Community Partners in Education


TheHindsCountySchool District is proud of its many business and community partnerships. The district and its11 schools have strong ties with PTAs, businesses, local Chambers of Commerce, service clubs, community organizations, and local governmental agencies.

Partnerships take on many formsin our district. For instance, school sites may involve business employees as tutors, mentors or guest speakers. A business may make material or monetary contributions, as well, but people resources are the most important. All schools are associated with active PTA programs, and many are supported by academic, athletic and music booster groups. Some schools also maintain their own foundations for raising private funds.

The community partner relationship is a reciprocal one. All school facilities in the district are available for community use. Students in performing arts programs oftentimes perform at community events and activities, and high school students in the district participate in internships and job shadowingwith local business and organizations. Business partners are often recognized in school publications, at board meetingsand through other means.

For more information on partnership opportunities or to become involved, contact John Neal, Community Relations Director, (601) 857-7008 or email


The mission of thePartners in Education Programis to encourage the development of mutually beneficial partnerships between the business community and theHindsCountySchool District.

How Can I Participate?

The following is a list of many opportunities for community involvement in public education in the HindsCounty Community. However, we are always open to new and creative partnership ideas. Here are a few suggestions on how you can participate:

Become involved in an existing partnership by contacting the Director of Community Relations.

Get involved with any of our schools by contacting the "community link" at the school

Partners in Education Program

Advisory Committee

–Charged with the responsibility of overseeing the annual program.

–Provide assistance to community partners

–Attend & participate in at least 70% of the committee meetings


To provide an opportunity for businesses, professionals, and community organizations to actively participate in the education of our students through community and school projects.

To focus on student development in financial literacy, certain apprentice skills, entrepreneurship, and advocacy necessary for success in the work place and market place.

To give students, teachers, and parents a realistic picture of the business world and the preparation needed to succeed in the community.

To strengthen the relationship between the community and school.

To foster funding that is needed to support various Dropout Prevention and Parental Involvement Activities throughout the district.

Identify Partners

Those businesses and/or organizations that collaborate with the school district to ensure that each student has the best opportunity to develop into a productive citizen.


Standards are necessary for recruiting new partners and to ensure quality in our existing partners.

  1. The organization/business must be approved by the Advisory Committee and district superintendent.
  2. The organization/business must provide a coordinator to meet with the district designee on a regular basis to plan and implement the partnership.
  3. The organization/business must submit an annual plan by the first Monday in September each school year and an end-of-year report to the advisory committee.


Actions and/or resources that will entice a student, school, community and business to be actively engaged in the education of all citizens.


1. Improve self-image

2. Incentives to stay in school and graduate

3. Increased sense of community

District / School:

1. Provides additional resources for improving teacher instruction

2. Increased student interest in entrepreneurship

3. Increased interest in school through job shadowing, recognition, and mentoring

4. Increased student interest in attendance and graduation


1. Better-prepared students for skilled job positions in the community

2. Responsible citizens

3. A more inviting community to attract new businesses and residents

4. An increased interest in the entrepreneurial needs of the community


1. A mentoring program to develop civic responsibilities in potential future employees

2. Apprenticeship training

3. Improve graduates

4. More efficient labor force

5. Giving back to the community / more positive corporate image

Expectations for Partnership

What both parties expect from each other in terms of commitment, availability, collaboration, and maximum support.

1. Planned meeting dates and times (once each semester of the school year)

2. Immediate notification if a meeting or activity must be postponed.

3. No last minute requests. All requests from the district’s dropout prevention program

should come from the dropout coordinator.

4. Provide an annual plan and end of the year report


School District and Business / Community Partner:

1. Work together to assess the needs and resources available for the

Business Partner, Dropout Prevention Program and Parent & Community Involvement

2. Meet with business/community partner(s) to plan activities

3. Publicize district partnership activities in newsletters, bulletin board, on website, board

meetings, etc.

4. Submit publicity to public relations office

5. Evaluate the program throughout the year and submit end-of-year report and


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