community service activity require you to work with mechanical equipment?
2. How much autonomy was there during the community service activities? [That is; to what extent did the activities permit you to decide on your ownhow to go about doing the work?]
3. To what extent did the community service activities involve doing a “whole” and identifiable piece of work? [That is; was the activity a complete piece of work that had an obvious beginning and end? Or was it only a small part of the overall piece of work, which was finished by other people?]
4. How much variety was there during the community service activities? [That is; to what extent did the activity require you to do many different things at work, using a variety of your skills and talent?]
5. To what extent did performing the activity itself provide you with information about your work performance? [That is; did the actual activity itself provide clues about how well you were doing- aside from any ‘feedback’ co-workers or your supervisor might provide?]
6. Did your community service activity have a substantial impact on the lives of other people?
7. Did you think that you really performed well on your task in the community service activities?
8. Do you think that you performed a high quality work performance during the community service activities?
9. Did you have high satisfaction after the community service activities?
10. Indicate the degree of your internal work motivation towards the community service activities.
11. Indicate the degree of the meaningfulness of the activities that you performed.
12. Indicate the degree of your responsibility for the outcomes of the community service activities.
13. Indicate the degree of your personal learning after the community service activities that you had performed.
14. Indicate the degree of your community learning after the community service activities that you had performed.
15. Indicate the amount of interaction that you had with the children during the community service activities.
Part VI: Listed below are a number of statements, which could be used to describe your community service activities. Please indicate whether each statement is an accurate or an inaccurate description of the community service activity that you performed. Please try to be as objective as you can in deciding how accurately each statement describes you activity- regardless of whether you like or dislike performing of the activity: (Type an X on your selection)
1Very Inaccurate / 2
Mostly inaccurate / 3
Uncertain / 4
Mostly accurate / 5
Very accurate
1. The activity required me to use a number of complex or high-level skills.
2. The activity was arranged so that I could do an entire piece of work from beginning to end.
3. Just doing the work required by the activity provided many chances for me to figure out how well I was doing.
4. The activity allowed me to use a number of complex or high-level skills.
5. This activity is one where a lot of people can be affected by how well the work gets done.
6. The activity provided me a chance to use my personal initiative and judgment in carrying out the work.
7. The activity provided me with the chance to completely finish the pieces of work that I began.
8. After I finished the community service activity, I knew whether I performed well.
9. The community service activity gave me considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I did the work.
10. The activity itself was very significant and important in the broader scheme of things.
Part VII: Now please indicate how you personally feel about your community service activity. Please identify your own personal feelings about the community service activity by indicating to what extent you agree with each of the statements: (Type an X on your selection)
Strongly Disagree / 2Somewhat Disagree / 3
Neutral / 4
Somewhat Agree /
Strongly Agree1. My opinion of myself went up when I performed this activity well.
2. Generally speaking, I was very satisfied with performing the community service activity.
3. I felt a great sense of personal satisfaction when I did this activity well.
4. I was generally satisfied with the kind of work I performed during the activity.
5. My own feelings were generally affected by how well I performed during the activity.
Part VIII: Now please indicate how satisfied you are with each aspect of the community service activity listed below: How satisfied are you with this aspect of the activity?
1Extremely dissatisfied / 2
Dissatisfied / 3
Neutral / 4
Satisfied / 5
Extremely satisfied
1. The amount of personal growth and development I got in performing activity.
2. The feeling of worthwhile accomplishment I got from performing the activity.
3. The amount of independent thought and action I could exercise during the activity.
4. The amount of challenge in the community service activity.
Part IX: Please answer the following questions about your teams (the members in the class with you), which you worked with during the community service activities:
Not true at all / Almost not true / Neutral / Almost true / Totally true1. We helped each other out if someone falls behind in his/her work.
2. We cooperated to get the work done.
3. We encouraged each other to do a good job.
4. We recognized and valued the contributions of each member to task-to-task accomplishment.
5. We cared about team members’ feelings and well-being
6. The members of my team in community service activities attained their assigned performance goals.
7. The members of my team produced high quality work during the community service activities.
8. My team was productive in community service activities.
9. In my team, relationships were harmonious during the activities.
10.In my team we get along with each other during the activities.
11. Team members adjusted to the changes that happened in the work environment.
12. When a problem occurred during the community service activities, the members of my team managed to solve it.
13. The members of my team can work a long time together.