Community Seed Grants
Summer 2018
Notification of Funding Availability and Request for Letters of Interest
Funding and additional support services are available for the growth and development of PlayStreets activations over the summer of 2018. Returning for its seventh year, funding for PlayStreets is a community engagement initiative of the Chicago Department of Public Health that brings collaboration across public agencies, government and community stakeholders, and formal and volunteer groups. PlayStreets is just one of many initiatives the Department of Public Health leads as part of Healthy Chicago 2.0, a plan to advance health equity across communities in Chicago by bridging service gaps and looking at root causes for disparities in health outcomes.
The following document describes PlayStreets applicant eligibility, requirements, and instructions on how to apply.
PlayStreets seeks community-based organizations operating in and extremely familiar with targeted community areas. These organizations (Implementing CBOs) will identify blocks where residents consent to temporary traffic restrictions for the purpose of organizing safe, accessible environments for neighborhood youth and families to be physically active, learn, create, come together, and have fun. These organizations, other agencies they invite, and the volunteers they mobilize will use the creation of these spaces to encourage physical wellness, provide additional family health services, and build community. This funding will sponsor and create more than 150 suchPlayStreetsactivations across Chicago.
Please review the information contained in this document and the attached Letter of Interest form. New and returning prospective Implementing CBOs should feel encouraged to apply. Letter of Interest submissions will be reviewed and qualified organizations will be invited to submit a Final Proposal. Please note that proposals without such invitation will not be considered.
Application Milestones and Key Dates for 2018 Applicants
Feb. 1st- Notification of Funding Availability and Request for LOIs released
Mar. 1st- Final Day (at 3:00pm) LOIs accepted for 2018 consideration
Mar. 20th- Final Day (at noon) invites for Final Proposals sent via email
Apr. 17th- Final Day (at 3:00pm) Proposals accepted for 2018 consideration
May 8th- 2018 PlayStreetsImplementing CBOs announced
Contract Regions and Delegate Agencies
To provide support throughout the City of Chicago, the Chicago Department of Public Health has selected two agencies to serve as PlayStreets Delegate Agencies. Each Delegate Agency will administer and supervise seed grants for the development of PlayStreets in their region and support Implementing CBOs with the planning and execution of their activations as well as related activities.
The Letter of Interest process outlined herein and its accompanying form will be common for both Delegate Agencies but all correspondence and submissions should be addressed individually to the appropriate North/West Region Delegate Agency (Gads Hill Center) or South Region Delegate Agency (World Sport Chicago), as directed below. Determining your appropriate Delegate Agency will be based on your PlayStreets Focus Area (where the majority of your PlayStreets activations will take place) with the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and Interstate 55 serving as geographic boundaries separating the North/West Region from the South Region:
- North/West (Gads Hill Center): Community Areas 1-32, 76, and 77
- South (World Sport Chicago): Community Areas 33-75
A map depicting this information can also be found below.
Grant Program Overview
PlayStreets provides seed funding, materials, technical assistance, and implementation support from Delegate Agencies to Implementing CBOs.
By delivering activations that promote developmental and family health, and engage a cross-section of stakeholders within a defined geographic focus area, Implementing CBOs create opportunities to build shared values and inspire collaboration to the benefit of kids and families. By inviting residents into a process that disrupts how public spaces are used and creates environments where families feel safe and encouraged to play together, Implementing CBOs can influence community expectations and efficacy in advancing change.
We wish to partner with organizations where promoting community health and building community cohesion fits clearly with their work and mission. We must partner with organizations that have capacity to engage and lead others and make direct peer-to-peer outreach in their community. We strongly encourage any organization or community coalition that believes they meet the eligibility requirements below to submit a Letter of Interest.
Applicant Eligibility and Criteria for Success
Minimum Events / Seed Grant Award / Supply AllowanceNorth/West Region / 5 events / $4,000 / $1,000
South Region / 7 events / $5,000 / $1,000
All applicants should meet the following criteria to be considered eligible to apply:
- A non-profit organization in good standing with the Office of the Secretary of State of Illinois.
- A significant history of service to targeted Chicago communities.
- Commitment and ability toimplement the minimum number of PlayStreets activation events as defined by your Contract Region between May and September 2018, independently or in written agreement with a peer organization in your community.
- Hold or be willing to secure a valid and up-to-date Commercial General Liability policy at a coverage limit of at least $1,000,000 in aggregate and a Worker’s Compensation policy covering its employees at a coverage limit of at least the statutory limits in the State of Illinois.
Successful Applicants will demonstrate their capacity to fulfill and exceed the grant terms while being great PlayStreets partners. Applicants should be prepared to describe their staff complement, annual operating budget, and a history of work that demonstrates this capacity. Applicants should also consider how their mission, programs/services, and past event organizing experience align with the PlayStreets program.
