1.Apologies for Absence – Amy Dullage, Cathy Sage, Louise Dent, Jill Phillips (secretary), Rosemary Cairns, Carole Rose (Practice Manager)

2.Welcome to all including Virtual Members present. All present were: Michael Wright (Chairman), Mike O’Bryan, Marilyn Clark, Gabriela Macleod, Caroline Cameron, Mary Hurworth, Eizabeth Balsom, Janice McInnes.

3.LINK – Wandsworth Local Involvement Network.

(Mission Statement – “to ensure the views of service users, carers and patients are sought and listened to by commissioners and providers of health and social care in order to improve the health and social well-being of people living in the borough” ).

(a)  Report from Marilyn Clark onWest Wandsworth Commissioning Group meeting Jan.9th.:

  1. 8 out of 9 practices now have Patient Groups
  2. Wandsworth has underspend on its budget and a risk of losing this money. Areas were discussed for use of this budget – 13 priority areas – smoking, cardiovascular disease prevention, cancer, HIV, teenage pregnancy, Dental, childhood immunisations and flu uptake, obesity, physical well-being, substance misuse and diabetes
  3. Patient representatives suggested minutes should be open and available to all patients, that advertisements for the “pot in the fridge” campaign should be supported and consideration publication of a patient group newsletter.

(b)  2 volunteers to represent Heathbridge at future LINK meetings – Marilyn and Janice kindly volunteered

  1. NEXT West Wandsworth Local Commissioning Group Meeting 8/3/12 11:30am-1pm @ Heathbridge Practice
  2. Then LINKS meeting 13/3/12 – time TBA
  3. West Wandsworth LCG 4/5/12 and then LINKS 8/5/12

4.NHS Trust, Wimbledon.

Volunteer to attend QUIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention) meetings. (tendering group).

Very helpful explanation from Mike about what QUIPP is about and the importance of having a patient representative there. Gabriela and Teresa are going to consider whether they can do this and get back to us.

5.Dr.Will Fenton :

(a)  General update on staff/doctors – Dr Payne leaving 31/3/12. New GP to start 2/4/12, Dr Maria Montero.

(b)  Planned changes for year starting April 1st. 2012 – telephone appointments, upgrading computer system to then allow appointment booking online, noticeboard with GP’s specialist interests detailed.

(c)  Local new initiatives – Falls Prevention and Community Ward.

7. Appointment of new Chairperson to replace Michael Wright.

Michael was thanks for his five years hard work chairing the group. He has decided sadly to step down. A small present from the practice was presented.

Mike O’Bryan was proposed for new Chair by Michael and seconded by Caroline. No other applicants came forward.

Mike was elected Chair by unanimous vote to start forthwith

8.Formalisation of constitution of this committee.

Agreed this was something Mike would work on during his tenure as chairman.

9. Any other business.

Patient Group approved Sebastian Fuller’s suggestion of a message board on our website restricted to Patient Group Members. The GPs will look with our website designer into the suggested moodle.org provider.

Patient Group kindly agreed to let Dr Will Fenton advertise his charity run in the Royal Parks Half Marathon this October for Age Concern UK (now called Age UK) by placement of a poster in the waiting room. Details of his justgiving page will be posted.

10. Date and time of next meeting – Thursday 17th May 1pm, Seminar Room

Agreed alternating evening and lunchtime meetings.

WF 29/2/12 Final Draft