Myra L. Muramoto, MD, MPH / POSITION TITLE
Associate Professor
eRA Commons User Name (credential, e.g., agency login)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ / BS / 1981 / Nutritional Science
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ / MD / 1985 / Medicine
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ / 1988 / Family Medicine
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ / MPH / 1999 / Epidemiology
Program in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ / 2005 / Integrative Medicine

A. Personal Statement


Appointments and positions

1990-1994 Clinical Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona

1990-1992 Assoc. Medical Director for Medical Education/Research, Sierra Tucson Center for Addictions Recovery

1992-1993  Chief of Party/Project Manager, Lesotho Highland Health Survey, Lesotho, Africa:

Baseline epidemiological survey for site of a multi-phase water development project, one of the largest heavy construction projects in the world

1994-1997 Assistant Professor of Clinical Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona

1994-2000 Medical Director and/or Co-Investigator, Arizona Program for Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Multiple studies of pharmacological and behavioral treatments for smoking cessation

1997-2003 Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona

1997-2003 Assistant Professor of Public Health, University of Arizona

2003-2010 Associate Professor (tenured) of Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona

2003- Associate Professor of Public Health, University of Arizona

2006- Founding Director, University Physicians Healthplan tobacco Dependence Treatment Program

2010- Professor of Family and Community Medicine (effective July 1, 2010), University of Arizona

Other Relevant Experience and Professional Associations (Selected):

1998- Society for Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Member

2000- American Academy of Pediatrics Child Health Research Center Tobacco Consortium

2000-2001 American Legacy Foundation, Emerging Science Advisory Panel

2001 American Legacy Foundation, Advisory Committee on Helplines for Pregnant Smokers

2001-2003 Consultant to World Bank Group on tobacco cessation projects in Indonesia, Romania

2002-2005 Scientific Advisory Group, Maine Tobacco Treatment Initiative

2003,2005 California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, Social and Participatory Research Study Section

2005 National Heart Lung and Blood Institute R18 Review Committee, Member

2005 Center for Medicare Services Expert Panel on Tobacco Dependence Treatment, Member

2005-2007 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Consumer Demand Expert Roundtable

2006-2009 National Institute of Drug Abuse, Treatment Research Review Subcommittee, Charter Member

2006- Scientific Advisory Committee, American Academy of Pediatrics, Richmond Center of Excellence on Children

2007 Pennsylvania Dept. of Health, Improving Tobacco Dependence Treatment, Grant reviewer

2010 NIH National Center for Research Resources, Institutional Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) Review Committee, Member


1996-2009 Selected for The Best Doctors in America, 1996 through 2009

2002 Election to Alpha Nu Chapter of Delta Omega, National Public Health Honorary Society

2005 American Medical Women’s Association Local Legends Award

2008 University of Arizona Asian American Faculty, Staff and Alumni Association

Outstanding Faculty Award

C. SELECTED PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: (selected from 39 peer-reviewed publications)

1.  Leischow SJ, Muramoto ML, Cook GN, Merikle EP, Castellini SM, Otte PS. OTC Nicotine Patch: Alone and with brief physician intervention. American Journal of Health Behavior. 1999;23(1):61-69.

2.  Jorenby DJ, Leischow SJ, Nides MA, Rennard SI, Johnson JA, Hughes AR, Smith SS, Muramoto ML, Daughton DM, Doan K, Fiore MC, Baker TB. Effect of sustained release bupropion, a nicotine patch, or their combination for smoking cessation. New England Journal of Medicine. 1999;340(9): 685-691.

3.  Muramoto ML, Connolly T, Strayer LJ., Ranger-Moore J, Blatt W*, Leischow R, Leischow S. Tobacco Cessation Skills Certification in Arizona: Application of a Statewide, Community-based Model for Diffusion of Evidence-based Practice Guidelines. Tobacco Control. 2000;9 (4);408-414.

4.  Muramoto ML, Ranger-Moore J, Leischow SJ, Efficacy of Oral Transmucosal Nicotine Lozenge for Suppression of Withdrawal Symptoms. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2003;5(2):223-230.

5.  Pbert L, Moolchan ET, Muramoto ML, Winickoff JP, Curry S, Lando H, Ossip-Klein D, Prokhorov AV, DiFranza J, Klein JD. The State of Office-based Interventions for Youth Tobacco Use. Pediatrics. 2003;111:e650-660.