You should feel encouraged to contact the appropriate Delegate Agency as directed below to discuss the requirements of PlayStreets, concerns with the scope of work, and questions about developing a successful Letter of Interest response.
Resources Available to 2018 Implementing CBOs
Implementing CBOswill be offered a seed grant award toward administrative and operating expenses based on their Contract Region. An additional allowance for event supplies and materials is available (see above). In Step 2 of the RFP process, Applicants will be expected to submit a budget detailing their plans for the allocation of granted funds.
Each Delegate Agency will also be responsible for providing Implementing CBOs within their region a range of training and technical assistance activities to ensure safe summer activities. Some meetings and trainings will be convened with other Implementing CBOs to encourage networking and dialogue across communities and offer opportunities to share ideas, problem solve, and collaborate.
Key Responsibilities for 2018 Implementing CBOs
Implementing CBOs will be asked to lead in four areas within their defined PlayStreets Focus Area:
- Resident Engagement and Outreach – establish direct, peer-to-peer contact with residents in your PlayStreets Focus Area and include their input in planning, programming, and outreach activities.
- Scheduling and Planning Activations – identify the specific block(s) for street closures, schedule dates/times with the consent of residents, secure permits through your Alderman and notify local police.
- Activation Programming and Safety –work with a variety of community stakeholders to design an environment that is focused on developmental and family health, fun and engaging to young people, and safe and welcoming to all. This may also include engaging supplemental service providers, partners, volunteers, and donations based on the goals laid out for your events.
- Reporting and Administration – maintain regular contact with the appropriate Delegate Agency, accurate accounting records of granted funds, participation in all trainings and group meetings, and regular feedback and reporting.
Key Program Milestones for 2018 Implementing CBOs
A two-step application process will begin on Thursday, February 1st with all Implementing CBOs announced by Tuesday, May 8th. Please see How to Apply below for detailed application instructions.
Activations: Will take place based on the schedule you have set with input from residents in your PlayStreets Focus Area and approval from the Alderman. PlayStreets activations may take place between late May and the end of September with the majority typically scheduled in late June, July, and August.
Meetings: Program orientations will take place in May to review key grant responsibilities, review tools available to get you started with resident outreach and activation planning, permitting procedures, public safety expectations, and reporting requirements. Your Delegate Agency will maintain contact throughout the summer to serve as a resource, conduct site-visits or provide support at your events, and may ask for meetings at your office location from time-to-time. A group reflection meeting will be scheduled near the end of the PlayStreets season in September.
Trainings/Workshops: Delegate Agencies will provide at least one workshop, taking place in mid-June, intended to help you in designing active, healthy, and engaging environments at your PlayStreets. Additional workshops or trainings for community residents, volunteers, youth workers or other staff at the Implementing CBOs may be arranged based on availability.
Paperwork/Reporting: A final summer calendar, proof of insurance, and other grant paperwork will be due by the end of May. A completed post-event form will be due within three business days following each PlayStreets activation and a monthly report will be due June 29th, July 27th, August 31st, and September 28th.
How to Apply
Applicants will be selected based on a two-step submission process called the Letter of Interest and Final Proposal rounds. Letters of Interest and Final Proposals, if invited, should be submitted to your appropriate Delegate Agency contact as directed below.
Step 1: Eligible organizations interested in applying must submit the attached Letter of Interest form by the Letter of Interest submission deadline of Thursday, March 1st at 3:00pm. Letter of Interest Submissions will not be reviewed after this date, so please complete and submit your response early to ensure you have time to address technical difficulties or delays. For all valid and complete submissions before the submission deadline, your Delegate Agency will send a response that your Letter of Interest has been received within one business day from receipt.
Step 2: Selected Applicants will receive an invitation and additional materials to help in the development of their Final Proposal. Invitations for Proposals may be sent on a rolling basis with a final invitation date of Tuesday, March 20th at noon. Please contact the appropriate regional contact listed below if you have not received a response to your Letter of Interest by this date and time.
Final Proposals will be due on Tuesday, April 17th at 3:00pm to be eligible for consideration for the summer of 2018.
Delegate Agency Contact Information
You may contact either (or both) Delegate Agencies for general information about PlayStreets or for help determining which contract region is appropriate for you. For help with your application and more technical questions about PlayStreets, please contact the appropriate delegate agency as defined above and directed below.
North/West Region (Community Areas 1-32, 76, and 77)
Gads Hill Center is the Delegate Agency for the North/West Contract Region. For help with this application or with technical questions about PlayStreets please contact Gabriela Fuentes at (312) 226-0963 ext. 291 .
North/West Region Letter of Interest submissions should be sent via email to with the subject heading “PlayStreets 2018 LOI”.
SouthRegion (Community Areas 33-75)
World Sport Chicago is the Delegate Agency for the South Contract Region. For help with this application or with technical questions about PlayStreets please contact Kelly Rutherford at (312) 861-4941 or email .
