

5 December 2012


Dear Councillor,

The monthly meeting of Cavan County Council will be held in VIRGINIA COLLEGE on THURSDAY 13th DECEMBER 2012 at 2pm.

Agenda is given hereunder.

Yours sincerely,

K. Reilly,

Senior Executive Officer,

Corporate Affairs & HR


1. To confirm Minutes of Meeting of Cavan County Council held on 12th November 2012 Miontuairiscĺ cruinnithe 12th Samhain 2012 a dhearbhu.

2. To note County Manager’s Orders.

3. To note transfer of Driving Licence service from local authorities to Road Safety

Authority (RSA).

4(a) To note reply from Office of the Minister for Education and Skills in relation to the

costs associated with state examinations.

(b) To note reply from Office of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine

regarding single farm payment.

(c) To note correspondence from Minister for Justice, Equality & Defence to Cllr. S.

McKiernan regarding the Reserve Defence Force (RDF) in Cavan.

(d) To note reply from An Post regarding location of Post Office in Cootehill.

5(a)To approve disposal of lands at Drumacon, Belturbet, Co. Cavan containing 0.2321

hectares (0.574 acres) of land approximately to Mr. & Mrs. John & Margaret Lunney, Drumacon, Belturbet, Co. Cavan , (return of lands acquired for use during construction of N87 Improvement Scheme), pursuant to Section 211 of the Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001, and notices circulated.

(b) To approve disposal of lands at Drumacon, Belturbet, Co. Cavan containing 0.244 hectares (0.060 acres) of land approximately to Mr. & Mrs. Anthony & Marie O’Reilly, Drumacon, Belturbet, Co. Cavan, (return of lands acquired for use during construction of N87 Improvement Scheme), pursuant to Section 211 of the Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001, and notices circulated.

(c) To approve disposal of lands at Drumacon, Belturbet, Co. Cavan containing 0.1442 hectares (0.356 acres) of land approximately to Mr. & Mrs. Des & Rita Magee, Drumacon, Belturbet, Co. Cavan (return of lands acquired for use during construction of N87 Improvement Scheme), pursuant to Section 211 of the Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001, and notices circulated.

(d) To approve disposal of lands at Derrylurgan, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan to Brian & Evelyn Slowey, Derrylurgan, Ballyjamesduff, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001, and Section 90 of the Housing Act 1966 and Section 26 of the Housing (Miscellaneous) Provisions) Act 1992, and notices circulated.

(e) To approve disposal of lands containing 0.013 hectares (0.032 acres) of land approximately at Cusack Estate, Derrylurgan, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan to Martin & Margaret Cahill for the sum of €1,000, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001, and Section 90 of the Housing Act 1966 and Section 26 of the Housing (Miscellaneous) Provisions) Act 1992, and notices circulated.

(f) To approve disposal of lands containing 0.034 hectares (0.084 acres) of land approximately at Corraneary, Stradone, Co. Cavan to Philip Cullivan for the sum of €10,000, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001, and Section 90 of the Housing Act 1966 and Section 26 of the Housing (Miscellaneous) Provisions) Act 1992, and notices circulated.

(g) To approve disposal of lands containing 0.0413 hectares (0.1020 acres) of land approximately at Clonmacmara, Mullagh, Co. Cavan to William Smith, for the sum of €1,000, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001, and Section 90 of the Housing Act 1966 and Section 26 of the Housing (Miscellaneous) Provisions) Act 1992, and notices circulated.

(h) To approve disposal of lands containing 0.034 hectares (0 .084 acres) of land approximately at Corraneary, Stradone, Co. Cavan to Eugene & Valerie Brady, Corraneary, Stradone, Co. Cavan for the sum of €10,000, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001, and Section 90 of the Housing Act 1966 and Section 26 of the Housing (Miscellaneous) Provisions) Act 1992, and notices circulated.

(i) To approve disposal of lands containing 0.523 hectares (1.29 acres) of land approximately at Corraneary, Stradone, Co. Cavan to Damien Rudden, Solicitor, Stradone, Co. Cavan for the sum of €10,000, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001, and Section 90 of the Housing Act 1966 and Section 26 of the Housing (Miscellaneous) Provisions) Act 1992, and notices circulated.

6. To set date and time for Annual Budget Meeting.


1. “To request the Council to give an update on works at

Killykeen Forest Park in light of the upcoming Gathering” Cllr. W. Bennett

2. Eligibility for Higher Education Grants Cllr. F. Curtin

3.That the toilets at Lough MacNean Park and other amenities Cllr. J.P. Feeley

around the county be kept open and maintained.

4.The need to provide Primary Healthcare Centre in Cllr. S. Smith


5.Oil spillages on our roads and the cost of same. Cllr. S. Smith

6.New road improvements and layout to the New Line Cllr. P. McDonald

Road in Cootehill.

7.Withdrawal of street cleaning services in Cllr. A. Boyle


8.Withdrawal of pothole machine. Cllr. D. Brady

Cllr. F. Curtin

9.That Cavan County Council call on the Minister for Cllr. J.P. Feeley

Health and the HSE to ensure that proper supports

be maintained for people who need Home Help

and other supports to continue in their own homes.

10.That Cavan County Council working with other Fianna Fail Group

interested groups develop a strategy for the

future growth and sustainability of rural Ireland.

11.Local Government Reform. Fianna Fail Group

12."Calling on the Minister for Justice to make a Cllr. G. Brady

statement to the Council about their plans to

combat cyber bullying and also calling on the

Minister of State with responsibility for Mental

Health to make a statement to the council in

relation to their plans to protect young vulnerable



13. Cavan County Council request the appropriate Minister to Cllr. W. Bennett

introduce a reclamation grant as a result of the recent wet


14. That Cavan County Council notes the contents of the Retail Cllr. J.P. Feeley

Ireland report, ‘Tackling the Black Market and Retail Crime’

which outlines the devastating impact illegal gangland

activity is having on our retailers and on jobs. That Cavan

County Council support the recommendations contained in

the report to tackle the activity of criminal gangs in the

smuggling of cigarettes, fuel and other counterfeit goods

which is estimated to cost the taxpayer €860 million per

annum and that Cavan County Council communicate that

decision to the relevant Government Ministers and

Departments. Furthermore, that Cavan County Council

invite representatives from Retail Ireland, our Local Chamber

of Commerce and local retailers to address an upcoming

meeting of the Council on the subject.

15. That this Council will not support an increase in Commercial Fianna Fail Group

Rates in the 2013 Budget

16. That Cavan County Council calls on the Minster for Social Cllr. G. Brady

Protection to amend the criteria for eligibility for Community

Employment Schemes to allow under 25s to participate in

all schemes as many of them are now long term unemployed.

17. Proposals for Local Government Reform and Cllr. S. McKiernan

and preparations by the Council for same.

18. Update on lighting situation in private estates in Bailieborough. Cllr. S. McKiernan

19. Update on vacant Council properties in Bailieborough. Cllr. S. McKiernan