6.  Leischow S, Ranger-Moore J, Muramoto ML, Matthews E. Effectiveness of the Nicotine Inhaler for Smoking Cessation in an OTC Setting. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2004;28 (4):291- 301.

7.  Nichter M, Nichter M, Muramoto ML, Adrian S, Goldade K, Thompson J, Tessler L. Smoking among Low Income Pregnant Women: An Ethnographic Analysis. Health Education and Behavior. 2007; 34:748-764.

8.  Shoham V, Rohrbaugh MJ, Trost SE, Muramoto ML. A family consultation (FAMCON) intervention for health-compromised smokers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2006; 31:395- 402.

9.  Campbell J, Mays MZ, Yuan NP, Muramoto ML. Who are Health Influencers? Characterizing a sample of tobacco cessation interveners. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2007; 31(2):181-192.

10.  Muramoto ML, Leischow SJ, Sherrill D, Matthews E, Strayer L. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of two doses of sustained release bupropion of adolescent smoking cessation. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. 2007;161(11):1068-1074.

11.  Castañeda H, Nichter M, Nichter M, Muramoto ML. Enabling and Sustaining the Activities of Lay Health Influencers: Lessons from a Community-Based Tobacco Cessation Intervention Study. Health Promotion Practice. 2008; vol.0: pp. 1523839908318288v1.

12.  Muramoto ML, Lando HA. Faculty Development in Tobacco Cessation: Training Health Professionals and Promoting Tobacco Control in Developing Countries. Drug and Alcohol Review. 2009; (September); 28:498-506.

13.  Yuan NP, Wind S, Nichter M, Nichter M, Castañeda H, Carruth L, Muramoto ML. Types of Lay Health Influencers in Tobacco Cessation: A Qualitative Study. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2010; 34(5): 607-617.

14.  Muramoto ML, Wassum K, Connolly T, Matthews E, Ford L. Helpers Program: A Pilot Test of Brief Tobacco Intervention Training in Three Corporations. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2010; 38(3S):s319-s326.

15.  Ng N, Nichter M, Padmawati RS, Prabandari YS, Muramoto ML, Nichter M. Bringing smoking cessation to diabetes clinics in Indonesia. Chronic Illness (in press).


Ongoing Research Support (selected)

NIH/NCI 1R01CA137375-01A1 (PI: Muramoto) (7/1/09 – 5/30/2014)

Tobacco Cessation Training for Acupuncture, Massage, & Chiropractic Practitioners

The major purpose of this project is to address a pressing need to develop and test the effectiveness of cessation training that is grounded in guideline-based treatment and that is relevant and appropriate for CAM practitioners.

NABI Biopharmaceuticals (PI Leischow) (12/31/09 – 1/1/11)

A Phase 3, Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess Efficacy and

Safety of 3 aminiomethylnicotine-P aeruginosa r-Exoprotein A Conjugate Vaccine (NicVAX) as an Aid to

Smoking Cessation. Role: Co-I, Medical Director

NIH/Fogarty 1RO1TW007944-01 (PI: Nichter) (9/1/07 –8/30/12)

Cessation Research and Training in India and Indonesia

The major purpose of this project is to develop academic-community research partnerships and practice-based research networks to support tobacco cessation research in India and Indonesia. Role: Co-PI

NCI R21 CA127787 (PI: Muramoto M) (1/1/08 – 12/31/10)

Parents Awareness Reducing Exposure to Nicotine and Tobacco (PARENT)

The major purpose of this project is to develop and pilot test a system intervention for private licensed childcare centers to reduce second hand smoke exposure for children by influencing parental tobacco use.

Completed Research Support (selected)

AZ Department of Health Services (PI: Muramoto, M) (1/01/2008-12/31/2009)

Arizona Healthcare Cost Containment System (AHCCCS): Interagency Services Agreement # YH08-0072

The major purpose of this project is to provide technical support for the development of AHCCCS’s health information exchange, clinical and patient decision support tools, e-learning products, and the technical and social infrastructure needed for AHCCCS and its provider and beneficiary populations to be more involved with clinical translational research.

NIDDK R34DK072196 (PI: Bassford, T) (7/1/06 - 6/30/09)

Major purpose is to conduct a Phase I pilot feasibility study of a group outpatient visit (GOV) method of delivering care to a multi-ethnic adult patients with Type II diabetes in a primary care setting.