South Region Letter of Interest submissions should be sent via email to or via fax to (312) 861-4801 with the subject heading “PlayStreets 2018 LOI”.
Letter of Interest Form
Before applying, Gads Hill Center and World Sport Chicago require all interested community-based organizations submit this brief Letter of Interest form by 3:00 pm on Thursday, March 1st.
Coalitions/Partnerships may apply together to share responsibilities in the execution of the grant terms but one community-based organization must be designated as the Lead Applicant and Fiscal Agent. A single community-based organization may be part of multiple coalitions/partnerships but may only serve as the Lead Applicant and Fiscal Agency on one Letter of Interest. One Letter of Interest form should be complete for each grant application.
Eligible community-based organizations from this first phase will be invited to submit a full application. Completing the application below does not commit you to submitting a full application and will not guarantee you funding. However, it is an important first step in the application process to be a PlayStreets implementing partner for the summer of 2018.
Lead Applicant/Fiscal Agent Information:
ApplicantOrganization: / Applicant EIN:
Full Name: / Contact
Phone: / Contact
Office Physical Address:
1. My organization is a registered 501(c)3 in good standing with the State of Illinois.
Yes No
2. My organization maintains a General Liability insurance policy that meets the minimum requirements outlined in the Insurance Requirements of this application, and can demonstrate proof of insurance to the appropriate city and delegate agencies.
Yes No
3. My organization has a Worker’s Compensation insurance policy meeting Illinois state statutes, and can demonstrate proof of insurance to the appropriate city and delegate agencies.
Yes No
4. My organization’s annual operating budget is:
Applicant Information:
5. I am/We are submitting this application as part of a coalition/partnership. If yes, please indicate the names of your coalition/partnership members.
Yes No Members:
6. My organization/Our group will maintain regularly staffed office hours during the months of June through August, 2018. If yes, please indicate this office’s location and hours of operation during these months.
Yes No Location:
7. Describe your anticipated number of staff and/or volunteers for the summer of 2018. If as a single organization, please include everyone involved at the office listed above. If as a coalition/partnership, please include everyone involved with PlayStreets.
Year-round employees: Full-timeLess than full-time
Summer seasonal employees: Full-timeLess than full-time
Year-round scheduled volunteers: 40+hrs/wk 30+hrs/wk 15+hrs/wk
Summer seasonal volunteers: 40+hrs/wk30+hrs/wk 15+hrs/wk
Summer youth workers: Number
Other staff: NumberDescribe:
8. It is required that one person from your organization be designated as the primary Point of Contact for PlayStreets this summer within your organization/coalition. Has this person already been identified? If yes, please provide a name and contact information, if different than above.
Yes NoName:
Contact Information:
9. Describe your organization’s/coalition’s current network of volunteers. List approximately how many volunteers you are in regular contact with, how often you engage them, and in what capacity you employ them in a typical year. Provide examples of any specialized skills or special requirements you maintain in recruiting your volunteers. (100 words or less)
Mission and Related Experience
10. Provide your organization’s/coalition’s mission. (50 words or less)
11. Detail one or two main programs or services your organization/coalition provides. Include the goals and outcomes of these services, how the services are implemented, and who are your targeted beneficiaries of these programs or services. (200 words or less)
12. Detail one or two community events your organization/coalition has planned and executed within the past 12 months. Describe the nature of the event and who your target audience for the event was. Provide the approximate attendance for each event and any notable accomplishments as a result of the event. Examples may include, but are not limited to, sporting events, fundraisers, resource fairs, festivals, school events, assemblies, or other events involving a targeted group within your community. (200 words or less)
13. In order to better understand the capacities, structures, and needs of Implementing CBOs, review the Key Responsibilities for 2018 Implementing CBOson page 4and identify which of the four areas outlined is yourorganization’s/coalition’s area of strength andwhere you could benefit from more support. Provide a brief explanation below.
Area of Strength (100 words or less):
Area of Support (100 words or less):
14. Describe how your organization/coalition lets the community know about it’s program, services, or events. Include the strategies you have to grow this awareness to reach more members of your community and how you maintain contact with those that you have reached over time. (100 words or less)
15. Describe how your organization/coalition sees PlayStreets advancing and/or complementing its existing work. (100 words or less)
Your PlayStreets Focus Area
Since the Chicago Department of Public Health first made funding available to grow PlayStreets activations in 2012, several successful implementation models have developed as a result of organizations using their unique skills and engaging the assets available to them in their community. Over time, we have observed that groups that are most successful will often intentionally engage and support a targeted area within its broader service community which allows them to:
●Engage a core group of youth/families within this targeted area through multiple activations (events do not necessarily need to be held on the same block for this result to happen).
●Create alignment of PlayStreets with community/neighborhood goals.
●Concentrate resources in areas where the organization/coalition can take advantage of existing programs and relationships to make events stronger and build-up sustainable activities.