Role: Co-I responsible for assisting with provider education and design of larger Phase II efficacy trial.

NCI RO1 CA93957 (PI: Muramoto) (9/26/02 – 8/31/08)

Community-based Training Models for Tobacco Cessation

The major purpose of this project is to develop an internet-based tobacco cessation training and conduct a randomized controlled trial of the internet training compared to a traditional in-person training.

NCI 1R21CA112461-01A1 (PI: Muramoto M) (9/1/05 – 8/31/08)

Brief Tobacco Intervention Training in Childcare Centers

The major purpose of this project is to train childcare center workers to conduct brief tobacco interventions to reduce second hand smoke exposure for children by influencing parental tobacco use.

NIH/Fogarty R01 TW05969-01 (PI: Lando) (7/1/02 – 6/30/07)

Cessation Research and Training in India and Indonesia

The major purpose of this project is to develop tobacco cessation research capacity of researchers in India and Indonesia. Role: Co-I

NHLBI R21HL083831 (PI: Ritenbaugh, C) (4/06 – 3/08)

Preventing CVD in Native Populations: The Traditional Living Challenge

Major purpose is to develop and pilot test an immersion “traditional living experience” intervention incorporating traditional native lifestyles with a focus on diet, physical activity, and tobacco use patterns to promote adoption of heart healthy lifestyles. Role: Co-I responsible for helping develop tobacco cessation intervention.

Sanofi-Synthelabo, Inc. EFC 4796 (PI: Muramoto) (1/1/03 - 12/31/05)

Clinical Trial. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of 2 oral doses of rimonabant, 5 mg/day or 20 mg/day, versus placebo, as an aid to maintenance of smoking cessation – a multiple country, randomized, double-blind, 5 arm, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, fixed dose, 2-year, multi-center, Phase III Trial; 1-year treatment,1-year follow-up. Role: Site PI

Pfizer (PI: Muramoto)

Twelve-Week Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Multicenter Study with Follow-Up Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Varenicline Tartrate (CP-526,555) in Comparison to Zyban for Smoking Cessation. Role: Site PI

NCI 5R01CA77081 (PI: Muramoto) (9/1/97-7/31/05)

Zyban Treatment for Youth Smoking Cessation

This was a randomized double-blind, placebo controlled dose-ranging trial of sustained release bupropion for smoking cessation in adolescents. Role: PI (Co-I 9/97-6/00)

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ID 040672 (PI: Muramoto) (10/01/00 – 7/30/04)

Mapping the Natural History of Smoking and Smoking Cessation Among Pregnant Women. A longitudinal qualitative (ethnographic) and quantitative observational study of the natural history of smoking, smoking cessation, and relapse in low-income pregnant and postpartum women, examined the impact of depressive symptoms, social support, social networks, partner interactions, and healthcare provider messages to quit.

NCI 5R01CA77081 (PI: Muramoto) (7/1/00-7/30/05)

Hispanic Youth Recruitment Supplement: Zyban Treatment for Youth Smoking Cessation. Supplemental project developed and implemented culturally appropriate recruitment strategies for Hispanic youth.

NIDA 5R21DA13121 (PI: Shoham) (9/1/99-9/1/02)

Family consultation for change-resistant smokers (FAMCON). Pilot project developed and tested a family systems couples’ behavioral counseling intervention for change-resistant, high-risk medically compromised smokers. Role: Co-I. Responsible for evaluation of subject’s medical risks and individual/couple behavioral factors for selection of pharmacotherapy to match medical risk/behavioral preferences profile.

Pfizer (PI: Muramoto) (6/1/06-12/31/06)

A phase 3, multi-site, randomized, parallel, head-to-head comparative efficacy study of two experimental nicotine gums against uncoated nicotine polacrilex gum (4 mg) on the speed to meaningful relief of acute craving. Major purpose was to compare the efficacy of two experimental nicotine gums with currently approved nicotine polacrilex gum for relief of acute cigarette craving.

U.S. Department of Defense (PI: Lando) (10/01 - 9/07)

A Model DOD Systems Approach for Tobacco Cessation

Major purpose is to develop and test a systematic intervention of enhancing existing cessation services with pharmacotherapy and tobacco cessation training to reduce tobacco use prevalence on military bases.

Role: Co-I, PI on Univ. of Ariz. Subcontract. Responsible for development of tobacco cessation skills training for community members and health providers.